Late Season Irrigation Tips
Sep 06, 2019

Video: Late Season Irrigation Tips

Nebraska Extension Educator Aaron Nygren and UNL Emeritus Professor Dr. Jim Specht offer some ways soybean producers can approach the final watering of the growing season.

Late Season Irrigation Tips

Late Season Irrigation Tips

Nebraska Extension Educator Aaron Nygren and UNL Emeritus Professor Dr. Jim Specht offer some ways soybean producers can approach the final watering of the growing season.... More
Fixing Low pH Soils

Fixing Low pH Soils

The Hefty brothers discuss ways to raise the pH of soils.... More
CAT D8K Cleaning up Bed Pack Manure

CAT D8K Cleaning up Bed Pack Manure

We use the big 8 to clean up the bedding areas for new straw and hay.... More
Real Dirt Road Trip Egg Farm

Real Dirt Road Trip Egg Farm

On this Real Dirt Road Trip we visited the Huitema family egg farm! Watch the video to learn about enriched housing, egg collection, and hen care.... More
Cruiser Vibrance Quattro protects cereals against wireworms

Cruiser Vibrance Quattro protects cereals against wireworms

Western Seedcare Technical Lead Ted Labun talks about the growing threat of wireworms on the Prairies and how Cruiser® Vibrance® Quattro, a new Seedcare™ product from Syngenta, helps protect cereal crops from wireworm feeding.... More
Performance+: Potato disease management

Performance+: Potato disease management

Brady Code, Eastern Technical Lead, discusses the value of Performance+™. Performance+ helps optimize crop performance by integrating Syngenta fungicides to create the most complete disease management solution, from the moment your potatoes are in the ground through harvest and storage.... More
We Visit A Canadian Dairy Farm

We Visit A Canadian Dairy Farm

Another stop on our Great Canadian Culinary Road Trip - we stop at Lovholm Holsteins in Balgonie, Saskatchewan to meet the cows and find out more about where Canadian milk comes from. In partnership with Dairy Farmers of Canada who made our visit possible!... More

Turning soybeans with the vrx!

Turning soybeans with the vrx!

Turning soybeans with the vrx!... More
Desperate times... wheat and snow harvesting.

Desperate times... wheat and snow harvesting.

Desperate times... wheat and snow harvesting.... More
Markets with Luke Beckman

Markets with Luke Beckman

Central Valley Ag’s Luke Beckman shares his outlook for corn and soybeans, and breaks down recent news regarding two top trade partners.... More
Coccidiosis vaccination impedes nutrient digestibility

Coccidiosis vaccination impedes nutrient digestibility

Poultry veterinarians and production managers are all too familiar with coccidiosis and its impact on gut health, nutrient absorption, feed conversion and growth rate.... More

Al's Forecast

It’s time to say “so long” to August. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has the forecast as we get ready to begin September.... More
Graze-Out & Dual-Purpose Wheat

Graze-Out & Dual-Purpose Wheat

We start with information from Paul Beck about preparing for graze-out and dual-purpose wheat pasture.... More
Fall Pasture Spraying

Fall Pasture Spraying

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss options for great weed control in the fall, before frost sets in.... More
Weed of the Week - Volunteer Trees

Weed of the Week - Volunteer Trees

This week's Weed of the Week is volunteer trees. Take control of volunteer trees early to avoid a trickly problem on your farm.... More
Population-based diagnostics pinpoint the power in numbers

Population-based diagnostics pinpoint the power in numbers

The world of diagnostics is expanding. Instead of focusing on individual animals, population-based diagnostics help veterinarians and producers identify the health status of their barns more quickly and efficiently.... More
Canadian National Exibtion Ontario Dairy Farm 2019

Canadian National Exibtion Ontario Dairy Farm 2019

Toronto, On Exibtion Place, August 2019... More
2019 Crop Assessment Tour Day1

2019 Crop Assessment Tour Day1

Day One with Devin Homick... More
The Road To The Royal: What makes a Grade A Egg?

The Road To The Royal: What makes a Grade A Egg?

In this episode of The #RoadtotheRoyal presented by Egg Farmers of Ontario, Katie visits a grading facility to learn what it takes for an egg to make the Grade A cut. Katie also learns about all of the important information found on an egg carton - something to look out for in grocery stores!... More
4R Designation - Offering Sustainable Solutions

4R Designation - Offering Sustainable Solutions

4R Designation allows agri-retailers across Canada to align their business practices with 4R Nutrient Stewardship to offer farmers the sustainability advice they are looking for.... More
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