GrainTALK Webinar: Nitrogen Management in Corn
Jun 09, 2020

Video: GrainTALK Webinar: Nitrogen Management in Corn

Ben Rosser, Corn Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and Joshua Nasielski, Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph, discuss the research that's been done in Ontario regarding Nitrogen in corn and sampling your soil for nitrogen levels.


GrainTALK Webinar: Nitrogen Management in Corn

GrainTALK Webinar: Nitrogen Management in Corn

Ben Rosser, Corn Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and Joshua Nasielski, Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph, discuss the research that's been done in Ontario regarding Nitrogen in corn and sampling your soil for nitrogen levels.... More
Ag Minute - Plant Emergence

Ag Minute - Plant Emergence

Darren Hefty briefly touches on why it's so critical your plants emerge at the same time.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst John Roach

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst John Roach

Indictments handed down over price collusion in the poultry industry. Ethanol production gets back to the grind as demand returns. Market analysis with John Roach.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee tells us how soil moisture levels look at root depth. Gary McManus says extreme drought has reentered the panhandle and that it could be around for a while.... More
Disaster C.A.R.E

Disaster C.A.R.E

Disaster C.A.R.E. website is helping facilitate material transactions to livestock producers who have been affected by the recent strain on the meat packing industry.... More
Insect Control In Alfalfa

Insect Control In Alfalfa

The Hefty brothers dive into various insect problems in Alfalfa and methods of control.... More
Wheat: Conventional Drill vs. Precision Planting. What Do We Know So Far?

Wheat: Conventional Drill vs. Precision Planting. What Do We Know So Far?

Michigan State University research is looking at the benefits of precision planting wheat compared to conventional drill.... More

Weed of the Week-Whorled Milkweed

Weed of the Week-Whorled Milkweed

Do you have problems with Whorled Milkweed? The Hefty brothers talk solutions in this episode of Weed of the Week.... More
How to be successful in pig production? - Dr. Chris Chase

How to be successful in pig production? - Dr. Chris Chase

How to be successful in pig production? - Dr. Chris Chase | Swine it... More
Sow cooling strategies - Dr. Allan Schinckel

Sow cooling strategies - Dr. Allan Schinckel

Dr. Schinckel has collaborated on numerous swine research projects, including different production systems, environmental effects on pig growth, food safety, growth promotants, and biological markers of disease and stress.... More
Meet a Pig Farmer

Meet a Pig Farmer

John Van Engelen has been a pig farmer for 40 years, and now farms side by side with his son and daughter. Ask John about where pigs live, what they eat and what it’s like to work with family.... More
Seeding Canola

Seeding Canola

The farm starts seeding canola, and the wheat finally emerged from the ground.... More
Spring Flood

Spring Flood

Our Yearly Spring run off floods the yards and fields.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Hay Storage

Cow-Calf Corner - Hay Storage

Glenn Selk explains why hay storage is important to maintaining quality.... More
How to Choose and Use Halters for Horses

How to Choose and Use Halters for Horses

USU Extension Equine Specialist Karl Hoopes discusses the fitting and pros and cons of various types of horse halters... More
Dealing with the Loss of Farmland

Dealing with the Loss of Farmland

MERIDIAN--In south Ada county, one can see the issue, Idaho has lost 100,000 acres of farmland, in just 5 years.... More
Markets with Darin Fessler

Markets with Darin Fessler

Darin Fessler of Lakefront Futures & Options discusses recent price movements in corn and soybeans, updates on the ethanol market and how tension between the U.S. and China could impact trade.... More

Al's Forecast

After a hot week across many parts of the state, is it time for some relief? Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher brings us our forecast.... More
Ethanol Industry Slowly Restarting

Ethanol Industry Slowly Restarting

OPEC countries floated the idea of extending production cuts aimed at boosting the price of crude oil.... More


Preparing for another cold front moving in this weekend, so we decided to plant the rest of the corn.... More
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