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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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Video: Sugar Beet Processors Target AgSci BioProducts Markets

Video: Sugar Beet Processors Target AgSci BioProducts Markets

Mark Lumley says Ontario sugar beet growers are targeting entry into agsci bioproducts markets with the help of Bioindustrial Innovation Canada. Lumley is president of the Ontario Innovative Sugar Beet Processors Co-operative.... More
Video: The Alberta Pulse – Celebrating International Year Of Pulses

Video: The Alberta Pulse – Celebrating International Year Of Pulses

International Year of Pulses (IYP) showcasing Alberta Pulses.... More
Video: Georgia Corn Producers Plan For New Crop Year

Video: Georgia Corn Producers Plan For New Crop Year

Planting season for Georgia’s corn crop is just around the corner. Many growers helped prepare themselves for the new season by attending a recent information course in Tifton. The Monitor’s Damon Jones explains.... More
Video: Ag Apps

Video: Ag Apps

Brian Arnall discusses some of the new apps for farmers and ranchers.... More
Video: The Science Behind Dual-Purpose

Video: The Science Behind Dual-Purpose

SUNUP starts with David Marburger explaining Oklahoma State University’s research study on dual-purpose wheat yields.... More
Video: Soybean Production Strategies - Seth Naeve

Video: Soybean Production Strategies - Seth Naeve

Seth Naeve, University of Minnesota Extension agronomist, talks about soybean production management strategies in a tight-margin year.... More
Video: Cotton Commission Meeting Helps Growers Plan For Upcoming Season

Video: Cotton Commission Meeting Helps Growers Plan For Upcoming Season

Georgia is one of the nation’s leading cotton-producing states. Growers gathered in Tifton recently for the Georgia Cotton Commission's annual meeting and, as the Monitor’s Mark Wildman explains, heard important information that will help keep the industry profitable in Georgia.... More

Video: February 10 Grains Commentary: Scott Shellady

Video: February 10 Grains Commentary: Scott Shellady

February 10 Grains Commentary: Scott Shellady... More
Video:  Quinoa Crop Production

Video: Quinoa Crop Production

Michael and Colin Dutcheshen of Northern Quinoa Corporation from Saskatoon, SK., and Neil Stranden a farmer near Outlook, SK. See the harvesting of a crop of Quinoa which is from the spinach family but is referred to as a pseudo cereal because of its versatility and it is also gluten free. The c... More
Video: Managing Black Vine Weevil In Strawberries

Video: Managing Black Vine Weevil In Strawberries

Managing Black Vine Weevil In Strawberries... More
Video: AGam In Kansas - Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti With Soybean Production Management Tips

Video: AGam In Kansas - Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti With Soybean Production Management Tips

I'm Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti, K-State Cropping System and Crop Production Specialist. Today I would like to just briefly provide some quick tips about soybean production management.... More
Video: Beginning Farmers

Video: Beginning Farmers

We need more people to grow our food in Tennessee and around the world. UTIA is working through a series of workshops to introduce potential farmers to the business of agriculture.... More
Video: Ag Minute - Pastures

Video: Ag Minute - Pastures

There is more to pastures than just letting animals graze. Darren Hefty explains in this Ag Minute.... More
Video: Typography Tool Helps Farmers See Soil Erosion

Video: Typography Tool Helps Farmers See Soil Erosion

A new typography tool developed by SDSU is helping farmers see how cropping practices impact soil erosion on their farms. Michelle Rook provides a look at how farmers can use it to be even better environmental stewards.... More
Video: Buffalobur

Video: Buffalobur

Buffalobur is not a weed you want to have to pull by hand. Is there a better way to get rid of it on your farm? Find out in this "Weed Of The Week" segment.... More
Video: Salty Soils

Video: Salty Soils

If you have excess salts in your fields, it can take time to fix the problem. However, it can be done, with the proper steps. Learn how, with some tips from Darren and Brian Hefty.... More
Video: Farm Basics - Terraces & Field Contours

Video: Farm Basics - Terraces & Field Contours

Hilly ground can present challenges for farmers. Learn how farmers use terraces and "farming on the contour" in hilly fields.... More
Video: Reducing Spray Drift & Volatilization

Video: Reducing Spray Drift & Volatilization

As more dicamba and 2,4-D will be sprayed with new herbicide-tolerant traits coming on the market, managing spray drift and volatility is crucial. The Hefty brothers talk about what works for them in this segment.... More
Video: Iron Talk Spring Soil Sampling

Video: Iron Talk Spring Soil Sampling

Soil sampling in the spring can be tricky. Darren Hefty has some pointers for you to make your spring soil sampling go smoothly.... More
Video:  Pulse Research: Finding The Best Variety Of Field Peas

Video: Pulse Research: Finding The Best Variety Of Field Peas

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Pulse Research Scientist Robyne Bowness talks about the research efforts being done to develop the best field peas at the research stations in Lacombe, Alberta.... More
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