Four of the Most Harmful Flies that Affect Cattle in North America
Oct 22, 2020

Video: Four of the Most Harmful Flies that Affect Cattle in North America

This video helps you identify the four major fly pests that Affect Cattle in North America.

Four of the Most Harmful Flies that Affect Cattle in North America

Four of the Most Harmful Flies that Affect Cattle in North America

This video helps you identify the four major fly pests that Affect Cattle in North America.... More
Troubleshooting Fruit Harvest

Troubleshooting Fruit Harvest

Manitoba Agriculture - Why is There No Fruit? - Troubleshooting Fruit Harvest... More
New from NK Seeds in 2021: S001-D8X

New from NK Seeds in 2021: S001-D8X

SyngentaCanada - To learn more about NK soybean seed, New from NK Seeds in 2021: S001-D8X... More
Driving an 830 john deere and duals for the 5020!

Driving an 830 john deere and duals for the 5020!

South Sask Farmer - Driving an 830 john deere and duals for the 5020!... More
Tractor Maintenance and Discing FIre Guards

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Real Dirt Road Trip - Sunflower Farm

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Farm & Food Care - Join us for a tour of a sunflower farm and learn all about sunflower oil... More
Planting Soybeans into Corn Stalks Demo

Planting Soybeans into Corn Stalks Demo

Ontario produces three million acres of soybeans a year. Proper planting equipment can reduce waste in over seeding, resulting in savings for the grower.... More

2020 Organic winter wheat harvest

2020 Organic winter wheat harvest

Harvesting a neighbour's 90bu/acre organic wheat crop in 2020 with a Massey Ferguson 9695 combine and 8000-30 auger header.... More
New Eastern Canada DEKALB® Corn Hybrids

New Eastern Canada DEKALB® Corn Hybrids

With a wide range of RMs, field and performance characteristics, DEKALB® has a hybrid that’s right for you. Check out our 2021 corn hybrid line-up.... More
Canola Watch: Canola Disease Scouting

Canola Watch: Canola Disease Scouting

Prior to swathing is the ideal time to assess the crop for plant diseases. CCC agronomy director, Clinton Jurke explains how to complete a canola disease survey and what questions the results help to answer.... More
John Deere Mower Conditioner Video

John Deere Mower Conditioner Video

John Deere Mower Conditioner Video.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Estimating Hay Needs

Cow-Calf Corner - Estimating Hay Needs

Glenn Selk explains how to estimate hay needs for lactating and pregnant cattle.... More
Frostseeding Red Clover into Winter Wheat

Frostseeding Red Clover into Winter Wheat

Growers can chose between frost seeding single-cut or double-cut red clover inter their winter wheat - Sonny Murray, Perennia Field Crop Specialist, highlights why growers might opt for one over the other, depending on winter wheat establishment.... More
Soybean Harvest 2020 | Challenger 660B Harvesting Soybeans

Soybean Harvest 2020 | Challenger 660B Harvesting Soybeans

Soybean Harvest 2020 | Challenger 660B Harvesting Soybeans | Ontario, Canada... More
Regenerative organic agriculture: What’s it all about?

Regenerative organic agriculture: What’s it all about?

With scientists estimates of only about 60 years of topsoil remaining at current practices, the need to have organic, regenerative and fair trade practices incorporated into one standard was seen as essential by the Rodale Institute who developed the Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) program.... More


Another 17 LAMBS TODAY!! Including 4 sets of triplets!! Thinking this lambing group is going to be FAST & FURIOUS!!... More
Autumn in Alberta

Autumn in Alberta

Autumn in Alberta - Cows enjoying the fall colours.... More
The Grove at Western Fair District

The Grove at Western Fair District

Here is a look back at what has been accomplished within The Grove at Western Fair District’s first year. As a not-for-profit agricultural society, we couldn’t be more thrilled with The Grove and our continued mission of supporting agriculture in our community.... More
When is canola most vulnerable to a blackleg infection?

When is canola most vulnerable to a blackleg infection?

SyngentaCanada - When is canola most vulnerable to a blackleg infection?... More
Keep Weeds out of the Home Garden

Keep Weeds out of the Home Garden

Manitoba Agriculture - Keep Weeds out of the Home Garden... More
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