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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Donna Moenning

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Donna Moenning

Farm Factor and the Kansas Soybean Update.... More
 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation - Spring 2017

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation - Spring 2017

SCIC Executive Director of Insurance, Darby Warner discusses the challenges Saskatchewan producers are facing and how SCIC is working to support their efforts.... More
Tech Tips - Where Have All The Nutrient$ Gone?

Tech Tips - Where Have All The Nutrient$ Gone?

Tech Tips - Where Have All The Nutrient$ Gone?... More
Crop Progress Reports & End Of Season Yields

Crop Progress Reports & End Of Season Yields

Last week USDA released its first national corn condition rating of the season. The crop, as you'll hear, wasn't in great shape. While it doesn't mean much at this time of year, there is a relationship between the first crop condition rating and the end of the season yield.... More
Insects In The Winter Crops

Insects In The Winter Crops

SUNUP returns to the North Central Research Station at Lahoma to talk with Tom Royer about the peskiest insects in the 2017 wheat and canola crops.... More
Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Planting and emergence updates for June 2nd in South-East Manitoba. Marc Hutlet Seeds Ltd. - Independent Sales Representative for Dupont Pioneer Brand Products.... More
Soybean Adoption In Western Canada

Soybean Adoption In Western Canada

Kelsey Richardson, M.Sc. Candidate, Agricultural and Resource Economics Department, University of Saskatchewan and Policy Manager at Sask Wheat, Saskatoon SK, discusses her research identifying barriers to and drivers of adoption of soybean production by farmers in Saskatchewan and the potenti... More

Grain Marketing Plan App - Cory Walters

Grain Marketing Plan App - Cory Walters

Cory Walters, Nebraska Extension economist, outlines Nebraska Extension’s Grain Marketing Plan app, intended to help producers develop and execute selling strategies for corn, soybeans and wheat.... More
Giant Ragweed Control - Greg Kruger

Giant Ragweed Control - Greg Kruger

Greg Kruger, Nebraska Extension weed science and application technology specialist, explains how farmers can best control glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed.... More
Soybean Seedling Issues - Loren Giesler

Soybean Seedling Issues - Loren Giesler

Loren Giesler, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes soybean seedling issues growers may be noticing, including diseases and herbicide injury.... More
Legume Harvest

Legume Harvest

Harvest of Faba Beans, Field Peas and Lupins. Storage on farm in Grain bags and silo's.... More
Tough Weeds: Scouting and Identifying Canada Fleabane

Tough Weeds: Scouting and Identifying Canada Fleabane

James Ferrier, Technical Services Manager with Nufarm Canada provides some scouting and management tips for Canada Fleabane a tough weed.... More
Iron Talk - Spraying Fungicides

Iron Talk - Spraying Fungicides

Darren Hefty talks about some differences between spraying fungicides vs things like Roundup.... More
Ag Minute - Why Are Farmers In A Rush?

Ag Minute - Why Are Farmers In A Rush?

Darren Hefty explains how some factors may cause farmers to be in a hurry to get things done.... More
Choosing the right seed treatment for your conditions

Choosing the right seed treatment for your conditions

Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Seeds tells us about the importance of a seed treatment for vitality after planting as well as choosing the correct seed treatment based out your soil and environmental conditions.... More
The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer

Paul Foran, Market Development Specialist at Dow AgroSciences tells us about the science behind their eNtrench nitrogen stabilizer and the financial and environmental benefits producers will have when using eNtrench.... More
Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer In Corn

Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer In Corn

Manage corn nitrogen fertilizer to maximize yields and minimize costs.... More
Farm Basics - Shelterbelts

Farm Basics - Shelterbelts

If you are planting a new shelterbelt, here are some ideas to get it off to a great start.... More
Weed Of The Week - Waterhemp

Weed Of The Week - Waterhemp

Waterhemp is a problem across the country because of resistance. There are ways to control it.... More
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