IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried
Jan 28, 2019

Video: IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

Winter packed a wallop complete with snow, ice and an Artic blast of cold, and a century old farmer’s market carries on in the middle of a food desert. These stories and market analysis with Ted Seifried.

 IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried

Winter packed a wallop complete with snow, ice and an Artic blast of cold, and a century old farmer’s market carries on in the middle of a food desert. These stories and market analysis with Ted Seifried.... More
Soybean Marketing Update

Soybean Marketing Update

NDSU Extension's Dr. Ken Hellevang shares critical information on drying and storing soybeans into spring and summer of 2019.... More
Claas Xerion 5000 Ride Along

Claas Xerion 5000 Ride Along

In this video we will climb up in the cab of a 517 hp Claas Xerion 5000 tractor and see it working with a Demco 1050 grain cart along side a Claas 670 and 780TT Lexion combines.... More
Loralee Orr: Women in Ag Stats and Change Management Lesson

Loralee Orr: Women in Ag Stats and Change Management Lesson

Loralee Orr, Marketing Communications Leader for Corteva Canada, spoke at our Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Niagara Falls in October 2018 and shared her take on change management, as well as findings from a Corteva survey on women in agriculture.... More
1963 john deere 5010 restoration

1963 john deere 5010 restoration

South sask farmer - 1963 john deere 5010 restoration... More
Duroc Pigs | Well-Muscled Calm Temperament

Duroc Pigs | Well-Muscled Calm Temperament

The Duroc pig is known for its hardiness and quick muscle growth. This breed is well behaved and has a relatively calm temperament.... More
E. Coli Vaccination Helps Contain Losses in Broilers with IB Infection

E. Coli Vaccination Helps Contain Losses in Broilers with IB Infection

Field experience with infectious bronchitis (IB) in broilers during a harsh winter demonstrated that vaccination for secondary Escherichia coli infection helped stem losses, according to Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM.... More

Sclerotinia White Mold

Sclerotinia White Mold

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about controlling white mold in soybeans and other crops.... More
White Grubs

White Grubs

The Hefty brothers share ideas for controlling white grubs in your crop fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Bristly Foxtail

Weed of the Week - Bristly Foxtail

Brian and Darren describe bristly foxtail and give advice on getting it under control on your farm.... More
Mastering the Brand

Mastering the Brand

As a cooperate chef with Buckhead Beef of Atlanta, Josh Ennis engages customers with discussions about fabrication and meat quality, drawing on lessons from the CAB Master of Brand Advantages program.... More
EPA Sets Biodiesel Levels That Disappoint

EPA Sets Biodiesel Levels That Disappoint

EPA has set the biodiesel volumes mandated in the U.S. under the Renewable Fuels Standard and they are once again below current production levels. Michelle Rook looks at why this is a disappointment for the biodiesel industry, soybean farmers and U.S. consumers.... More
Chaffin Farms - Ithiaca, Michigan

Chaffin Farms - Ithiaca, Michigan

CFI Tire Service -Chaffin Farms - Ithiaca, Michigan... More
Vermeer Agriculture Equipment

Vermeer Agriculture Equipment

You want a baler to outlast its payments, but for Jeff Jones of Jones Angus Farms in Fulton, Missouri, it was more than that. Jeff puts up an average of 10,000 bales per year and baler longevity was beginning to seem like a fictional idea that described a baler that did not exist — until he foun... More
Jamie Boswell - CFI Offers More Than Agriculture Tires

Jamie Boswell - CFI Offers More Than Agriculture Tires

Jamie Boswell of Ag Power explains that CFI offers more than just Ag Tires. CFI vast inventory can help satisfy any tire need... More
1974 - 1755 Oliver White Heritage Series Tractor

1974 - 1755 Oliver White Heritage Series Tractor

Kurt Aumann of Aumann Auctions talks with Brian Baxter about the Classic Tractor hobby and Kurt's rare 1974 Oliver White Heritage Series, Model 1755 Tractor.... More
Climate FieldView™ for Planning Corn and Soybeans

Climate FieldView™ for Planning Corn and Soybeans

One farmer shares his experience with using Climate FieldView™ to plan for the upcoming planting season. FieldView™ provides farmers with variable rate seed prescription resources, is easy to use and is compatible with most brands of equipment, bridging the gap between field data and fast insigh... More
Microsoft and Precision Agriculture

Microsoft and Precision Agriculture

Microsoft is working on Precision Ag Technology to improve processes in the agriculture and food sector. Watch for more information.... More
Fieldable for Fertilizer Planning

Fieldable for Fertilizer Planning

Fieldable is a tool that helps you make fertilizer application plans for your farm and easily share them with your team. Fieldable is useful tool for farmers, agronomists, and input suppliers.... More
Iron Talk - Static Electricity & Seed Treatments

Iron Talk - Static Electricity & Seed Treatments

Darren Hefty explains how to use static electricity to your advantage when applying dry seed treatments.... More
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