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Flooded Crop Impacts

Flooded Crop Impacts

With recent flooding in parts of the state, some corn and soybean farmers are wondering how their already emerged crops will be impacted... More
Summer Crop Update

Summer Crop Update

Josh Lofton talks about signs of heat stress in summer crops and which insects to scout for in fields.... More

Al's Forecast

After a week of hot weather, are cooler temperatures ahead? Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher has the forecast.... More
Iron Talk - Sprayer Tank Cleaning Tips

Iron Talk - Sprayer Tank Cleaning Tips

In this week's Iron Talk Darren discusses some tips to make cleaning your sprayer as efficient as possible and discusses why this may be one of the most important, yet often ignored chores on your farm.... More
Weed Of The Week - Buffalobur

Weed Of The Week - Buffalobur

The weed of the week is buffalobur! Learn how to keep this nasty weed under control.... More
Market Monitor - WASDE Report

Market Monitor - WASDE Report

Kim Anderson has the latest WASDE report and both good and bad news about wheat prices.... More
Vegetable garden in the Backyard

Vegetable garden in the Backyard

How to grow vegetables and fruits in your Backyard - Sustained Farming in your backyard. First in Series of the vegetables and fruits that we grow in Calgary, Canada. In this video, I provide a brief overview of my garden and the vegetables and fruits that have been grown for this season. ... More

Cultivating - John Deere 4020

Cultivating - John Deere 4020

We hook up the cultivator to the 4020 and fill it with leftover starter fertilizer from the planter!... More
Food Forest | Northern Ontario | Homestead Do-Over

Food Forest | Northern Ontario | Homestead Do-Over

The Food Forest Is Alive!!! The 4 fruit trees have been in for a month and so far so good. Everything is growing and it wont be long before we are harvesting Raspberries.... More
Casting a light on mental health: Brendan Byrne, Grain Farmers of Ontario

Casting a light on mental health: Brendan Byrne, Grain Farmers of Ontario

Sometimes calling a friend can make the difference. Brendan Byrne at Grain Farmers of Ontario discussed mental health for farmers at Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Ernie Hardeman’s Mental Health roundtables. Byrne urges you to make that call for help.... More
Japanese Beetles and Thistle Caterpillars

Japanese Beetles and Thistle Caterpillars

The Japanese beetle is making itself at home in more parts of the state, and thistle caterpillars are hitting producers in large numbers. Extension Entomologist Dr. Bob Wright explains what producers can do and what to look for.... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee explains the science behind the recent heat advisories. Gary McManus shows the long-term weather averages for this time of year and how cooler conditions are right around the corner.... More
Multiple Modes of Action in Fungicides

Multiple Modes of Action in Fungicides

In this week's show, we discuss the advantages of multiple modes of action in the fungicide on your farm, and why it's important to have more than one mode of action!... More
Ag Minute  - Goss

Ag Minute - Goss' Wilt

In today's ag minute, Darren discusses Goss' wilt.... More
Two 12,000 US Gal Nuhn Magnum Quad Train Manure Tanks Spread on Hay Field

Two 12,000 US Gal Nuhn Magnum Quad Train Manure Tanks Spread on Hay Field

Two 12,000 US Gal Nuhn Magnum Quad Train Manure Tanks spread manure on a fresh cut hay field. Nuhn's Dual Magnum tanks are the workhorse tanks of the liquid manure industry.Nuhn Industries Ltd. is the leading manufacturer of liquid manure spreaders, liquid manure agitators, liquid manure pumps, ... More
Al’s Forecast

Al’s Forecast

With hot temperatures across the state and major flooding in some parts too, Nebraska Extension Ag Climatologist Al Dutcher lets us know what’s in store for the week ahead.... More
Foliar Fertilizer

Foliar Fertilizer

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss options for successful foliar fertilizer application in crops.... More
Strawberry london ontario

Strawberry london ontario

Strawberry london ontario : Virender Kawatra... More
July is Smart Irrigation Month

July is Smart Irrigation Month

July is Smart Irrigation Month here in Georgia - which is a great way to promote the social, economic, and environmental benefits of efficient irrigation technologies and farmer's who've committed to use them. One of those farmers is Upper Flint Regional Water Council chair, Donald Chase, who d... More
Post Harvest and Unplanted Field Burndown

Post Harvest and Unplanted Field Burndown

The Hefty brothers share experiences and offer ideas on a successful burndown in unplanted acres and post-harvest ground.... More
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