Small Butchers Earn Approval for Interstate Sales
Jun 16, 2020

Video: Small Butchers Earn Approval for Interstate Sales

Small butchers earn approval for interstate sales


Small Butchers Earn Approval for Interstate Sales

Small Butchers Earn Approval for Interstate Sales

Small butchers earn approval for interstate sales... More
Naturally Speaking - Wildlife & Cutting Pasture

Naturally Speaking - Wildlife & Cutting Pasture

Dwayne Elmore has information for landowners wanting to cut native pasture while protecting wildlife habitat.... More
Markets with Derrell Peel

Markets with Derrell Peel

Oklahoma State University Livestock Marketing Specialist Derrell Peel discusses the beef processing sector’s continued recovery since the COVID-19 slowdown, and what’s ahead for the 2020 grilling season.... More
Great American Outdoors Act

Great American Outdoors Act

WASHINGTON-In Congress a feel-good election-year bill is introduced, designed as an investment in public lands. It’s called the Great American Outdoors Act, and it’s caught the attention of the Farm Bureau.... More
Dicamba Updates

Dicamba Updates

UNL Agricultural Law Professor Terry Centner discusses the details of recent dicamba news involving XtendiMax, Engenia and FeXapan, and how a recent court decision affects farmers and applicators.... More
Turning forest into gardens with pigs

Turning forest into gardens with pigs

We've been turning forest into gardens with pigs for a few years now. For a low budget off grid homestead, it can be a great way to clear land and build gardens. It takes a while, and still requires manual labour but you don't need big machines, it's cheap like borsch, the pigs add fertilizer, A... More
Telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and managing change in pig production

Telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and managing change in pig production

Chris grew up in Orange City, Iowa, and in 2008, he saw an opportunity to join the family pork production business. As he began to buy and raise feeder pigs, he saw the writing on the wall; it was time to go big or go out of business.... More

What causes tail-biting in pigs?

What causes tail-biting in pigs?

What causes tail-biting in pigs? - Dr. Gottardo and Dr. Scollo... More
Corteva Flight Stand Count Demonstration

Corteva Flight Stand Count Demonstration

Corteva Flight, along with a UAV, will help you perform stand assessments for a variety of crops, gap analysis for soybeans, and general field scouting. In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Paul Yoder shows you how to take stand counts using the Corteva Flight software in conjunction with a d... More
New Floor Mats for the Parlour

New Floor Mats for the Parlour

SaskDutch Kid - New Floor Mats for the Parlour... More
Planting a Whole Soybean Field

Planting a Whole Soybean Field

Peter Agriconguy - Planting a Whole Soybean Field... More
Planting 835

Planting 835's and a sneak peak at the new addition

South Sask Farmer - Planting 835's and a sneak peak at the new addition... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Pinkeye

Cow-Calf Corner - Pinkeye

Then, in Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk talks about factors that lead to pinkeye in cattle.... More
Whole Herd Drivers of Wean-to-Finish Mortality

Whole Herd Drivers of Wean-to-Finish Mortality

In this video, Dr. Edison Magalhaes from the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine explains his research on whole herd drivers of wean-to-finish mortality.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Naomi Blohm

Small meat processors look to stretch their business across state lines. An old crop gets new life in a crowded market. Market analysis with Naomi Blohm.... More
Weed of the Week - Hemp Dogbane

Weed of the Week - Hemp Dogbane

The Hefty brothers share information about and control options for hemp dogbane.... More

Al's Forecast

The week has brought heat along with some storms for much of the state. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher tells us what’s next in the forecast.... More
The Paycheck Protection Program & Agricultural Producers

The Paycheck Protection Program & Agricultural Producers

Courtney Bir has information for ag producers accessing Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan funds.... More
ANY CROP DAMAGE? - Evaluating crops after FROST!

ANY CROP DAMAGE? - Evaluating crops after FROST!

Another Saturday morning CROP TOUR! This time, I'm keeping my fingers crossed we've survived the many nights of frost.... More
Crop Development Corn Growth Stage V5

Crop Development Corn Growth Stage V5

Dale Cowan is the agronomy strategy manager and senior agronomist for AGRIS and Wanstead Farmers Co-operatives. This video is part of Dale's crop development series. Today he speaks about corn in the V5 growth stage.... More
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