Plant Tissue Analysis
May 21, 2020

Video: Plant Tissue Analysis

The Hefty brothers talk about the benefits and process of doing plant tissue analysis on the farm.


Plant Tissue Analysis

Plant Tissue Analysis

The Hefty brothers talk about the benefits and process of doing plant tissue analysis on the farm.... More


I've noticed a ewe who looks like perhaps she had some pink eye and is either temporarily blind, or permanently. So I've began treatment and hopefully she will recover.... More
Lepidopteran Pests of Sweet Corn & Beans in Ontario

Lepidopteran Pests of Sweet Corn & Beans in Ontario

This video explores the main lepidopteran pests that cause damage to vegetable crops in Ontario, Canada. Andrew C. Wylie, OMAFRA Vegetable Crop Specialist (A) outlines some of the biology of these pests, as well as details that IPM scouts should take into account when scouting for these pests.... More
Harriston Pick Potato Planter

Harriston Pick Potato Planter

Harriston Pick Potato Planter Available From Northern Equipment Solutions Ontario, Canada.... More
A Lot Simpler With Smoke

A Lot Simpler With Smoke

A Lot Simpler With Smoke | a Canadian Beekeper's Blog... More
Seeding Intentions 2020 - COVID-19 update for the agri-food industry

Seeding Intentions 2020 - COVID-19 update for the agri-food industry

Some initial thoughts on 2020 seeding intentions released today by @StatCan_eng. Reliability is a fair question given the COVID-19 circumstances. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais provides an update.... More
Seeding Spring Wheat

Seeding Spring Wheat

Peter Agriconguy - Seeding Spring Wheat... More

Saskatchewan Spring Harvest

Saskatchewan Spring Harvest

The One Saskatchewan Farm Boy - Saskatchewan Spring Harvest... More
Cleaning up Corrals and Unloading Trucks

Cleaning up Corrals and Unloading Trucks

SaskDutch Kid - Cleaning up Corrals and Unloading Trucks... More
Fine Tuning Your Herd

Fine Tuning Your Herd

Robbi Pritchard, a South Dakota ruminant nutritionist and consultant, talks about how cattlemen can increase the uniformity in their herd and why it matters.... More
What is the Value of Sustainability for Cattle Producers?

What is the Value of Sustainability for Cattle Producers?

We're digging into the topic of sustainability and examining what it means for beef producers – both now and in the future.... More
Mixed Reviews for the 2020 Growing Season in Georgia

Mixed Reviews for the 2020 Growing Season in Georgia

The 2020 growing season, which unlike a lot of things, hasn't slowed down a bit. Details on how things are shaping this spring in georgia.... More
Contamination Prevention in 2020

Contamination Prevention in 2020

The National Cotton Council urges cotton producers, ginners and other industry members to strive for zero contamination this year. Contamination remains a serious threat to the quality and reputation of U.S. cotton in the global fiber marketplace.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson has the latest information from the WASDE Report.... More
Pandemic Ag Marketing Strategy - Robert Tigner

Pandemic Ag Marketing Strategy - Robert Tigner

Nebraska Extension Agricultural Economics Educator, Robert Tigner gives producers advice on marketing commodities in a "survival year".... More
Orchard Hill - Horse-powered Organic Farm Part 3 - Growing Cereal Grains

Orchard Hill - Horse-powered Organic Farm Part 3 - Growing Cereal Grains

Joe visits Ken and Martha Laing on their organic farm in St Thomas, Ontario. This 93 acre farm has been in Martha's family since the 1820's and they took over in 1979. They operated a pick-your-own fruit farm for 17 years.... More
Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member & DCR Steve DeVries

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member & DCR Steve DeVries

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member & DCR Steve DeVries | Chicken Farmers of Ontario... More
Planting in Southern Ontario

Planting in Southern Ontario

Auger Agriculture has been pushing the boundaries of high-quality agricultural content for over five years on social networks, by showcasing quality photos and viral videos of small family farms to large scale operations. Our purpose is to both entertain and educate consumers and producers, by ... More
Harriston Clamp Potato Planter - What Sets It Apart from The Competition

Harriston Clamp Potato Planter - What Sets It Apart from The Competition

Harriston Clamp Planter - High Accuracy and High Speed Potato Planter, Available From Northern Equipment Solutions, Ontario, Canada.... More
Ryder Lee on Saskatchewan Afternoon with David Kirton

Ryder Lee on Saskatchewan Afternoon with David Kirton

Hear Ryder answer questions about the recent fund announcement from the Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister regarding the set aside and price insurance.... More
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