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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (73) ›Canola (361) ›
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Barley Cutting 2018

Barley Cutting 2018

Cutting Barley Near Watson Saskatchewn.Using John Deere Combines - S670 and S680.... More
Fungicide Application in Corn

Fungicide Application in Corn

At the 2018 Spray Clinic held in Princeton Kentucky, Dr. Kiersten Wise spoke about the factors for success when applying fungicides on corn.... More
Fall Pasture Spraying

Fall Pasture Spraying

The Hefty brothers discuss the importance of good weed control in your pastures, and which products to use on which weeds.... More
Farm Basics - Fallow Years

Farm Basics - Fallow Years

Brian and Darren explain what "fallow" is, and why the practice is not as common today as it was in the past.... More
Iron Talk - Maxmizing Grain Quality At Harvest

Iron Talk - Maxmizing Grain Quality At Harvest

Darren Hefty talks about the advantages of using Estes XPR Concaves in place of your stock concaves.... More
Fixing Poor Drainage Areas

Fixing Poor Drainage Areas

The Hefty brothers talk about the importance of fixing poorly drained fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Perennial Sow Thistle

Weed of the Week - Perennial Sow Thistle

Learn how to get perennial sow thistle under control on your farm.... More

Ag Minute - RyzUp SmartGrass

Ag Minute - RyzUp SmartGrass

Darren Hefty talks about why farmers use RyzUp SmartGrass in their pastures.... More
 Canola 2018

Canola 2018

This video is about canola2018.... More
SWAT MAPS Consultant Feature - Greg Adelman at Yonkman Farms

SWAT MAPS Consultant Feature - Greg Adelman at Yonkman Farms

Greg Adelman with Crop Command Agronomy, is an independent consultant offering SWAT MAPS around Southey, SK.... More
Deep Soil Sampling

Deep Soil Sampling

Darren and Brian Hefty discuss sampling soil deeper than the normal 0-6 or 0-12 inch depth, and what do with the results of those samples.... More
Farm Basics - Manure vs Compost

Farm Basics - Manure vs Compost

Brian and Darren explain why farmers are using more compost instead of manure to supplement their fertility programs.... More
Soybean Harvest Moisture

Soybean Harvest Moisture

At what moisture percentage do you harvest your soybeans? Find out why you may want to start harvest at a higher percentage than you have been doing.... More
Iron Talk - Corn Planting Consistency

Iron Talk - Corn Planting Consistency

Darren Hefty talks about the importance of correcting any planter/planting issues in order to achieve uniform emergence in your corn fields.... More
Ag Minute - Grain Bins

Ag Minute - Grain Bins

Darren Hefty gives a brief explanation on how farmers keep grain in their bins safe from insects.... More
 Leaders Wanted for Alberta Canola: Let Your Name Stand

Leaders Wanted for Alberta Canola: Let Your Name Stand

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is seeking four canola growers to serve as directors on the board of directors for a 3-year term. This year, directors are needed in regions 3, 6, 9, and 12.For complete details on becoming a director and to download nomination forms visit More
Drones Help Farmers With Irrigation Management

Drones Help Farmers With Irrigation Management

Ajay Sharda, an assistant professor of biological and agricultural engineering, is leading a team that is scouting corn to determine which areas of the field are getting too much, the right amount or not enough water.... More
The Benefits of Prescribed Burns in Growing Season

The Benefits of Prescribed Burns in Growing Season

Fire Ecologist John Weir demonstrates the benefits of prescribed burns during growing season.... More
 AgriProfit: Analyze Your Operation for Maximum Profitability

AgriProfit: Analyze Your Operation for Maximum Profitability

AgriProfit is a program that gives individual producers an opportunity to truly analyze their operations and see the opportunities for improving profitability and operational efficiencies.... More
 A Day on The Farm - Spraying The Trials

A Day on The Farm - Spraying The Trials

Spraying the trials for the 20th annual Field Of Dreams.... More
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