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Weed of the Week - Jointed Goatgrass

Weed of the Week - Jointed Goatgrass

Jointed goatgrass can be a problem in wheat fields. The Hefty brothers share some control options.... More
When, Where, and How to Soil Sample

When, Where, and How to Soil Sample

A good soil sampling program is important for your farm. Brian and Darren share their ideas for getting it done properly.... More
Iron Talk - Spreading Micronutrients Accurately

Iron Talk - Spreading Micronutrients Accurately

Darren Hefty talks about the challenge of spreading micronutrients properly.... More
Corn Moisture at Harvest

Corn Moisture at Harvest

At what moisture percentage should you harvest corn? Darren and Brian Hefty talk about their ideas and experiences with harvesting corn a bit wetter.... More
Treating Winter Weeds

Treating Winter Weeds

We start the show with advice from Bob Hunger for wheat producers looking to manage diseases in their crops.... More
Switching from Wheat to Cotton

Switching from Wheat to Cotton

We travel to Noble County to learn why a producer is growing cotton in a part of the state that hasn’t grown cotton in decades.... More
 Heart of a Farmer Ashley & Ryan Final

Heart of a Farmer Ashley & Ryan Final

An egg producer talks about moving from the city to a broiler farm and raising a farm family.... More

Volunteer Corn - Amit Jhala

Volunteer Corn - Amit Jhala

Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist explains how to control volunteer corn in corn and how to prevent the unwanted guest in the future.... More
Alternative Forages - Daren Redfearn

Alternative Forages - Daren Redfearn

Nebraska Extension Forage and Crop Residue Specialist Daren Redfearn explains the types of alternative forages and how they can save your fields.... More
Iron Talk - Spreading Residue Evenly

Iron Talk - Spreading Residue Evenly

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of evenly-spread residue during wheat harvest, and what to do if it is uneven.... More
Ag Minute - Corn Maturity

Ag Minute - Corn Maturity

Darren Hefty explains corn maturity, and how it relates to the early harvest this fall.... More
Weed of the Week - Broadleaf Signalgrass

Weed of the Week - Broadleaf Signalgrass

Learn how to identify and control broadleaf signalgrass in your fields.... More
Lime Application

Lime Application

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the reasons for applying lime, how it works, and what to look out for.... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

Kim Anderson says protein = price and the world will be looking to the U.S. to provide it in 2019.... More
Sugarcane Aphids & Armyworm Pressure

Sugarcane Aphids & Armyworm Pressure

We get an update on sugarcane aphids and fall armyworms from Tom Royer.... More
Preparing for Wheat Planting

Preparing for Wheat Planting

David Marburger has one last word of advice for Oklahoma wheat producers as planting season nears across the state.... More
Soybean Storage

Soybean Storage

Ken Hellevang, NDSU Extension agricultural engineer, shares soybean harvest and storage tips for the 2018 crop.... More
Popcorn - Ethann Barnes

Popcorn - Ethann Barnes

UNL Graduate Research Assistant Ethann Barnes explains his research on popcorn and how certain herbicides may affect the crop.... More
Soybean Row Spacing - Parminder Chahal

Soybean Row Spacing - Parminder Chahal

UNL Post-Doc Research Associate Parminder Chahal discusses his research on soybean row spacing and how it can be used to give producers more yield as well as control weeds such as Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp.... More
Flame Weeding - Stevan Knezevic

Flame Weeding - Stevan Knezevic

Nebraska Extension Integrated Weed Management Specialist Stevan Knezevic explains flame weeding and how producers can use it to control herbicide resistant weeds.... More
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