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Maplevue Farms - 2019 Bean Harvest

Maplevue Farms - 2019 Bean Harvest

Maplevue Farms harvesting the last field of beans in the 2019 season.... More
Forage Testing

Forage Testing

Joanna visits with Chris Schalk, Barren County Extension Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources to discuss forage testing.... More
Crop Residue Exchange Updates

Crop Residue Exchange Updates

Farm and Ranch Management Specialist Jay Parsons talks about some updates to the Crop Residue Exchange which links cattle producers and available grazing resources.... More
Late Night Harvest

Late Night Harvest

Did you know farmers are compositing on a large scale? In today's Ag Minute Darren Hefty discusses how farmers turn manure, into nutrients for crops!... More
Irrigation Nation - 360°

Irrigation Nation - 360°

Forty percent of the global food supply is grown on irrigated cropland. In Nebraska’s Platte River valley, Roric Paulman’s family has been raising crops on arid land for generations. As the climate turns hotter and drier, farmers like Roric are exploring ways of reducing their water use while ke... More
Using Distillers Grains with Forage

Using Distillers Grains with Forage

Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Educator, tells us how feeding cattle distillers grains might be especially helpful this year as a forage complement. Plus, hear how this change in diet would impact other nutrition requirements.... More
Going Back to Older Technology

Going Back to Older Technology

We learn how a Noble County producer is mangaging his margins amid low wheat prices, and then - John Long explains how technology plays a growing role in crop production.... More

Farm Basics - Weed Control in Shelterbelts

Farm Basics - Weed Control in Shelterbelts

How do you manage weeds inside of shelterbelts? With fall applications! Today Brian and Darren Hefty will share some management tips for controlling those pesky weeds.... More
Wrapping up Soybean Harvest 2019

Wrapping up Soybean Harvest 2019

After starting bean harvest mid-September, we wrapped up October 20th under sunny skies. Overall, soybean yield was down this year due to the wet spring and dry summer. However, our edible beans did quite well which helped make up the difference. Now it's time to getting ready for corn.... More
Kitchener Ontario in October!

Kitchener Ontario in October!

October in Waterloo Region, Kitchener is awesome! We have Oktoberfest and Thanksgiving to celebrate, the leaves are changing colour, and Hallowe’en is just around the corner. I’m handing out pumpkins this weekend in Kitchener, Waterloo and the surrounding area to friends, family, clients, love... More
Holland Marsh, Ontario #DJISPARK 2019

Holland Marsh, Ontario #DJISPARK 2019

Holland Marsh, Ontario #DJISPARK 2019 | Jackie Kiloran... More
Stanford researchers find rice yields plummet in future climate

Stanford researchers find rice yields plummet in future climate

Research combining future climate conditions and arsenic-induced soil stresses predicts rice yields could decline about 40 percent by 2100, a loss that would impact about 2 billion people dependent on the global crop.... More
Cotton Update

Cotton Update

We learn how mid-October freezes impacted timing of cotton harvest from Seth Byrd.... More
Nitrogen Needs & the Benefits of an N-Rich Strip

Nitrogen Needs & the Benefits of an N-Rich Strip

We start with a reminder of the importance of an N-Rich strip in winter crops from Brian Arnall.... More
The Ultimate Farmers

The Ultimate Farmers' Market

Do you love visiting your local Farmers' Market? The Ontario Food Terminal has been in business since 1954, with both full year warehouse tenants and a seasonal farmer's market running through 3 seasons. It's the only market of this type in Canada, and the 3rd largest in North America. This mark... More
Some Silage 2019 southwestern Ontario!!

Some Silage 2019 southwestern Ontario!!

Some Silage 2019 southwestern Ontario! | Benji Metzger... More
Cavendish Farms’ Annual Growers Field Day

Cavendish Farms’ Annual Growers Field Day

The Cavendish Farms’ annual Growers Field Day was held in New Annan, Prince Edward Island on September 25. It’s an opportunity to share the positive results and knowledge that have been collected from the various research projects Cavendish Farms conducted over the past few years.... More
Discussing Corn Traits

Discussing Corn Traits

There are quite a few corn trait options, so how do you select the right one for your farm? Brian and Darren Hefty share the secrets to picking the right corn trait for your farm!... More
Sulfur Management on your Farm

Sulfur Management on your Farm

Sulfur is an important nutrient on your farm, and we'll discuss it today!... More
Supplementing Wheat Forage with Silage

Supplementing Wheat Forage with Silage

Paul Beck explains how silage can be used as cattle feed if wheat pasture growth slows.... More
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