How John Deere Equipment Helps a Nebraska Feedyard
Apr 08, 2019

Video: How John Deere Equipment Helps a Nebraska Feedyard

We visit Hayes Feedyard in Nebraska to see how John Deere equipment helps them produce higher quality hay for their animals.

How John Deere Equipment Helps a Nebraska Feedyard

How John Deere Equipment Helps a Nebraska Feedyard

We visit Hayes Feedyard in Nebraska to see how John Deere equipment helps them produce higher quality hay for their animals.... More
Soybean Marketing Updates

Soybean Marketing Updates

In this week's update, Frayne Olson, NDSU Extension crops economist/marketing specialist, provides an update on U.S.-China trade negotiations and discusses the implications of the USDA reports released on March 29, 2019.... More
John Deere 8345R Tackles 2019 Spring Field Work

John Deere 8345R Tackles 2019 Spring Field Work

In this video we spend time out in the field and up in the cab with a 345 hp John Deere 8345R tractor and 37ft wide Case IH 5300 Nutri Placer tool bar applying anhydrous ammonia.... More
Getting the air seeder ready!

Getting the air seeder ready!

South sask farmer - Getting the air seeder ready!... More
#FieldViewReady - Field Boundaries

#FieldViewReady - Field Boundaries

Climate FieldView Canada - Field Boundaries... More
#FieldViewReady - Creating Field Plans

#FieldViewReady - Creating Field Plans

Climate FieldView Canada - Creating Field Plans... More
OttawaCOIN begins

OttawaCOIN begins

Ottawa's Centre for Open Innovation and Networking. The initial steps that have become the OttawaCOIN concept. Here is a high level overview of what is in front of us, and what we can achieve.... More

NCC Greenbelt Research Farm Flyover

NCC Greenbelt Research Farm Flyover

A flyover of the NCC Greenbelt Research Farm. This video shows the size of the property, and provides a look are the facilities and infrastructure that are located there.... More
The Proof is In The Bin with InVigor Hybrid Canola

The Proof is In The Bin with InVigor Hybrid Canola

Find out why growers trust InVigor hybrid canola on more acres than any other hybrid canola in Canada. Visit to view localized trial results and compare the performance of InVigor hybrids against the competition.... More
Managing farm financial risk: Marketing plan

Managing farm financial risk: Marketing plan

Manage your marketing plan. Fine-tune your farm’s marketing plan, based on the cost of production. Pay attention to payments from year-to-year, and how that may affect the cash flow for the business. Take time to analyze the best insurance strategies for your operation. Also, look for pr... More
Metribuzin Rates

Metribuzin Rates

The Hefty brothers go over the factors that you should consider when deciding what rate of metribuzin you should apply in your pre-emerge program.... More
Ag Minute - Cold Spring

Ag Minute - Cold Spring

Darren Hefty explains how a cool spring can affect the decisions farmers make at planting time.... More
Weed of the Week - Pennsylvania Smartweed

Weed of the Week - Pennsylvania Smartweed

The Hefty brothers discuss various weed control options for Pennsylvania smartweed.... More
Advanced Farm Management Program

Advanced Farm Management Program

Advanced Farm Management Program 2018-2019... More
Out Farm The Field with InVigor Hybrid Canola

Out Farm The Field with InVigor Hybrid Canola

For over 22 years you’ve trusted InVigor® hybrid canola to consistently deliver top performing yields and innovative solutions for you farm, and the 2019 season is no different. Expect to see InVigor solutions that can help you face the wide range of growing conditions and challenges you experie... More
ExactEmerge™ Customer Testimonials

ExactEmerge™ Customer Testimonials

Hear what customers are saying about the ExactEmerge™ planter with the exclusive BrushBelt™ delivery system. Accurate at your speed.... More
A quick look at a 315 versatile and a pottinger planter!

A quick look at a 315 versatile and a pottinger planter!

South sask farmer - A quick look at a 315 versatile and a pottinger planter!... More
Henry Ford Built This Fordsons Tractor For His Grandchildren!

Henry Ford Built This Fordsons Tractor For His Grandchildren!

Henry Ford wanted a smaller version of the Fordson Tractor for his working farm built to scale for his grandchildren at his home, Fair Lane. This tractor belonged to the Henry Ford Museum until is was sold on a dispersal auction in 1982 to a Ford Collector. Kurt Aumann of Aumann Vintage Power sh... More
Potato & sugar beet grower increases production & prevents crop damage with Goodyear Farm Tires

Potato & sugar beet grower increases production & prevents crop damage with Goodyear Farm Tires

When Hansen Farms of Idaho decided to change their potato row spacing from 36” to 34”, they needed the right tire to prevent crop damage. Goodyear Farm Tires Optitrac 320/125R54 rears and 320/90R42 fronts were the perfect tires for the job. The taller and narrower tires allowed plenty of clearan... More
Three numbers to monitor in the monthly food manufacturing survey

Three numbers to monitor in the monthly food manufacturing survey

J.P. Gervais shares why sales, inventory levels and capacity utilization numbers are important to Canadian food manufacturing.... More
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