Raking And Baleing Hay
Oct 29, 2020

Video: Raking And Baleing Hay

Northern farmer - Raking And Baleing Hay First Big field of hay for 2020


Raking And Baleing Hay

Raking And Baleing Hay

Northern farmer - Raking And Baleing Hay First Big field of hay for 2020... More
Baling and selling hay and trying a brand new tractor

Baling and selling hay and trying a brand new tractor

South Sask Farmer - Baling and selling hay and trying a brand new tractor... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Market Monitor... More
NASS Survey Reminder

NASS Survey Reminder

NASS Survey Reminder... More
Cutting and Grazing Alfalfa

Cutting and Grazing Alfalfa

Nebraska Extension Educator Megan Taylor discusses what to consider when cutting alfalfa late in the season.... More
Can I Use Biodiesel in Farm Diesel Engines?

Can I Use Biodiesel in Farm Diesel Engines?

Biodiesel can be used in farm diesel engines as a fuel additive mixed with petroleum diesel fuel or as fuel substitute.... More
PPP Update

PPP Update

Courtney Bir has information about PPP documentation.... More

Organic No-Till Soybean Production in Ontario: Farmer Profile - Morris Van De Walle

Organic No-Till Soybean Production in Ontario: Farmer Profile - Morris Van De Walle

Morris Van De Walle, a St. Marys area organic cash cropper, shares his extensive experience with cover crop-based organic no-till soybean production on his farm.... More
NEW Soybean variety - PS 2720 EN

NEW Soybean variety - PS 2720 EN

New PRIDE Seeds Soybean Variety PS 2720 EN - 3250 CHU or 3.2 MG.... More
Soybean Harvest 2020 | Case IH 1660 Harvesting Soybeans

Soybean Harvest 2020 | Case IH 1660 Harvesting Soybeans

Soybean Harvest 2020 | Case IH 1660 Harvesting Soybeans | Ontario, Canada... More
Oats and Winter Rye as Cover Crops

Oats and Winter Rye as Cover Crops

Seeding cereals such as oats and winter rye outside of their typical seeding dates can also make for great cover crops. Sonny Murray, Perennia Field Crop Specialist, and Rosalie Gillis-Madden, Vegetable Specialist, discuss some of the advantages.... More
Mowing Hay And Stuck Again!!

Mowing Hay And Stuck Again!!

Northern farmer - Mowing Hay And Stuck Again!! The weather is great so we are in full blown hay mode.... More
Cows Can Break Walls and Dig Holes!?

Cows Can Break Walls and Dig Holes!?

In this video we watched some canola being swathed. Then did some maintenance around the corrals. Brought the Fendt 942 back to @Full Line Ag , and finished off the day hauling some grain!... More
Building Your Bylaws

Building Your Bylaws

Manitoba Agriculture - Building Your Bylaws... More
Haying continues and getting some baled up!!

Haying continues and getting some baled up!!

South Sask Farmer - Haying continues and getting some baled up!!... More
Cutting and Grazing Alfalfa

Cutting and Grazing Alfalfa

Nebraska Extension Educator Megan Taylor discusses what to consider when cutting alfalfa late in the season.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

Snow enters the complicated weather picture. Two different interests of the meat industry sit on the same side of the table. Monumental impacts on western stakeholders. Market analysis with Ted Seifried.... More
Litter Management can Help Control Salmonella Heidelberg

Litter Management can Help Control Salmonella Heidelberg

Ongoing studies to find ways of managing Salmonella Heidelberg loads in poultry litter have suggested that downtime is key to reducing the pathogen’s rates.... More
A Look at the PRICE Act

A Look at the PRICE Act

Recently, bipartisan legislation was introduced in Congress to improve the marketing environment for cattle producers. We talk with Representative Dusty Johnson (R-SD.) about the PRICE Act and how the bill will help producers manage risk on their operations.... More
Iron Talk - Field Cultivator Maintenance

Iron Talk - Field Cultivator Maintenance

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of using good sweeps on your field cultivator for maximum tillage performance in the field.... More
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