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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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"Steaking Out" Northern Ontario - Summer Tour

"Steaking Out" Northern Ontario - Summer Tour

The opportunity for beef farming in Northern Ontario is tremendous, and interest from producers considering making the move north has been gaining momentum. In mid-August 2017, BFO hosted a group of 18 people interested in the opportunities in Northeastern Ontario.... More
 Crop Insurance November 15 Deadline

Crop Insurance November 15 Deadline

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance customers have until November 15, 2017 to register a claim and report all harvested production. For a convenient and easy way to submit your information use CropConnect.... More
How Much Farmable Land Does The Earth Hold?

How Much Farmable Land Does The Earth Hold?

A video illustration showing just how little of the earth's surface can be farmed.... More
Drones Helping Farmers Increase Yields

Drones Helping Farmers Increase Yields

A new research project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska seeks to deploy unmanned aircraft (drones) in search of improved crop irrigation efficiency.... More
Do You Know What Potassium Means For Your Soil?

Do You Know What Potassium Means For Your Soil?

Brian Arnall explains how potassium plays a roll in the Oklahoma soil.... More
 Western Roots - Zajic Farms

Western Roots - Zajic Farms

Ryan and Kathy Zajic are 3rd generation farmers in Alberta, Canada. They are committed to the advancement of agriculture through grassroots outreach and preserving rural lifestyle for future generations.... More
 The Endless Opportunities In Agriculture - Erin Armstrong At AWC West 2017

The Endless Opportunities In Agriculture - Erin Armstrong At AWC West 2017

Erin Armstrong, Director of Industry and Regulatory Affairs for Canterra Seeds shares what she's learned over the course of her career.... More

Ag Minute - Late Season Drought

Ag Minute - Late Season Drought

Darren Hefty talks about why farmers don't want a lot of rain in the fall.... More
Farm Basics - Weed Control In Lawns-Gardens-Shelterbelts

Farm Basics - Weed Control In Lawns-Gardens-Shelterbelts

The Hefty brothers have some ways to keep weeds under control in your yard, garden, and shelterbelts.... More
Compaction And Zone Building

Compaction And Zone Building

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about dealing with compaction in your soil, and explain the concept of "zone building".... More
Cutting or Grazing Alfalfa - Bruce Anderson

Cutting or Grazing Alfalfa - Bruce Anderson

Bruce Anderson, Nebraska Extension forage specialist, outlines recommendations for cutting or grazing alfalfa in October.... More
Expanding Grape and Hops Production

Expanding Grape and Hops Production

With over 100 licensed wineries and 270 commercial vineyards, Iowa’s wine industry has a 420 million dollar impact on the state’s economy. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach strives to help producers be successful.... More
Ephemeral Gullies - Britt Weiser

Ephemeral Gullies - Britt Weiser

Britt Weiser, Nebraska Natural Resources Conservation Service state resource conservationist, explains how producers with highly erodible cropland will need to control ephemeral erosion in order to maintain farm program benefits.... More
Iron Talk - Spreading Lime

Iron Talk - Spreading Lime

Darren Hefty shares some tips on getting lime spread on your fields.... More
Weed of the Week - Henbit

Weed of the Week - Henbit

If you have henbit on or around your farm, learn how to get it under control in this week's Weed of the Week segment.... More
The Angus Report: October 16, 2017: CattleFax

The Angus Report: October 16, 2017: CattleFax

Troy Bocklemann of CattleFax provides the latest market report on corn yields and export demands.... More
Fall Armyworms

Fall Armyworms

SUNUP talks with Tom Royer about the importance of managing fall armyworms now.... More
Do You Know What Phosphorus Means too Your Soil?

Do You Know What Phosphorus Means too Your Soil?

Brian Arnall explains why phosphorus is the power house of the plant.... More
Fluency Agent Advanced - The Seed Lubricant That Does More

Fluency Agent Advanced - The Seed Lubricant That Does More

Fluency Agent Advanced is a seed lubricant for corn and soybeans that improves planting performance while reducing the amount of dust potentially released during planting.... More
Issues of Agriculture

Issues of Agriculture

Ag industry leaders discuss industry issues at a forum for community leaders in Caldwell, Idaho.... More
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