Nov 19, 2020


The new potato insecticide that eliminates wireworms. This is bound to make wireworms take pause. Permanently. New Cimegra® insecticide eliminates wireworms, which in turn reduces resident populations in season. Using a new, unique mode of action with lasting residual activity, it delivers great results fast. In fact, wireworms don’t even have to ingest Cimegra – it works on contact. So why let these troublesome little pests take a huge bite of your potato profits?




The new potato insecticide that eliminates wireworms. This is bound to make wireworms take pause. Permanently. New Cimegra® insecticide eliminates wireworms, which in turn reduces resident populations in season. Using a new, unique mode of action with lasting residual activity, it delivers great... More
Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought 3

Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought 3

Canadian farmers need your help. COVID-19 has caused major disruptions throughout Canada's food supply system, and without support Canadian consumers could see higher prices and a lack of availability at the grocery store.... More
More Than Farming

More Than Farming

Nearly 40,000 Manitobans work in the agriculture industry! Learn more about agriculture and Manitoba's economy.... More
In It for Agriculture, In It for Good

In It for Agriculture, In It for Good

In our new video, Marcel Bruins sits down to talk with Monica Sorribas, Marketing Leader Europe for Corteva Agriscience. Sorribas talks about the focus on sustainability in seed applied technologies, and shares several examples on how her company is putting sustainability in practice. She also a... More
The Importance of Boron

The Importance of Boron

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss boron's role in plants as when and how to apply it in your fields.... More
Election Produces New Cotton Belt Members

Election Produces New Cotton Belt Members

There will be many new faces in both the House and Senate when the 117th Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2021 - including at least 28 new Cotton Belt Members from at least 12 states.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says poor planting conditions for the Russian wheat crop are helping to hold the price in Oklahoma.... More

Grain Drying Costs Down in 2020

Grain Drying Costs Down in 2020

Farmers in South Dakota are spending far less to dry their crops this harvest season than in 2019, in part due to cooperative weather.... More
2020 Nebraska Rural Poll

2020 Nebraska Rural Poll

UNL Associate Professor of Practice Tim Meyer discusses the 2020 Rural Poll and what it says about Nebraskans this year.... More
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Livestock Producers

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Livestock Producers

If you commercially raise animals for food, fur, fiber or feathers, you may be eligible for assistance through USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2.... More
Consider Predominance of AL-2 Variants when Planning IBDV Vaccination Program

Consider Predominance of AL-2 Variants when Planning IBDV Vaccination Program

The AL-2 family of variants is the predominant strain of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) circulating among US broiler flocks, according to a recent survey — a finding that should be considered when planning IBDV vaccination programs, Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM, director of clinical research,... More
Ontario Dairy Research Centre 360º Tour: Lactating Cow Housing

Ontario Dairy Research Centre 360º Tour: Lactating Cow Housing

See how automated Insentec feeders help researchers design powerful and complex research programs on topics like feed efficiency and its relationship to milk production. Take an interactive 360º tour of the lactating cow housing area at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre in Elora, Ontario.... More
Corn Harvest 2020

Corn Harvest 2020

Corn Harvest near Kirkton Ontario... More
Sunflower Harvest Wilmead Farms Ontario Canada Oct 2020

Sunflower Harvest Wilmead Farms Ontario Canada Oct 2020

It's time to Harvest Sunflower Seeds at the Wilmead Farms Ontario Canada Oct 2020.... More
Soybean Harvest 2020 | New Holland CR9060 Harvesting Soybeans

Soybean Harvest 2020 | New Holland CR9060 Harvesting Soybeans

Soybean Harvest 2020 | New Holland CR9060 Harvesting Soybeans | Ontario, Canada... More
Harvest 2020 Sizzle Reel

Harvest 2020 Sizzle Reel

A compilation sizzle reel of harvest footage from the 2020 harvest season at Double Bar D Farms. Filmed in the Grenfell and Glenavon areas. Featuring 8 Claas Lexion 8800 Combines, 3 John Deere 9620RX Tractors, and 3 Elmer's Haulmaster 2000 Grain Carts.... More
Plot2Farm | On-farm research for Alberta wheat and barley farmers

Plot2Farm | On-farm research for Alberta wheat and barley farmers

Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions - Plot2Farm | On-farm research for Alberta wheat and barley farmers... More
How to make the agro-industry future proof?

How to make the agro-industry future proof?

In our new video, Marcel Bruins sits down to talk with Marloes Groot, Global Marketing and Sales Manager for Teal Agro Technologies. Groot talks about what makes her company special, and why they have taken a different path from the rest. She also addresses customer needs and the importa... More
Pioneering Roots

Pioneering Roots

Manitoba Agriculture - Family Farm Recognition program honors producers that have 100/125/150 years of continuous production. Learn more about Family Farms in Manitoba.... More
Reducing GHGs (Carbon Leakage)

Reducing GHGs (Carbon Leakage)

Canadian natural gas and oil can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG's). Canada is one of many producers of natural gas and oil around the world. Even as the world transitions to a lower-carbon future, natural gas and oil will be needed for decades to come. That natural gas and oil should ... More
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