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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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NB Wild Blueberry Week 2019

NB Wild Blueberry Week 2019

NB Wild Blueberry Week 2019 : New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick... More
Water Quality Management

Water Quality Management

From water and natural resource tours to becoming a citizen scientist, find out how you can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this precious resource. Plus we get an update on the progress of repairing the irrigation tunnel collapse in Western Nebraska.... More
Al’s Forecast

Al’s Forecast

This week has brought humidity, and even a few storms. Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has the forecast to round out August.... More
Summer Crop Update

Summer Crop Update

We get an update on summer crops from Josh Lofton.... More
Public Lands Law "More of the Same" for Some Rural Americans

Public Lands Law "More of the Same" for Some Rural Americans

The White House recently made a change to how federal agencies apply the Endangered Species Act which could shift how forest management is carried out.... More
Trade Relations with China

Trade Relations with China

Dr. Wes Peterson, UNL Professor of Agricultural Economics, provides an update on the U.S. trade war with China. He also discusses how Nebraska producers are being affected, and tells us the advice he’d offer President Trump to try and bring resolution to the trade dispute.... More
Iron talk - Storing Liquid Fertilizer on your Farm

Iron talk - Storing Liquid Fertilizer on your Farm

In this week's segment, the Hefty Brothers discuss why it may be a good idea to invest in storage for liquid fertilizer on your farm.... More

Weed of the Week - Italian Ryegrass

Weed of the Week - Italian Ryegrass

Brian and Darren Hefty offer tips on controlling Italian ryegrass in wheat and other crops.... More
Importance of Grain Bin Preparation

Importance of Grain Bin Preparation

In this week's Farm Basics, Brian and Darren hefty discuss the importance of preparing grain bins prior to storing grain.... More
Canola - Seeding to Harvest 2019 - PART 1

Canola - Seeding to Harvest 2019 - PART 1

In this video you can see our canola: when and how it got seeded, how it got sprayed an you can watch it grow in a timelapse.... More
Soybean Staging for Fungicides

Soybean Staging for Fungicides

For best results, you need to time fungicide applications correctly. Learn the right way to determine soybean stage for accurate fungicide timing.... More
Teaching Prescribed Burning to NRCS Specialists from Around the Country

Teaching Prescribed Burning to NRCS Specialists from Around the Country

We see how OSU Extension Fire Ecologists are teaching NRCS specialists from all over the country how to conduct prescribed burns.... More
Pre-Emerge Herbicides for Fall Seeded Crops

Pre-Emerge Herbicides for Fall Seeded Crops

Darren and Brian Hefty go over options for pre-emerge products to use before your fall-seeded crops.... More
The Five C’s of Silage

The Five C’s of Silage

When producing high quality corn silage, it’s important to remember content, chop, compaction, cover and care. Iowa State University’s Dr. Hugo Ramirez details each one.... More
Iron Talk - Uneven Corn

Iron Talk - Uneven Corn

Darren Hefty talks about getting your planter set up for an even and consistent corn stand.... More
What makes good soil good?

What makes good soil good?

What makes good soil good? In this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty shares some knowledge that farmers deal with every day!... More
John Deere equipment harvesting grain in Winchester Springs Ontario

John Deere equipment harvesting grain in Winchester Springs Ontario

Harvest has begun in North Dundas Ontario Canada.John Deere Combine & tractors in action along highway 31 in Winchester Springs Ontario.... More

MSU's Enviroweather Tool

Keith Mason, Enviroweather outreach coordinator in the MSU Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Sciences explains how weather stations work to collect data all over the state to help farmers make real-time management decisions.... More
Trade Woes and SRE Waivers Sour Ag Mood

Trade Woes and SRE Waivers Sour Ag Mood

The U.S.-China trade war is fighting for the top spot on the things putting pressure on American farmers and ranchers. Joining it is the release of the small refinery exemptions list. Reuters is reporting the latest round of S-R-E’s was triggered by President Trump. Peter Tubbs has the details.... More
Soybean Gall Midge Updates

Soybean Gall Midge Updates

Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist, Dr. Justin McMechan stops in to update viewers on research into the soybean gall midge and give some insights on the best ways to manage the pest.... More
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