John Deere N500C Prescription Seeding
Apr 16, 2019

Video: John Deere N500C Prescription Seeding

You need a machine that allows you to maximize every acre of your land. The N500C includes electric drive volumetric metering, delivering advanced seed population accuracy. Currently, John Deere is the only manufacturer offering this solution on CCS air drills. Variable-rate prescription seeding is also made possible on this tool through the four-section metering with SectionCommand™. This video will show how easy it is to create and run a prescription on the N500C with John Deere exclusive technology.


John Deere N500C Prescription Seeding

John Deere N500C Prescription Seeding

You need a machine that allows you to maximize every acre of your land. The N500C includes electric drive volumetric metering, delivering advanced seed population accuracy. Currently, John Deere is the only manufacturer offering this solution on CCS air drills. Variable-rate prescription seeding... More
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