Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program
Mar 14, 2019

Video: Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program

Chicken Farmers of Canada - Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program


Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program

Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program

Chicken Farmers of Canada - Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program... More
Packer’s View on Higher Grading

Packer’s View on Higher Grading

Chad Barker, vice president of cattle procurement for National Beef, talks about what the current grading trends mean to a packer.... More
Farm Basics - Ag PhD Field Guide App

Farm Basics - Ag PhD Field Guide App

The Ag PhD Field Guide App is a free app that you may use to identify weeds and insects in your fields, as well as look up ways to control them in your fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Field Bindweed

Weed of the Week - Field Bindweed

Darren and Brian Hefty share ideas to control field bindweed on the farm.... More
Ag Minute - Pasture Management

Ag Minute - Pasture Management

Darren Hefty explains a few ways that farmers maintain the fertility and grass growth in their pastures.... More
Farm Basics - 2019 Ag PhD Field Day

Farm Basics - 2019 Ag PhD Field Day

The Hefty brothers invite you to join them on their farm on July 25, 2019 for the Ag PhD Field Day!... More
Farm Basics - Freeze-Thaw Effect

Farm Basics - Freeze-Thaw Effect

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the freeze-thaw effect and its benefit to soils.... More

How to Read your Seed Test and What does it mean? | Bayer Canada

How to Read your Seed Test and What does it mean? | Bayer Canada

Bayer SeedGrowth™ Specialist Brittnye Kroeker takes you through the results of a standard seed test explaining what to test for, how to interpret the results and how those results affect the decisions you make during the season.... More
Standing up for Canadian Canola Farmers | Andrew Scheer

Standing up for Canadian Canola Farmers | Andrew Scheer

Canola farmers like Brian and Doug are seeing their entire livelihoods put at risk because China has decided to block their canola from being imported. This is a baseless action against our Canola farmers who produce the highest quality canola in the entire world.... More
Julie Gunlock Discusses Consumers Thoughts & Alarmism

Julie Gunlock Discusses Consumers Thoughts & Alarmism

If you want to know more about what consumers think and the culture of alarmism in agriculture – hear Julie Gunlock speak at AWC EAST 2018. When it seems we have non-stop news that is often scary, Julie shares advice on how to deal with this issue.... More
Case 9240 Combine in Winter Wheat

Case 9240 Combine in Winter Wheat

Rupert Clark Case 9240 Combine in Winter Wheat... More
Soybean Farmers Celebrate National Biodiesel Day

Soybean Farmers Celebrate National Biodiesel Day

South Dakota soybean farmers are celebrating National Biodiesel Day. This renewable fuel is good for South Dakota soybean farmers because it supports soybean prices, but it also helps the environment. Michelle Rook has the story.... More
How Do You Scout for Wheat Rust?

How Do You Scout for Wheat Rust?

Bob Hunger shows us how to scout for rusts on wheat. He also explains how rusts can impact the growth and productivity of the plant.... More
Weed Control Vital to Getting Crops Off to a Good Start

Weed Control Vital to Getting Crops Off to a Good Start

The calendar has turned to March, and that’s when Louisiana farmers begin returning to their fields and plant some of their crops. This year’s wet winter has made it hard for growers to rid their fields of weeds and get the fields ready. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux reports.... More
Hypothermia and lambs

Hypothermia and lambs

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about how weather can impact mortality rates in lambs.... More
Beef Value ($B) Index Update

Beef Value ($B) Index Update

$B is an economic selection index value expressed in dollars per head. It predicts the expected average profitability difference due to genetics in future progeny for feedlot and carcass merit compared to progeny of other sires. $B facilitates simultaneous multi-trait genetic selection for post-... More
Effective Biosecurity Requires Addressing the Culture of a Company

Effective Biosecurity Requires Addressing the Culture of a Company

Effective biosecurity on poultry farms requires developing the kind of culture that motivates everyone in the company to adhere to the procedures that protect flocks from infectious disease, Gregorio Rosales, DVM, PhD, an independent poultry consultant, told Poultry Health Today.... More
CL Ranch | John Deere Gator XUV835

CL Ranch | John Deere Gator XUV835

The Great North American Test Drive heads to the legendary grounds at the CL Ranch in Calgary, Alberta. See how the pulling power and braking capacity of the Gator XUV835 comes head-to-head with an angry bull. Now it’s your turn to test drive.... More
A trip to the Ethanol Plant 2019

A trip to the Ethanol Plant 2019

FarmerSchneck - A trip to and from Greenfield Ethanol in Johnstown Ontario.... More
Feeding cattle on a windy day

Feeding cattle on a windy day

Elm custom harvesting Feeding cattle on a windy day... More
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