BC Dairy Farmer - Sarah Sache
Sep 11, 2019

Video: BC Dairy Farmer - Sarah Sache

Sarah Sache is a BC dairy farmer located in Rosedale, BC. Sarah moved from the city to the farm to pursue her passion for dairy farming. Find out more about her and her farm, here.


BC Dairy Farmer - Sarah Sache

BC Dairy Farmer - Sarah Sache

Sarah Sache is a BC dairy farmer located in Rosedale, BC. Sarah moved from the city to the farm to pursue her passion for dairy farming. Find out more about her and her farm, here.... More
The Agriculture Operations Act: Benefiting your operation, benefiting the environment

The Agriculture Operations Act: Benefiting your operation, benefiting the environment

The Agriculture Operations Act: Benefiting your operation, benefiting the environment... More
How to Grow Lettuce in the HEAT!

How to Grow Lettuce in the HEAT!

How to Grow Lettuce in the HEAT!... More
Crop Planning Basics - From The Field samples

Crop Planning Basics - From The Field samples

Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says producers should expect five dollar wheat at harvest, and they will need higher protein to get it.... More
Crop Residue for Field Grazing

Crop Residue for Field Grazing

Regional Forage Specialist Lorne Klein highlights two combine attachments for collecting and bunching crop residue for field grazing. These attachments are the Chaff Box, which producers can build for themselves, and the commercially built Whole Buncher.... More
Finishing the peas! 1 quarter done!

Finishing the peas! 1 quarter done!

Finishing the peas! 1 quarter done!... More

The bins are done! And Antoine pulls his wire in celebration

The bins are done! And Antoine pulls his wire in celebration

The bins are done! And Antoine pulls his wire in celebration... More
Harvesting soybeans again finally!!!!!!

Harvesting soybeans again finally!!!!!!

Harvesting soybeans again finally!!!!!!... More
Performance+: Protect your potato plant stems before row closure

Performance+: Protect your potato plant stems before row closure

Syngenta Sales Representative Sébastien Brière, in the field in Québec, discusses the importance of protecting the stems and lower leaves of your potato plants before your rows close.... More
Great Lakes Grain - 2019 Crop Assessment Tour

Great Lakes Grain - 2019 Crop Assessment Tour

Day One Observations with Dale Cowan... More
Caring for Pigs

Caring for Pigs

This video describes the level of care and attention that goes into raising pigs. From housing to breeding to nutrition, you’ll learn all about the habits and needs of growing pigs.... More
Meet Prof. Darren Robinson (weed management)

Meet Prof. Darren Robinson (weed management)

Darren is a professor in our Department of Plant Agriculture who researches how to manage weeds and minimize herbicide persistence. He and is research program are stationed at the Ridgetown Campus of the University of Guelph.... More
Poultry litter management key to MS control

Poultry litter management key to MS control

Litter topped the list of environmental factors most consistently positive for Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), Naola Ferguson, DVM, associate professor at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today. Results from the same field study showed litter also contained the highest levels of the... More
Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America: Doing It Better Through the Generations

Meet the Real Pig Farmers of America: Doing It Better Through the Generations

The Hardin family has a motto - do it better than dad. Through seven generations, the family has sought to improve in order to better take care of their pigs and the environment.... More
Flame Weeding and TAPS Competition

Flame Weeding and TAPS Competition

UNL Extension Weed Specialist Dr. Stevan Knezevic explains what flame weeding is, and why you might want to add it to your weed management plan.... More
Late Season Corn Disease

Late Season Corn Disease

Extension Plant Pathologist Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems provides some insight into what diseases corn growers may encounter leading up to harvest.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee explains why it has been so humid this year. Gary McManus says the recent rain has helped lessen drought and September could be wetter than average.... More
Helping Fields After Hail Damage

Helping Fields After Hail Damage

Dr. Justin McMechan, Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist, talks about the research he’s doing to help producers get their fields in shape after hail damage.... More
Iron Talk - Hydraulic Fluid

Iron Talk - Hydraulic Fluid

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of using high-quality hydraulic fluid in your tractors.... More
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