Innovative Flood Irrigation In Regenerative Agriculture
Aug 01, 2019

Video: Innovative Flood Irrigation In Regenerative Agriculture

See how our creative flood irrigation design functions like your toilet tank. Water accumulates in a reservoir until it is needed, then we can send a large quantity of water to our fields all at once.


Innovative Flood Irrigation In Regenerative Agriculture

Innovative Flood Irrigation In Regenerative Agriculture

See how our creative flood irrigation design functions like your toilet tank. Water accumulates in a reservoir until it is needed, then we can send a large quantity of water to our fields all at once.... More

'An absolutely brutal year': Alberta farm incomes plummet 70% in 2018

'An absolutely brutal year': Alberta farm incomes plummet 70% in 2018... More
Preparing for Palmer Amaranth

Preparing for Palmer Amaranth

Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Dr. Amit Jhala and University of Arkansas Weed Scientist Dr. Jason Norsworthy explain why palmer amaranth is so difficult to manage and the research that’s being done to help contain it.... More
Ethanol Updates

Ethanol Updates

Nebraska Ethanol Board Administrator Roger Berry explains how the industry is responding to new regulations, trade wars with China and more.... More
Wearable technology for dairy cows: UC Davis Smart Farm Big Idea

Wearable technology for dairy cows: UC Davis Smart Farm Big Idea

Professor Cassandra Tucker of animal sciences has been working with cows at the UC Davis Dairy Teaching and Research Facility to help improve animal welfare through the use of accelerometers. These accelerometers, or “cow Fitbits,” are placed around the neck of the cow like a collar or hung as a... More
Benefits of tile in your field

Benefits of tile in your field

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss the benefits of tile, and why this may be a great year to invest into managing your field's water table.... More
What are the Benefits of Cover Crops?

What are the Benefits of Cover Crops?

In today's Farm Basic Brian and Darren discuss the benefits of cover crops, and why farmers may choose to plan them this year.... More

Supporting Ontario Food Terminal’s Long-Term Success

Supporting Ontario Food Terminal’s Long-Term Success

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Ernie Hardeman and Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Christine Hogarth were at the Ontario Food Terminal to announce the initial findings of the government’s review on modernizing and enhancing the terminal. Early findings show the advantages of its location... More
Masterfeeds, 90 years serving Canadian farmers, ranchers and poultry producers

Masterfeeds, 90 years serving Canadian farmers, ranchers and poultry producers

Canadian farming has evolved at an incredible pace over one lifetime. If you were born in the 1930’s, 1 in 3 Canadians were living on a farm. Today, 90 years later, only 1 in 58 are a part of the farm population in Canada — in this time, Canada’s population has tripled — creating an agri-food in... More
Mental Health for Spring Planting: Clarence Nywening

Mental Health for Spring Planting: Clarence Nywening

Clarence Nywening with the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario encourages you to know the signs of stress and be aware your family can feel your stress too.... More
Fields to Forks

Fields to Forks

Fields to Forks - Egg Farmers of Ontario... More
Crop Pollination: Honeybees

Crop Pollination: Honeybees

John Gibeau, a commercial beekeeper from Surrey, British Columbia, discusses the current climate of colony collapse disorder, crop pollination, sustainable farming, and the benefits of science and research in regards to helping beekeeper’s keep informed of best management practices for their col... More
BC Farm Museum, Fort Langley

BC Farm Museum, Fort Langley

Ploughing with a 4 bottom plough behind a 1943 McCormick WD-9. Wally is turning under Fall Rye for "green manure". The Fall Rye was seeded last fall after the Barley was harvested. This is a Norwegian Plow and one of our rare artifacts at the BC Farm Museum.... More
40 Days after Seeding Gardening in British Columbia

40 Days after Seeding Gardening in British Columbia

Gardening in British Columbia on the West Coast... More
Okanagan Vineyards British Columbia Cinematic Film

Okanagan Vineyards British Columbia Cinematic Film

While on our trip to Kelowna we visited several fantastic vineyards in the Okanagan Valley.... More
Biological Pest Control - Mans Organics

Biological Pest Control - Mans Organics

Commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada.... More
Robotic Dairy Barn

Robotic Dairy Barn

Come along on a visit to Heglar Creek Farms where a new robotic dairy is in operation..... More
Ensuring chick quality in NAE production

Ensuring chick quality in NAE production

The increase in 7-day chick mortality that has come along with the elimination of antibiotics requires a focus on containing bacteria that start in the layer house, Don Waldrip, DVM, senior technical services veterinarian at Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Building Young Leaders in The Oklahoma Cattle Industry

Building Young Leaders in The Oklahoma Cattle Industry

We learn about how the Oklahoma Collegiate Cattlemen’s Association is creating leadership opportunities for the cattle industry.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us where soils are starting to dry out at root levels. Gary McManus says parts of the state are nearly 3 inches below normal rainfall and drought could start moving back into the state.... More
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