Delayed Planting Cost Farmers and Economy
May 31, 2019

Video: Delayed Planting Cost Farmers and Economy

Wet and flooded fields across South Dakota are causing record planting delays and some fields may not get planted at all this season. Michelle Rook looks at what this costs farmers, agribusinesses and rural economies.

Delayed Planting Cost Farmers and Economy

Delayed Planting Cost Farmers and Economy

Wet and flooded fields across South Dakota are causing record planting delays and some fields may not get planted at all this season. Michelle Rook looks at what this costs farmers, agribusinesses and rural economies.... More
John Deere N500C ActiveCal™

John Deere N500C ActiveCal™

Seed rate accuracy drastically impacts input costs, but we know time can be short during seeding season. ActiveCal™ is an on-demand calibration system that allows customers to automatically view tank scale data while seeding. ActiveCal™ will maximize customers’ uptime and ensure accurate seed ra... More
Sefina™ Insecticide Powered by Inscalis: Aphid Time-Lapse

Sefina™ Insecticide Powered by Inscalis: Aphid Time-Lapse

Sefina™ insecticide Quickly halts aphid feeding in soybeans and potatoes, which reduces production losses and virus transmission. Effective tool in an Integrated Pest Management strategy with safe use on beneficial insects, including predatory and parasitic insects.... More


OntarioSoilandCrop Biosecurity... More
What is a free range egg farm?

What is a free range egg farm?

Are you curious about what makes an egg farm "free-range"? Look no further! This Canadian free-range egg farmer is here to tell you all about it.... More
AutoTrac Universal 300 Display Setup

AutoTrac Universal 300 Display Setup

John Deere This is a walk-through setup of AutoTrac Universal 300 on a generation 4 display... More
AutoTrac Controller 250 Install Setup

AutoTrac Controller 250 Install Setup

John Deere This is a walk-through of AutoTrac Controller 250 setup and installation.... More

Kubota Puts its Equipment to the Test!

Kubota Puts its Equipment to the Test!

Check out the rigorous testing we put our equipment through to make sure they are built to overcome our Canadian winters! We've been testing our machines for over 30 years and as technology reaches new limits, we make sure to use it to maximize the efficiency of our equipment.... More
Why a mixed farmer with 20+ years of experience trusts the Kubota M7-1 | Kubota M7 Testimonial

Why a mixed farmer with 20+ years of experience trusts the Kubota M7-1 | Kubota M7 Testimonial

“The loader on that tractor is awesome.” Proof is in the productivity. Bill found everything he wanted and more in the Kubota M7-1. Its versatile capability helps him work the land, take care of his cattle, and more. It’s no wonder the M7-1 is a tractor experienced farmers like Bill trust... More
Late and Prevented Planting Options and Crop Insurance for Wisconsin Farmers

Late and Prevented Planting Options and Crop Insurance for Wisconsin Farmers

Clarification from RMA, you cannot make silage from full prevented plant acres (option 2), only dry hay or grazing after Nov 1.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee says the soil profile across the entire state is saturated for the first time in a long time. Gary McManus says 119 of the 120 Oklahoma Mesonet sites have received above normal rainfall since March. He shows us where the lone holdout is.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says the recent 40-cent price hike in wheat could be a sign of what’s to come and producers should pencil out their marketing strategy now.... More
#LetsTalkCrop - Individual Coverage

#LetsTalkCrop - Individual Coverage

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation Join President and CEO Shawn Jaques in an online conversation #LetsTalkCrop - Individual Coverage... More
Report livestock losses as soon as they are detected.

Report livestock losses as soon as they are detected.

Worried about livestock losses or injuries due to predators? We require proof of a kill site or animal loss to effectively deliver compensation. If too much time has passed, you may not be eligible for a claim payout. Producers are encouraged to preserve the area by taking photos and protectin... More
Considering temporary grain storage? Bunkers are an option

Considering temporary grain storage? Bunkers are an option

Philip Burrill from GRDC's national grain storage extension team has some tips and advice on grain bunkers or pads.... More
Vibrance Ultra Potato seed treatment application

Vibrance Ultra Potato seed treatment application

Vibrance Ultra Potato is sold in a unique jug with a separate compartment for blue colourant that lets growers visually evaluate coverage of their seed pieces.... More
Fields to Forks - Promo

Fields to Forks - Promo

Egg Farmers of Ontario A promotional video for the Fields to Forks series produced by CTV... More
Eggs are the Official Breakfast Protein of Team Homan!

Eggs are the Official Breakfast Protein of Team Homan!

Egg Farmers of Ontario Eggs are the Official Breakfast Protein of Team Homan!... More
Environmental Farm Plan Workshop (Canadian Agricultural Partnership)

Environmental Farm Plan Workshop (Canadian Agricultural Partnership)

OntarioSoilandCrop The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is an assessment voluntarily prepared by farm families to increase their environmental awareness in up to 23 different areas on their farm. Through the EFP process, farmers highlight their farm’s environmental strengths, identify areas of envi... More
Pasture Weed Control

Pasture Weed Control

Brian and Darren Hefty go over the best options for great weed control in pastures.... More
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