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Iron Talk - Seeding Cover Crops

Iron Talk - Seeding Cover Crops

Darren Hefty explains the challenges of and possible solutions to successfully seeding a cover crop.... More
Market Facilitation Program Information

Market Facilitation Program Information

We meet with OKState Extension Agricultural Policy Specialist Larry Sanders to discuss the details of the Market Facilitation Program for 2019 and information on how producers can signup.... More
July pasture update

July pasture update

Come along as we check on the grass situation in the pasture and also check in on some of the oat crops!... More
Pick Your Own Cherries

Pick Your Own Cherries

We're at Cherry Avenue Farms in Lincoln Ontario (Beamsville) for their annual pick your own cherries... More
Desiccation and Pre-Harvest Burndown

Desiccation and Pre-Harvest Burndown

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss product options and timing for doing desiccation in crops.... More
When Should You Buy Crop Inputs?

When Should You Buy Crop Inputs?

The Hefty brothers discuss factors that may influence when you decide to purchase your crop inputs.... More
President Turns To Tariffs To Jump Start Talks While USMCA Drumbeat Intensifies

President Turns To Tariffs To Jump Start Talks While USMCA Drumbeat Intensifies

The Family Farmer Relief Act of 2019 passed Congress this week giving farmers more of an opportunity to use Chapter 12 of the bankruptcy code if they need it. Previously, only farmers with a maximum of $5 million in debt could qualify for relief but the bill raises the limit to $10 million. The ... More

Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says if producers can’t raise wheat for less than five dollars per bushel in 2020, they should look at another winter crop.... More
Forage crops contend with weather, pests

Forage crops contend with weather, pests

Dr. Brett Rushing, MSU Extension forage specialist discusses the condition of forage crops in Mississippi on July 26, 2019.... More
Compaction Recovery with Cover Crops

Compaction Recovery with Cover Crops

The project looks at the roll of tillage and cover crops in compaction recovery. Previous research has shown that no-till results in faster recovery from compaction than conventional tillage; this project is evaluating what impact the addition of cover crops will have on the effectiveness of bo... More
Ag Minute - Wind And Plants

Ag Minute - Wind And Plants

Darren Hefty explains wind and its effect on plants.... More
Al’s Forecast

Al’s Forecast

With a dry situation in Western Nebraska, Al Dutcher lets us know what we can expect for weather across the state in the coming days.... More
Northern Ontario Oats

Northern Ontario Oats

Join us as we take a look at how our oats are growing. This field was seeded the first week of June, followed by 4'' of rain the night we planted it. Nitrogen was broadcasted on in late June, and now the plants have come out in head with a average of 30 seeds per plant!... More
Have you seen my melons?

Have you seen my melons?

Have you seen my melons? : Urban Farmer Curtis Stone... More
The 2020 Code for Canada Fellowship

The 2020 Code for Canada Fellowship

Ontario farmers contribute nearly $40 billion to the provincial economy every year and put food on tables across Canada. Code for Canada fellows at Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will support growers by making data about pests and other crop threats more integrated, ac... More
The Basics of Wicking

The Basics of Wicking

Alex Rocateli demonstrates how the practice of wicking is a more efficient way to control johnsongrass. Misha Manuchehri explains why wicking is a better use of herbicides.... More
Renewable Fuel Standard Proposal

Renewable Fuel Standard Proposal

There appears to be a bit of displeasure among some state leaders regarding the recent increase in the Renewable Fuel Standard. Nebraska Ethanol Board Administrator Roger Berry explains the issue, and what it could mean for farmers.... More
Weed of the Week -  Downy Brome

Weed of the Week - Downy Brome

Downy Brome is a grass weed that can be difficult to kill in crops like wheat. Here are a few tips to get downy brome under control on your farm.... More
Preparing for Palmer Amaranth

Preparing for Palmer Amaranth

Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Dr. Amit Jhala and University of Arkansas Weed Scientist Dr. Jason Norsworthy explain why palmer amaranth is so difficult to manage and the research that’s being done to help contain it.... More
Ethanol Updates

Ethanol Updates

Nebraska Ethanol Board Administrator Roger Berry explains how the industry is responding to new regulations, trade wars with China and more.... More
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