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Al's Forecast

It hasn’t felt too bad for a week in January. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Strip Tillage: The Basics

Strip Tillage: The Basics

Have you been considering strip tillage on your farm? The first of this six-part video series will teach you the basics of what a strip tillage system is.... More
2020 On-Farm Network Results Series: Dry Bean Nitrogen Fertility

2020 On-Farm Network Results Series: Dry Bean Nitrogen Fertility

Sometimes trials lead to new questions more than they do answers...perhaps that was the case with our dry bean nitrogen fertility trials this season. Check out the effect of different N rates in pinto beans and black beans!... More
V25-3T and V25-5T - VICTORY Canola

V25-3T and V25-5T - VICTORY Canola's two new TruFlex hybrids.

Cargill Specialty Canola Program Territory Manager, Mike Kirzinger, shares why our two new TruFlex hybrids make the 2021 VICTORY Canola lineup the strongest one yet.... More
Weed of the Week - Honeyvine Milkweed

Weed of the Week - Honeyvine Milkweed

The Hefty brothers discuss options for controlling honeyvine milkweed on the farm.... More
Measuring Bulk Density

Measuring Bulk Density

Mr. David Lamm, Project Manager, Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton at the Soil Health Institute, and Dr. Buz Kloot, Research Associate Professor, Environmental Health Sciences/Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina, demonstrate how to take a soil bulk density sampl... More
How to take a Dirt Vacation

How to take a Dirt Vacation

One of the things that we often allude to but are not explicit about when we discuss soil health is quality of life. Brandon Allen, a farmer in Lewiston, in Utah’s Cache Valley, stopped tilling several years ago. He no tilled his corn into a field that was in alfalfa for five years and has never... More

Corn Board Membership

Corn Board Membership

Kelly Brunkhorst, Executive Director of the Nebraska Corn Board, explains the petition process for new board members and how to be considered.... More
Building New Hopper Tanks

Building New Hopper Tanks

We built new hopper tanks at Jackson Seeds where pit 4 used to be.... More
Solar Power & Center Pivots | John Hay

Solar Power & Center Pivots | John Hay

Nebraska Extension Biological Systems Engineer John Hay discusses what producers should know when considering solar energy to power their center pivots.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson explains why there have been price swings in many of the crops grown in Oklahoma.... More
Ag Minute - Drain Tile In Spring

Ag Minute - Drain Tile In Spring

Darren Hefty talks about the role of drainage tile and how it does not contribute to spring flooding.... More
New Soybean Variety PS 2120 EN

New Soybean Variety PS 2120 EN

Ryan and Matt talk about a new soybean variety PS 2120 EN.... More
BASF Teraxxa Wireworm Hunting Tip 2

BASF Teraxxa Wireworm Hunting Tip 2

In addition to providing exceptional protection against key diseases, new Teraxxa® F4 is the only cereal seed treatment on the market that provides true wireworm control by breaking the lifecycle.... More
HYDROPONICS and Adding New Crops

HYDROPONICS and Adding New Crops

HYDROPHONICS and what we are growing differently for the Winter Months!... More
Ultra early grain seeding

Ultra early grain seeding

Dr. Beres talks about his project investigating using soil temperatures rather than calendar dates to dictate when to plant grain crops. Dr. Brian Beres is internationally recognized as an authority who develops integrated crop management tools and solutions to sustain the economic and environ... More
Seed Coat Fragments in Southeast

Seed Coat Fragments in Southeast

In the 2020 cotton season, the Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service Cotton Classing Office in Macon, Georgia has classed 2.2 million samples, of which approximately 895,000 contained seed coat fragments.... More
Major Chopper Repairs

Major Chopper Repairs

We replaced a ton of parts on the chopper to get it ready to chip in 2021.... More
Tender Fruit Production in Ontario

Tender Fruit Production in Ontario

The Ontario Tender Fruit Growers commissioned JRG Consulting Group to conduct a study evaluating the economic impact of Ontario's tender fruit industry from growing to packing and processing.... More
Swathing Canola 2020 In Saskatchewan

Swathing Canola 2020 In Saskatchewan

The One Saskatchewan Farm Boy Swathing Canola 2020 In Saskatchewan - Swathing with a Macdon m155... More
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