Cue the Colostrum
Apr 18, 2019

Video: Cue the Colostrum

Got milk? Few things are as important to a newborn calf than colostrum. Market Journal’s Mattie McIntosh tells us what exactly colostrum is and why it’s so crucial.

Cue the Colostrum

Cue the Colostrum

Got milk? Few things are as important to a newborn calf than colostrum. Market Journal’s Mattie McIntosh tells us what exactly colostrum is and why it’s so crucial.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says cooler weather has not had much impact on cattle markets, but it has tightened producers’ margins.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Administering Injections

Cow-Calf Corner - Administering Injections

Glenn Selk explains why it is important to remember Beef Quality Assurance guidelines when administering medications while working cattle.... More
John Deere N500C and Case PD500T Head to Head

John Deere N500C and Case PD500T Head to Head

John Deere invited JD 1990 CCS and Case PD500T customers to participate in a focus group that compared the new John Deere N500C to the Case PD500T. Watch customers’ reactions and feedback on the two drills in this video.... More
The tillage we do and why!!

The tillage we do and why!!

South sask farmer - The tillage we do and why!!... More
2019 John Deere 9420R Tractor Ride Along Planting Corn

2019 John Deere 9420R Tractor Ride Along Planting Corn

In this video we spend time out in the field and in the cab of a model year 2019 John Deere 9420R 4wd tractor. We will spend time visiting with the operator in the cab of this 420 hp tractor to see what it is like planting corn 60ft at a time with a Kinze 24 row corn planter.... More
Jake Leguee on Sustainable Farming

Jake Leguee on Sustainable Farming

Jake Leguee is a large-scale farmer in Saskatchewan, Canada, farming 13,000 acres of land. Managing pests on a crop this size is a challenge, as is changing weather conditions. Find out how he uses Integrated Pest Management and sustainable farming practices to tackle these challenges.... More

The Many Feathers Farmers Market

The Many Feathers Farmers Market

Many Feathers is a non-profit based in Mississauga, Ontario that has projects to promote food sustainability and environmental awareness. The market is a weekly event, and a local hub for businesses and entrepreneurs that are sourced in Ontario to connect with residents.... More
Mariposa Dairy

Mariposa Dairy

Mariposa Dairy Ltd., a goat cheese operation in Lindsay,Ontario has successfully developed export markets for its award-winning cheese products... More
Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: How do tags work?

Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: How do tags work?

Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: How do tags work To learn more about the new regulation changes and updates, please visit More
Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: What is a tag?

Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: What is a tag?

With the introduction of Ontario’s new Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is introducing a number of new rules and regulations to support the new service.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says commodity prices are low and the release of a recent report indicates that this could be the new normal.... More
Corn Fundamentals Showing Weakness

Corn Fundamentals Showing Weakness

Discussion of corn use fundamentals with an emphasis on exports, feed and residual, and ethanol use for the 2018-19 marketing year.... More
Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome

Are your soybean fields suffering from spotty, patchy yellowing? If the veins between leaves are turning yellow, you may have soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS). Pioneer Field Agronomist Jay Zielske discusses the fungus responsible for SDS.... More
Insecticidal Fungus Effectiveness vs. Wooly Bear Caterpillars

Insecticidal Fungus Effectiveness vs. Wooly Bear Caterpillars

Pioneer Field Agronomist Adam Banks talks about wooly bear caterpillars in soybean fields.... More
Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: What is a Licence Summary?

Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: What is a Licence Summary?

With the introduction of Ontario’s new Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is introducing a number of new rules and regulations to support the new service.... More
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario

Biodiversity Institute of Ontario

The Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, located at the University of Guelph, measures the variation of life shaped through ecology and evolution from genes to species and ecosystems.... More
2019 Rye Chopping Time with a Krone Big X 700

2019 Rye Chopping Time with a Krone Big X 700

In this video we spend time out in the field with a Big X 700 Forage Harvester chopping rye with four tractors and Miller Wagons... More
Soil Summit 2019 - Speaker Spotlight: David Lobb

Soil Summit 2019 - Speaker Spotlight: David Lobb

Dr. David Lobb presented on the state soil health in Canada - where it was, and where it's going. Lobb shared a variety of soil management practices available to farmers that can be implemented in a systematic approach to build soil productivity and profitability.... More
John Deere N500C ActiveCal

John Deere N500C ActiveCal

Seed rate accuracy drastically impacts input costs, but we know time can be short during seeding season. ActiveCal™ is an on-demand calibration system that allows customers to automatically view tank scale data while seeding. ActiveCal™ will maximize customers’ uptime and ensure accurate seed ra... More
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