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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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The Duck Foot Slip Over Paddle Tine

The Duck Foot Slip Over Paddle Tine

The Duck Foot is the original slip over paddle tine that goes over the existing tine on combine headers to reduce cutter bar losses and feed the combine more evenly. The Duck Foot is most well known for how it works in pulses and beans but makes a big difference in all crops.... More
Soil Test Conversions

Soil Test Conversions

Brian and Darren Hefty explain a few conversions you need to make to understand how much of certain nutrients is in your soil when it relates to making fertilizer decisions.... More
2021 Crop Budgets

2021 Crop Budgets

Glennis McClure, Extension Educator for Farm and Ranch Management Analytics, outlines the 2021 Nebraska crop budgets.... More
Strip Tillage: The Economics

Strip Tillage: The Economics

In the fifth of this six-part video series hear from farmers about the economics of strip till systems and the cost of equipment, labour, fertilizer, and how those factor into the overall cost of production.... More
Canola Watch: Verticillium Stripe

Canola Watch: Verticillium Stripe

Verticillium stripe is a new plant disease to canola in Canada. CCC agronomy specialist, Justine Cornelsen describes what to be looking for and how to identify this disease from other common canola plant diseases.... More
How to avoid spray contamination and damage

How to avoid spray contamination and damage

Mark Oostlander is a Senior Technical Specialist with BASF, for the Prairie West Region. At Farming Smarter's June 11, 2020 plot hop, he shared his expertise about spray tank contamination and its potential to damage crops. He gives information about to care for equipment to avoid that damage.... More
The Consolidations Appropriations Act

The Consolidations Appropriations Act

Amy Hagerman has an update on federal appropriations and how they could impact agriculture in 2021.... More

Georgia Agribusiness Council Works to Keep Farming Strong

Georgia Agribusiness Council Works to Keep Farming Strong

Agriculture has a multi-million-dollar impact on the state of Georgia, and it's only fitting that people and groups work together to keep it successful... More
Fall Tillage 2020 | John Deere 9230 Mold Board Plowing 10 Furrow Salford Plow

Fall Tillage 2020 | John Deere 9230 Mold Board Plowing 10 Furrow Salford Plow

Fall Tillage 2020 | John Deere 9230 Mold Board Plowing 10 Furrow Salford Plow | Ontario, Canada... More
Gary Johnston shares his experience with the Enlist Weed Control System | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Gary Johnston shares his experience with the Enlist Weed Control System | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Gary Johnston in Port Lambton, Ontario describes his experience with the Enlist Weed Control System.... More
FAQs from the Field – Managing Common Cereal Leaf Diseases

FAQs from the Field – Managing Common Cereal Leaf Diseases

To manage common cereal leaf diseases in Western Canada, it’s important to protect your cereal crops and know when to apply a fungicide for your most consistent ROI.... More
Snapshot specialty herbicide from Corteva Agriscience

Snapshot specialty herbicide from Corteva Agriscience

Snapshot provides dependable control of some of the most problematic weeds, like spurge, bittercress, marestail, grassy weeds and many others.... More
Improving resilience in cropping systems

Improving resilience in cropping systems

A tour of a diverse crop rotation study with Martin Entz and Katherine Stanley. This study is located at the Ian N. Morrison research station in Carman Manitoba... More
Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Darin Newsom, President of Darin Newsom Analysis, offers his take on the latest round of reports from USDA. Darin also shares some ways to take advantage of the continuing soybean rally.... More
Iron Talk -  3RIVE 3D Application System

Iron Talk - 3RIVE 3D Application System

Darren Hefty talks about the benefits of FMC's 3RIVE 3D insecticide application system.... More
Freezing Vegetables

Freezing Vegetables

Manitoba Agriculture - Freezing Vegetables... More
IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried, Don Roose, Naomi Blohm and Matthew Bennett

IPTV M2M, Market Analyst Ted Seifried, Don Roose, Naomi Blohm and Matthew Bennett

The summer weather of 2020 shows up in a series of impactful USDA reports. The bulls take charge initially — we’ve assembled a panel to parse the future. Market analysis with Ted Seifried, Don Roose, Naomi Blohm and Matthew Bennett!... More
Can you Lower Energy Costs for Field Crop Production?

Can you Lower Energy Costs for Field Crop Production?

Field crop production can be energy-intensive, but luckily there are many low or no-cost ways to greatly decrease the amount of energy needed for field crops.... More
Soybean Gall Midge

Soybean Gall Midge

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the challenges of dealing with soybean gall midge larvae.... More
Winter Pivot Maintenance Could Save You Time and Money

Winter Pivot Maintenance Could Save You Time and Money

With margins being so tight for a number of farmers heading into 2021, it's more important than ever to avoid any type of setback during growing season.... More
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