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Edge-of-Field Monitoring

Edge-of-Field Monitoring

The Blanchard River Demonstration Farms Project is a five-year initiative, showcasing and demonstrating conservation practices that will help improve agriculture’s impact on downstream water quality. How do the demo farms determine which practices have the biggest impact on reducing nutrient los... More
Weed of the Week - Texas Panicum

Weed of the Week - Texas Panicum

How do you control Texas Panicum? In this week's Weed of the Week, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss just that.... More

Al's Forecast

Temperatures got a bit more comfortable this week. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has our forecast for the week.... More
Understanding ARC and PLC

Understanding ARC and PLC

The 2018 Farm Bill gave farmers the opportunity to reassess their selections for the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs for the 2019 and 2020 growing seasons.... More
Fall Herbicide Applications

Fall Herbicide Applications

Misha Manuchehri says there’s still time for wheat producers to apply herbicides for ryegrass. She also tells us about the research underway on terminating rescue grass.... More
Growing sustainably: a look inside the VanderHout family’s cucumber business

Growing sustainably: a look inside the VanderHout family’s cucumber business

Owners Jan and Dale VanderHout rely on innovative practices like biological pest control, biomass heat and a recirculating water system to keep the 27-acre Beverly Greenhouses growing.... More
RC Big Rock Switchgrass Field Visit in Quebec

RC Big Rock Switchgrass Field Visit in Quebec

A switchgrass field visit at the Farm of switchgrass seed producer Normand Caron near valleyfield Quebec in August 2019.... More

Manure, Tillage & Cover crops

Manure, Tillage & Cover crops

We've been really busy since wheat harvest wrapped spreading manure, working into the soil, and planting cover crops. This process is the main backbone for our crop production system. The manure provides nutrients to the crops over the next three years and the cover crops help retain the nutri... More
Calcium in Soil

Calcium in Soil

Brian and Darren Hefty explain the importance of proper calcium levels in your soil.... More
Weed of the Week - Foxtail Barley

Weed of the Week - Foxtail Barley

The Hefty brothers offer tips to control foxtail barley on the farm.... More
Harvesting Soybeans, Ontario, Canada

Harvesting Soybeans, Ontario, Canada

Case IH 7230 combine 40 foot head harvesting soybeans in Ontario.... More
Record 2019 Wet Weather Threatens Manitoba Harvest Eachine Wizard X220

Record 2019 Wet Weather Threatens Manitoba Harvest Eachine Wizard X220

Second of two flights over a field that needs to be picked up quickly before it is ruined. Record wet September weather has thrown a wrench into the farm folks lives. Sure hope it warms up soon and they get those crops off the fields.... More
Wheat Harvest in Saskatchewan

Wheat Harvest in Saskatchewan

Harvesting the wheat crop near the village of Stockholm, Saskatchewan Canada.... More
Iron Talk - Anhydrous Ammonia Safety

Iron Talk - Anhydrous Ammonia Safety

Darren Hefty talks about steps to take to ensure safety when using anhydrous ammonia on the farm.... More
NASS Survey Reminder

NASS Survey Reminder

Roger Sahs has a reminder for producers to fill out the NASS Custom Rate Survey.... More
Seed Corn Maggot Management

Seed Corn Maggot Management

Kelley Tilmon, field crop entomologist at The Ohio State University Department of Entomology, talks about the biology and management of seed corn maggot in Ohio. Great close up imagery of the adult flies, larvae, and pupae.... More
Special Protection for Ontario Food Terminal for Decades to Come

Special Protection for Ontario Food Terminal for Decades to Come

The Ontario government is protecting jobs by naming the Ontario Food Terminal lands as a Provincially Significant Employment Zone — an identification that protects lands that are critically important both locally and to the province for jobs and economic growth.... More
Community Garden | Sunny Mount Park Community Garden | Check it out Milton ep 36

Community Garden | Sunny Mount Park Community Garden | Check it out Milton ep 36

This is a great option if you want to garden but are in a condo or apartment or townhome that doesn't have the outdoor space you need.... More
Corn Pollination and Yield Assessment

Corn Pollination and Yield Assessment

Corn pollination should be checked to learn how your corn is progressing. This will let you get a quick yield assessment for the season.... More
Harvest 2019- Northern Ontario Oats

Harvest 2019- Northern Ontario Oats

Our oats that we planted the first week of June are ready to harvest.... More
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