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Farm Basics Planning for Planting After a Fallow Year

Farm Basics Planning for Planting After a Fallow Year

If your farm was one of the many that suffered a fallow year from flooding, Brian and Darren have a few tips to help you prepare for next planting season... More
Nutrient Sensing Technology for Manure

Nutrient Sensing Technology for Manure

Added capability for the HarvestLab™ 3000 Sensor allows precise management of nutrient and constituent levels during liquid manure application.... More

Al's Forecast

Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher lets us know what we can expect in these last days of summer.... More
Pre-Plant Tank Mix Tips (Eastern Canada) | Bayer Canada

Pre-Plant Tank Mix Tips (Eastern Canada) | Bayer Canada

A 2015 study found that 67% of the pre-plant glyphosate applied in Eastern Canada was not used with a tank mix partner. This exposes you to tremendous weed risk and can compromise your yield. Learn all the advantages of adding a tank mix partner with these tips.... More
Weed of the Week - Common Pepperweed

Weed of the Week - Common Pepperweed

In this weed of the week, Brian and Darren discuss Common Pepperweed, and how you can manage it on your farm.... More
BASF Hybrid Wheat Breeding Station

BASF Hybrid Wheat Breeding Station

The BASF Wheat Breeding Station is a demonstration of our commitment to the future of wheat growing in Canada – and all over the world.... More
Performance+ - Brown Spot

Performance+ - Brown Spot

Brown spot causes premature leaf shedding which in turn affects yield potential.... More

Why we roll our beans

Why we roll our beans

During last weeks heat wave, we finished up some the beans that we haven't gotten rolled yet. We roll beans mainly to push any stones or rock back into the soil. This help reduces the risk of stones getting into the combine and causing some major damage. It also helps level the soil, pushes d... More
Iron talk - Fixing Low pH on your farm

Iron talk - Fixing Low pH on your farm

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren discusses some of the equipment you'll need to fix low pH soil on your farm.... More
Cation Exchange Capacity

Cation Exchange Capacity

Do you have heavy soil, or light and sandy soil? If you haven't pulled a soil sample, the answer may surprise you.... More
Replacing DAP in a fertilizer shortage

Replacing DAP in a fertilizer shortage

Brian Arnall explains a work-around for producers expecting to fertilize using MAP during a DAP shortage.... More
Farm Debt on the Rise

Farm Debt on the Rise

Nebraska Extension Ag Economist Jim Jansen explains why farm debt is at its highest point since the 1980s, and offers some suggestions on ways to get it under control.... More
A Farmers

A Farmers' Market Moment - Good for the environment

Shopping at your local Ontario farmers' market is environmentally friendly and enjoyable shopping experience.... More
Great Lakes Grain - 2019 Crop Assessment Tour - Day 4

Great Lakes Grain - 2019 Crop Assessment Tour - Day 4

Day Four Observations with Justin Geiser.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says producers should expect five dollar wheat at harvest, and they will need higher protein to get it.... More
Performance+: Protect your potato plant stems before row closure

Performance+: Protect your potato plant stems before row closure

Syngenta Sales Representative Sébastien Brière, in the field in Québec, discusses the importance of protecting the stems and lower leaves of your potato plants before your rows close.... More
Great Lakes Grain - 2019 Crop Assessment Tour

Great Lakes Grain - 2019 Crop Assessment Tour

Day One Observations with Dale Cowan... More
Meet Prof. Darren Robinson (weed management)

Meet Prof. Darren Robinson (weed management)

Darren is a professor in our Department of Plant Agriculture who researches how to manage weeds and minimize herbicide persistence. He and is research program are stationed at the Ridgetown Campus of the University of Guelph.... More
Flame Weeding and TAPS Competition

Flame Weeding and TAPS Competition

UNL Extension Weed Specialist Dr. Stevan Knezevic explains what flame weeding is, and why you might want to add it to your weed management plan.... More
Late Season Corn Disease

Late Season Corn Disease

Extension Plant Pathologist Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems provides some insight into what diseases corn growers may encounter leading up to harvest.... More
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