Southeast grazing
Apr 03, 2019

Video: Southeast grazing

We learn about an ongoing range research prescribed burning project in Southeastern Oklahoma with Laura Goodman.

Southeast grazing

Southeast grazing

We learn about an ongoing range research prescribed burning project in Southeastern Oklahoma with Laura Goodman.... More
Vet Scripts - handling downer cattle

Vet Scripts - handling downer cattle

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about downer cows and why they can become this way.... More
Soybean Germination with Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Soybean Germination with Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Germination Concerns – Some soybean seed testing is revealing low germination rates. UNL Plant Pathologist Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems shares what you can do.... More
Digging into Ontario’s farm property tax system

Digging into Ontario’s farm property tax system

Ontario farmers are paying a disproportionate amount of property tax compared to the services they use. OFA has been meeting with municipalities across Ontario to encourage them to correct the unfair tax burden on Ontario farmers.... More
New Seed Starting soil Stepwell Soil

New Seed Starting soil Stepwell Soil

New Seed Starting soil Stepwell Soil Seed starting and growing medium Stepwell soil out of Toronto.... More
Delivered Alfalfa to a brand new Dairy operation

Delivered Alfalfa to a brand new Dairy operation

The Farming Life Delivered Alfalfa to a brand new Dairy operation... More
Reg and Kim Baumle Farmer Story with Climate FieldView™

Reg and Kim Baumle Farmer Story with Climate FieldView™

Meet Reg and Kim Baumle, grain farmers from Kelsey, Alberta. Watch their story and how using FieldView for one full season has impacted their farm.... More

2019 Corn Planting 90ft Wide: John Deere 9520RX and DB90

2019 Corn Planting 90ft Wide: John Deere 9520RX and DB90

In this video we look at the 2019 corn planting season and spend time out in the field and up in the cab with a 520 hp John Deere 9520RX Narrow Track Tractor and 90 ft wide John Deere DB90 36 row 30 inch corn planter.... More
Breaking in the 5010 on the vrx!! Completion of the restoration!!

Breaking in the 5010 on the vrx!! Completion of the restoration!!

South sask farmer - Breaking in the 5010 on the vrx!! Completion of the restoration!!... More
Soil Summit 2019 - Speaker Spotlight: Cory Willness

Soil Summit 2019 - Speaker Spotlight: Cory Willness

Cory Willness from CropProConsulting presented on SWAT - Soil, Water and Topography - maps and explained how the information they provide assists growers with variable-rate fertilizer and seed prescriptions. In the video he breaks down the difference between SWAT maps and drone imagery as well a... More
Three Pre Program In Soybeans

Three Pre Program In Soybeans

Brian and Darren Hefty review their tried and true "three pre" strategy for getting great pre-emerge weed control in soybeans.... More
Markets with Jeff Peterson

Markets with Jeff Peterson

Heartland Farm Partners President Jeff Peterson is this week’s market analyst. He gives his take on the flooding disaster, and offers his thoughts on recovery and a delayed planting season.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee looks at bare soil temperatures at four inches and how they compare to average. Gary McManus shows us why there is such a difference in the drought picture in comparison to last year at this time.... More
Wheat Update & soil temperature

Wheat Update & soil temperature

We get an update on wheat across the state from Josh Lofton as well as an explanation of the importance of soil temperature when planting summer crops. Josh also has information about the upcoming canola tours.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says its great that Egypt is buying wheat, the downside is there are 13 other countries selling it too.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says the latest Cattle on Feed Report show there are more placements than usual.... More
TRC Connects Auger Side Shift

TRC Connects Auger Side Shift

Gordon Blechinger from Meunster, Sk demonstrates his invention, the Auger Side Shift.... More

What's the difference between Silage Plus and Feast Plus?

Maizex territory manager Adam Parker, and silage expert explains the difference between our Feast Plus and Silage Plus hybrids.... More
Maizex Moving - Applying Foliar Fungicide on Corn

Maizex Moving - Applying Foliar Fungicide on Corn

Maizex territory manager Adam Parker discusses foliar fungicide, and when and why you should use it on your farm.... More
Using the Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary

Using the Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary

With a larger font and a simplified format, the new summary is now more user-friendly for both print and online. Find more information online at More
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