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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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An Estimate of March 1 Corn Stocks

An Estimate of March 1 Corn Stocks

Discussion of my March 1 Corn Stocks estimate.... More
 John Deere Agronomic Research: The importance of seedbed on yield

John Deere Agronomic Research: The importance of seedbed on yield

John Deere experts talk to Pam Fretwell about the latest agronomic research on corn yield, and the importance of a good seedbed.... More
Gibberellic Acid

Gibberellic Acid

The Hefty brothers talk about the benefits of using gibberellic acid in your corn or pastures.... More
Farm Basics - Economic Threshold For Insects

Farm Basics - Economic Threshold For Insects

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how farmers make the decision to spray for insects or not.... More
Soybean Nodulation

Soybean Nodulation

Darren and Brian Hefty talk about getting great nodulation in your soybeans.... More
Iron Talk - Mixing Fertilizer & Herbicide

Iron Talk - Mixing Fertilizer & Herbicide

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty gives tips for a successful tankmix when you want to spray fertilizer and pre-plant herbicide together to save time.... More
Weed of the Week - Giant Ragweed

Weed of the Week - Giant Ragweed

The Hefty brothers talk about getting giant ragweed under control on the farm.... More

Ag Minute - Seed Treatments

Ag Minute - Seed Treatments

Darren Hefty explains why farmers plant seed that has been treated with various products.... More
  Agriculture Minister warns of above-average crops

Agriculture Minister warns of above-average crops

Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart said his government wants to avoid the enormous grain backlog that occurred during the record 2013-14 crop year that cost Prairie farmers an estimated $5 billion in lost sales and income. Now he's warning the federal government, the railways and grain companies ... More
Crop Preparation

Crop Preparation

Al Nelson, farm manager for the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service field laboratory near College Station, discusses planting conditions heading into the 2018 crop season.... More
Scouting Soybeans for Frogeye Leaf Spot

Scouting Soybeans for Frogeye Leaf Spot

Control soybean diseases like frogeye leaf spot with these top tips. Frogeye leaf spot is a common soybean foliar disease in the South that growers should protect against. Know what symptoms to look for and understand the impact of weather.... More
Scouting for Blackleg in Canola

Scouting for Blackleg in Canola

Russel Trischuk, Regional Technical Manager at BASF gives us some helpful hints when scouting for Blackleg in Canola.... More
Farm Bill Update - Brad Lubben

Farm Bill Update - Brad Lubben

Brad Lubben, Nebraska Extension policy specialist, updates us on Farm Bill discussions as a new budget deal was passed early February to help both the cotton and dairy issues. Brad also talks about issues happening beyond the Farm Bill like trade and energy.... More
Soybean Rally Market Analysis - Frayne Olson

Soybean Rally Market Analysis - Frayne Olson

Frayne Olson, North Dakota State Extension economist, discusses how Argentine weather conditions continue to fuel the soybean market rally. Frayne also talks about how the U.S. drought and colder temperatures in Russia and Europe are affecting the wheat market.... More
Mexican Feed Industry Demands U.S. Soy

Mexican Feed Industry Demands U.S. Soy

With growing livestock and poultry production in Mexico the feed industry is demanding U.S. ingredients, including soybeans and soybean meal. South Dakota soybean farmers heard message that directly from their customers during a trade trip to the country. Michelle Rook takes us along on this S... More
Market Monitor

Market Monitor

We meet with Kim Anderson to discuss the recent upturn in wheat prices.... More
 Farmers market app

Farmers market app

Alberta Agriculture minister announces $40,000 farmers market app.... More
 Farmers enjoy bumper crops and healthy profits

Farmers enjoy bumper crops and healthy profits

Farmers enjoy bumper crops and healthy profits... More
 2018 Crop Insurance Update with Ryder Lee

2018 Crop Insurance Update with Ryder Lee

Enhanced Crop Insurance Program Is Good For Saskatchewan Cattle Producers.... More
Summer Pasture Planning

Summer Pasture Planning

SUNUP learns from Extension Forage Systems Specialist, Alex Rocateli, that it’s not too early to develop a pasture management plan for the summer.... More
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