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Weed of the Week - Venice Mallow

Weed of the Week - Venice Mallow

The Hefty brothers talk about controlling Venice mallow, similar to their first broadcast 20 years ago.... More
Early Herbicide Application

Early Herbicide Application

Brian and Darren talk about the importance of early herbicide application for successful weed control.... More
  Yield Factors at Seeding in Small Grains

Yield Factors at Seeding in Small Grains

John Deere experts talk to Pam Fretwell about four key areas that help determine yield in small grains: the seeding window, correct rate, nutrient uptake, and uniform emergence.... More
 David Hula World Record Corn Yield

David Hula World Record Corn Yield

David Hula yields 542.27 bushels per acre in the 2017 National Corn Growers Association competition in the category of No-Till / Stip-Till Irrigated... More
  What does it take to be a young farmer?

What does it take to be a young farmer?

We asked producers and entrepreneurs from across Canada share their thoughts about the passion, drive and commitment it takes to be part of the ag industry they love.... More
Presentation by Honourable Oniel Carlier

Presentation by Honourable Oniel Carlier

Presentation by Honourable Oniel Carlier (Minister for Agriculture & Foresty, Alberta, Canada)... More
 CPTPP and Canadian canola

CPTPP and Canadian canola

The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership is a pivotal opportunity for the Canadian economy.... More

Scouting for Wheat Diseases - Stephen Wegulo

Scouting for Wheat Diseases - Stephen Wegulo

Scouting for Wheat Diseases – Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, explains why farmers should wait until April to start scouting their wheat fields for diseases.... More
 The life of an agriculture pilot

The life of an agriculture pilot

What does it take to be an agriculture pilot? At a course in Yorkton - one of two in Canada - you can learn to fly the dipping and diving spray planes.... More
 Drones on the farm

Drones on the farm

Saskatchewan producer showing how to use drones on his farm.... More
Grain Safety Demonstration

Grain Safety Demonstration

Meet Liz Ellis Clark and learn about the BeGrainSafe initiative at Manitoba Ag Days 2018.... More
Fast Growth Syndrome in Corn

Fast Growth Syndrome in Corn

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about fast growth syndrome in corn, how to identify it, and options to manage it on your farm.... More
Weed of the Week - Wild Oats

Weed of the Week - Wild Oats

This week's Weed of the Week is wild oats. The Hefty Brothers talk about how you can stop this tough weed on your farm.... More
China Buying Commodities

China Buying Commodities

New data just released, shows China continues to purchase more U.S. farm commodities.... More
 Despite weather worries, farmers share the harvest for 15th year

Despite weather worries, farmers share the harvest for 15th year

Farmers in the Edmonton region gathered in a field east of Gibbons, Alberta to harvest a canola crop to donate the proceeds to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.... More
Drones Help Researchers Monitor Dryland Wheat in Rainless Winter

Drones Help Researchers Monitor Dryland Wheat in Rainless Winter

The Texas A&M AgriLife Research dryland wheat variety nursery near Bushland has been monitored weekly by drone flights, offering wheat breeders a chance to see changes on a more real-time basis.... More
Market Monitor - $5 Wheat Roller Coaster

Market Monitor - $5 Wheat Roller Coaster

Kim Anderson says $5 wheat came and went, but it should be back.... More
Scouting for Strawberry Aphids

Scouting for Strawberry Aphids

Strawberry viruses are vectored by strawberry aphids. This video will teach you how to identify strawberry aphids and scout for them in your fields.... More
 Agricultural Tile Installation in Ontario

Agricultural Tile Installation in Ontario

Each project utilizes the latest in GPS surveying, designing, installation and mapping while pairing it with knowledgeable, licensed employees and efficient machinery.... More
Limiting Wheat Disease - Start Scouting Early

Limiting Wheat Disease - Start Scouting Early

Bob Hunger explains what producers should be scouting for to limit diseases in wheat.... More
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