Georgia Cotton Producers Remain Optimistic
Nov 24, 2020

Video: Georgia Cotton Producers Remain Optimistic

With low commodity prices and trade wars to navigate, it's been a challenging time for the cotton industry.


Georgia Cotton Producers Remain Optimistic

Georgia Cotton Producers Remain Optimistic

With low commodity prices and trade wars to navigate, it's been a challenging time for the cotton industry.... More
Preparing for a world without ZnO – Jordan Gebhardt

Preparing for a world without ZnO – Jordan Gebhardt

2020 KSU Swine Day - Day 1 "Focus on Applied Swine Nutrition"... More
Farmers in One Iowa County Help City Cut Mississippi River Nutrient Flows

Farmers in One Iowa County Help City Cut Mississippi River Nutrient Flows

Presidential transitions are filled with last-minute efforts to address campaign promises or leave final edicts on priorities.... More
Market Analysis - Derrell Peel

Market Analysis - Derrell Peel

Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Livestock Specialist, offers his thoughts on feeding costs and winter beef demand. Derrell also explains what to keep an eye with this month’s Cattle on Feed report.... More
Serving Those Who Served: Farm Bureau Patriot Project

Serving Those Who Served: Farm Bureau Patriot Project

Farmers, ranchers, sons and daughters have answered the call to defend our nation for years. Now, farmers and ranchers are serving them.... More
Communication between the pork industry and consumers

Communication between the pork industry and consumers

Communication between the pork industry and consumers | Swine it... More
Benchmarking helps to improve pig business performance - Dr. Steve Pollmann

Benchmarking helps to improve pig business performance - Dr. Steve Pollmann

Benchmarking helps to improve pig business performance - Dr. Steve Pollmann | Swine it... More

Finishing Up Concrete For Our New Hog Barn

Finishing Up Concrete For Our New Hog Barn

Finishing Up Pouring Concrete For Our New Hog Barn- In this one the building package shows up for the carpenters, while the dirt work crew finishes up backfilling around the hog barn. Finally the concrete crew shows up and pours the last few things for the barn.... More
Southern Alberta Sugar Beet Harvest

Southern Alberta Sugar Beet Harvest

Follow a harvest of sugar beets in Southern Alberta near Enchant. Some interesting facts and drone shots!... More
Harvest 2020 FPV Style Central Saskatchewan

Harvest 2020 FPV Style Central Saskatchewan

We operate commercially in Saskatchewan providing aerial video and photo services with our DJI Inspire 2 with X5S camera adn multiple Lens Options shooting in 4K. We have our Advanced Pilot Certificate from Transport Canada that allows us to fly in controlled airspace.... More
Harvest in Saskatchewan | 2020

Harvest in Saskatchewan | 2020

Harvest in Saskatchewan | 2020 Follow along with Double Bar D Farms for a day of canola harvesting in southern Saskatchewan. Filmed near Grenfell, Saskatchewan. Featuring Claas Lexion 8800 Combines, John Deere 9620RX Tractors, and Elmer's Haulmaster 2000 Grain Carts.... More
Barley harvest with the 1682 and the 860!

Barley harvest with the 1682 and the 860!

South Sask Farmer - Barley harvest with the 1682 and the 860!... More
Harvest and Store Garden Potatoes

Harvest and Store Garden Potatoes

Manitoba Agriculture - Harvest and Store Garden Potatoes... More
This Cow Had Twins / PULLING OFF CALF!

This Cow Had Twins / PULLING OFF CALF!

SaskDutch Kid - This Cow Had Twins / PULLING OFF CALF!... More
Weed of the Week-Palmer Pigweed

Weed of the Week-Palmer Pigweed

The Hefty brothers discuss the best options for controlling Palmer pigweed on your farm.... More
When to Put Cattle on Wheat

When to Put Cattle on Wheat

Ryan Reuter explains why producers should ease cattle onto wheat pasture and how to tell when to do it.... More
Foot Score Partnership with Angus Australia and the Canadian Angus Association

Foot Score Partnership with Angus Australia and the Canadian Angus Association

The American Angus Association® introduces the first ever partnership with Angus Australia and the Canadian Angus Association to combine foot score phenotypes from all three databases.... More
America likes farmers

America likes farmers

A just-released survey conducted by the American Farm Bureau finds that a majority of Americans believe farmers and ranchers are feeding the world in a sustainable way.... More
Ag Minute - Manure Application

Ag Minute - Manure Application

Darren Hefty explains how farmers decide how much manure to apply to their crop fields.... More
Ag lenders see limited profits in 2021

Ag lenders see limited profits in 2021

The American Bankers released their look at 2021 for rural America.... More
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