Harriston Clamp Planter Demo
May 22, 2020

Video: Harriston Clamp Planter Demo

Harriston Clamp Planter - High Accuracy and High Speed Potato Planter vs Spudnik Potato Planter Available From Northern Equipment Solutions.


Harriston Clamp Planter Demo

Harriston Clamp Planter Demo

Harriston Clamp Planter - High Accuracy and High Speed Potato Planter vs Spudnik Potato Planter Available From Northern Equipment Solutions.... More


Our corn planter starts out with just a simple toolbar, but has been modified and upgraded with technology to plant more precisely.... More
Securing Duck Foot with Clip

Securing Duck Foot with Clip

Securing Duck Foot with Clip | Duck Foot Parts Inc.... More
May WASDE Report - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

May WASDE Report - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

Some initial thoughts on the US corn balance sheet following today's WASDE report. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais provides an update.... More
Protect Wheat Yield with the Power of Fungicide

Protect Wheat Yield with the Power of Fungicide

Why apply fungicide on wheat? FBN Senior Staff Agronomist Holly Thrasher answers this question and more, providing application tips for your growing wheat crop to improve plant health and stability.... More
Thank You to The Farm Workers – The Fresh Food Heroes

Thank You to The Farm Workers – The Fresh Food Heroes

During difficult times, we all gain a greater appreciation for the heroes serving our communities and keeping people safe. But no one can keep serving without being served. Farm workers deserve our thanks because, in the midst of uncertainty, they’re ensuring our food system remains strong. Than... More
Labour Crop Inventory

Labour Crop Inventory

Entering the labour information including paid and unpaid labour and allocation among enterprises, as well as crop inventory information like opening and closing inventories, production, sales and use in feed rations.... More

Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says cattle processing is starting to rebound, but it will be weeks before the lag is corrected.... More
AFS Connect: Field Visualization

AFS Connect: Field Visualization

Generate customizable field and total farm field reports. Generate in field application, planting, or harvest reports showing job summary. Share information with landowners, partners, and agronomists instantly.... More
John Deere HarvestLab 3000 Software Update Process

John Deere HarvestLab 3000 Software Update Process

In this video we will go over how to get the newest software on your John Deere HarvestLab 3000 sensor.... More
QUADRANT 5300 Tips and Tricks Knotter Adjustments

QUADRANT 5300 Tips and Tricks Knotter Adjustments

QUADRANT 5300 Tips and Tricks Knotter Adjustments | CLAAS of America... More
Potato Planting in Manitoba

Potato Planting in Manitoba

Planting potatoes with two planters at 10 rows each per pass. Pulling power supplied by two John Deere 8245 R MFWD 4WD tractors.... More
Bourgault Drill Seeding in Saskatchewan

Bourgault Drill Seeding in Saskatchewan

Auger Agriculture has been pushing the boundaries of high-quality agricultural content for over five years on social networks, by showcasing quality photos and viral videos of small family farms to large scale operations. Our purpose is to both entertain and educate consumers and producers, by ... More
Spring Planting Begins

Spring Planting Begins

One of the first days of spring wheat seeding in the Red River Valley of Manitoba, Canada. There were a few raindrops falling while taking the videos and so a shut-down happened not long after... More
Semis Aren

Semis Aren't Great In The Mud

SaskDutch Kid - Semis Aren't Great In The Mud... More
Revenue and Expenses

Revenue and Expenses

Enter revenue and expenses, assets and liability information into AgriProfit$.... More
CFAP Payment Calculator Preview

CFAP Payment Calculator Preview

The payment calculator and application form for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program will be available on May 26, 2020 at farmers.gov/CFAP... More
Sprayer Tech - Pulse Width Modulated Systems with Ryan Bergman

Sprayer Tech - Pulse Width Modulated Systems with Ryan Bergman

Ryan Bergman talks on pulse width modulated systems for sprayers, some of their special features and the benefits they could have on your operation.... More
In-Season Nitrogen Management

In-Season Nitrogen Management

Extension Nutrient Management and Water Quality Specialist Javed Iqbal explains some ways producers can assess the need for in-season N application including soil testing and remote sensing.... More
Grand Scheme of Things

Grand Scheme of Things

Weiser--In the grand scheme of things, farming is more important now than ever.... More
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