Saskatchewan Seeding 2020
May 29, 2020

Video: Saskatchewan Seeding 2020

This is just a video of a John Deere 9530 with a Bourgault 8910 and a Bourgault 6550 seeding wheat


Saskatchewan Seeding 2020

Saskatchewan Seeding 2020

This is just a video of a John Deere 9530 with a Bourgault 8910 and a Bourgault 6550 seeding wheat... More
The first seeding of 2020

The first seeding of 2020

South Sask Farmer - The first seeding of 2020... More
Thin Wheat with Duck Foot

Thin Wheat with Duck Foot

Duck Foot Parts Inc - Thin Wheat with Duck Foot... More
Farm Balance Sheet

Farm Balance Sheet

Learn how to interpret the AgriProfit$ Balance Sheet by walking through an example of the report. Learn about a farm’s current, intermediate, and long-terms assets and liabilities as well as the calculation of major financial ratios like debt-to-assets, operating expenses, net return to assets, ... More
Steve Olson - Olson Land & Cattle - Texas rancher is CAB ambassador

Steve Olson - Olson Land & Cattle - Texas rancher is CAB ambassador

Steve and Ginger Olson, Olson Land & Cattle, in Hereford, Texas, know how to serve up hospitality for all who gather at their ranch. At the brand’s request, the ranchers also attend media events and other venues where the public can interact with cattlemen.... More
Soil Health Assessment Series: Infiltration

Soil Health Assessment Series: Infiltration

In this video, Brian Dougherty, Ag Engineering Field Specialist with Iowa State University and Outreach, explains how to do an infiltration test as part of an overall soil health assessment.... More
Cotton and USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

Cotton and USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

The Department of Agriculture announced its initial round of relief for the United States’ agriculture sector. Of the $19 billion package, $3 billion will go toward the department’s purchase of food products for donation to food banks and other feeding programs across the country. The remaining ... More

KUHN Expert Insights | Grain Drill Calibration

KUHN Expert Insights | Grain Drill Calibration

The first episode of our new KUHN Expert Insights video series features our recently released 9400NT no-till grain drill. Follow along as Ben Craker, Senior Product Manager, takes you through the simple process of calibrating the metering system to achieve the optimal seeding rate with any type ... More


An instructional video on how to use the CLAAS COMMUNICATOR II monitor to control the QUADRANT 5300 square baler.... More
Maximizing Track Belt Life - Part 4

Maximizing Track Belt Life - Part 4

This video discusses steps to extend the life of track system if you must road your John Deere track tractor.... More
Overview of Massey Ferguson 9300 Header For 2020

Overview of Massey Ferguson 9300 Header For 2020

AGCO product Specialist Zach Quintana walks us through the new 9300 Header and all of the updates that were made. Compatible with the WR9900, the 9300 cuts crop cleanly and effectively then conditions the crop with the optional industry exclusive TwinMax double conditioner.... More
Farm Cash Receipts - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

Farm Cash Receipts - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

Crop receipts (excluding cannabis) declined 4.7% in Q1 2020 vs Q1 of 2019. Livestock receipts were up 3.9%; COVID-19 shock occurred mostly in April and so is not captured yet by the data. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais provides an update.... More
These Cows Went On Holiday

These Cows Went On Holiday

SaskDutch Kid - These Cows Went On Holiday... More
Farm Income Statement

Farm Income Statement

Learn how to interpret the AgriProfit$ Income statement by walking through an example of the report. The video helps identify major data sources and the contributions of different enterprises to profitability as measured by gross margin, net farm income and the profitability ratio.... More
Prevent Plant: Its Effect on Fall and Spring Fertilizing

Prevent Plant: Its Effect on Fall and Spring Fertilizing

The nitrate form of nitrogen and sulfate form of sulfur are both mobile in the soil and could have moved below the rooting depth of crops during the large rain events we have experienced this past growing season.... More
Timmerman Family – NA Timmerman Inc. – All-in Cattle Feeders

Timmerman Family – NA Timmerman Inc. – All-in Cattle Feeders

Jason Timmerman grew up riding along with his grandpa Leo. He played cattle feeder when he was little, and relished every new chore he got to do as he got older. It was in his blood.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Important AI Terms

Cow-Calf Corner - Important AI Terms

Glenn Selk explains how producers should prepare their cattle for artificial insemination.... More
Scouting Wheat Diseases

Scouting Wheat Diseases

Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Stephen Wegulo gives an update on current wheat diseases and what growers should keep an eye on in their fields.... More
Spray Tank Cleanout

Spray Tank Cleanout

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about the importance of properly cleaning out your spray tank after an application.... More
Introduction to Switchgrass Growing in Ontario

Introduction to Switchgrass Growing in Ontario

This is an introductory video on switchgrass production in Ontario.... More
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