An Era of Change & Accountability
Jun 10, 2019

Video: An Era of Change & Accountability

An Era of Change & Accountability - Our Social Responsibility Report

Ontario Pork is the first livestock commodity group in the province to commit to setting benchmarks in areas that measure economic performance, environmental stewardship, animal care, worker well-being, community ties and farm management. We're proud to say that Ontario’s pork producers are firmly committed to socially responsible practices achieved through education, greater dialogue and increased transparency. Here's a video put together from our 2018 Social Responsibility Report.


An Era of Change & Accountability

An Era of Change & Accountability

An Era of Change & Accountability - Our Social Responsibility Report Ontario Pork is the first livestock commodity group in the province to commit to setting benchmarks in areas that measure economic performance, environmental stewardship, animal care, worker well-being, community ties and fa... More

Al's Forecast

Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has his forecast for the week, and if a drier weather pattern is around the corner.... More
Market with Dr. Lee Schulz

Market with Dr. Lee Schulz

Iowa State University’s Dr. Lee Schulz delves into the latest happenings with the hog market. Learn how the industry is responding to trade trouble, more outbreaks of African swine fever and more.... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Elaine Kub

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Elaine Kub

The clock is ticking as another trade war looms. Planters roll as waters rise across the country. Cyclists seek common ground with cattle ranchers on public land. Market analysis with Elaine Kub.... More
Sync Online with Mobile. Trimble Ag Software. Video#5

Sync Online with Mobile. Trimble Ag Software. Video#5

Soil Compaction Maps. MY AGRO. Sync Online with Mobile. Trimble Ag Software. Video#5... More
Fields to Forks: Saluting Ontario

Fields to Forks: Saluting Ontario's farm families

OFA salutes all Ontario farm families who dedicate their livelihoods to producing food and protecting the land for future generations. Together, we are working for Farms and Food Forever.... More
Protecting What Matters Most: Open for Business

Protecting What Matters Most: Open for Business

ONgov Over the past twelve months, Ontario’s government has been working for the people to protect what matters most.... More

Finding the right cost-share opportunity for your farm

Finding the right cost-share opportunity for your farm

OntarioSoilandCrop A quick tutorial on using the interactive Online Program Guide at to find the right Partnership cost-share opportunity for your farm.... More
Using Dicamba in Xtend Soybeans

Using Dicamba in Xtend Soybeans

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about label changes to dicamba products for 2019 (XtendiMax, Engenia, FeXapan).... More
Iron Talk - Planter Problems

Iron Talk - Planter Problems

Darren Hefty talks about things to check in your field to see if your planter is seeding properly.... More
Weed of the Week - Western Salsify

Weed of the Week - Western Salsify

Darren and Brian Hefty share ideas on getting western salsify under control.... More
Corn Fungicides

Corn Fungicides

The Hefty brothers discuss timing and product options for applying fungicides in corn.... More
International 966 Tractor & 11 Row John Deere 7240 Planter

International 966 Tractor & 11 Row John Deere 7240 Planter

In this video we spend time out in the field with a 95 pto hp International 966 tractor and 11 row John Deere 7240 Soybean Special planter. Viewers will see and hear these machines working in the field as well as learning their specifications and original price tags.... More
Vacuuming Up 42ft of Wheat : Shelbourne Reynolds XCV42

Vacuuming Up 42ft of Wheat : Shelbourne Reynolds XCV42

In this video we spend time out in the field with a John Deere 9670 STS combine equipped with a 42ft Shelbourne Reynolds XCV42 stripper . The video talks about the class 6 combines specifications and how the Shelbourne Reynolds stripper head works. Viewers will also be able to ride along in th... More
500 hp Stealth Fendt 1050 Tractor & McFarlane Reel Disk

500 hp Stealth Fendt 1050 Tractor & McFarlane Reel Disk

In this video we spend time out in the field with a 500 hp Fendt 1050 tractor and 32 ft McFarLane Reel Disk. This video shares specifications and history of these big machines as you see and hear them working in the field.... More
Renewable energy powers food production at Just Food Farm

Renewable energy powers food production at Just Food Farm

ust Food Farm is a 150-acre demonstration farm that models sustainable food production and practices in the Ottawa Greenbelt. It’s also home to a new solar energy installation that shows how renewable energy can power sustainable food production.

... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Sunflowers

Weed of the Week - Wild Sunflowers

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about controlling wild sunflowers on your farm.... More
Summer Crop Update

Summer Crop Update

We learn from Josh Lofton how flooded fields are limiting summer crops and when replanting is an option.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says wheat and corn prices are creeping higher as progress on the 2019 crops slow across the state.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us areas of the state that are starting to dry out… a little. Gary McManus says Oklahoma should expect rain through the end of next week.... More
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