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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (66) ›Canola (351) ›
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Horticulture (295) ›Pulse (140) ›
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Video: Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Kurt Maurath

Video: Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Kurt Maurath

Kansas Soybean Update Featuring Kurt Maurath ... More
Video:  AWC - The Catalyst In Creating Value

Video: AWC - The Catalyst In Creating Value

Highlights from the past year at AWC and future initiatives.... More
Video:  AWC - Single Check-off Proposal And WCD Changes

Video: AWC - Single Check-off Proposal And WCD Changes

Alberta farmers currently have two check offs on their grain cash ticket.... More
Video: Dead Canola After Wheat? What Variety Did You Plant?

Video: Dead Canola After Wheat? What Variety Did You Plant?

SUNUP starts with Josh Lofton explaining why canola plants may die if planted after certain wheat varieties in no-till fields.... More
Video: Seed Standards Help Farmers Plant With Confidence

Video: Seed Standards Help Farmers Plant With Confidence

One of the best ways to insure a successful crop is to plant a high-quality seed. Recently in Tifton many owners and operators of seed cleaning facilities gathered to hear valuable information on Georgia's Certified Seed Program. Mark Wildman was there and has this report.... More
Video:  Pulse Research: Finding Superior Genetics

Video: Pulse Research: Finding Superior Genetics

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Pulse Research Scientist Robyne Bownes talks about the work of Dr. DJ Bing with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to develop better varieties of field peas at the Lacombe, Alberta based research station.... More
Video: Plant Disease Continues To Hammer Florida Citrus Industry

Video: Plant Disease Continues To Hammer Florida Citrus Industry

The war against invasive species never ends and is often fought with weapons that only slow expansion.... More

Video:  Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Member Relations - Grains in Action

Video: Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario - Member Relations - Grains in Action

Grain Farmers of Ontario's new video series – Inside Grain Farmers of Ontario.... More
Video:  Meet Professor Ali Navabi - University of Guelph

Video: Meet Professor Ali Navabi - University of Guelph

Prof. Ali Navabi manages the wheat breeding program at the University of Guelph in the Department of Plant Agriculture. He holds the Grain Farmers of Ontario Professorship in Wheat Breeding. ... More
Video: Jim Everson - Pulse Canada

Video: Jim Everson - Pulse Canada

Jim Everson - Pulse Canada Executive Director... More
Video: Corn Inputs Management

Video: Corn Inputs Management

Wilt Billing, P.Ag, CCA, Product Line Manager, Corn & Soybeans for CPS in Manitoba, talks about managing inputs for corn including nitrogen selection and application timing... More
Video: Quebec Farm Cultivates Over 150 Different Types Of Strawberries

Video: Quebec Farm Cultivates Over 150 Different Types Of Strawberries

The strawberries from your local grocery store may grow in the U.S., but there is a chance they got their start in Quebec. It is on farms like Production Lareault, in Lavaltrie, where strawberry seedlings begin to sprout.... More
Video: Ag Minute - Super Weeds

Video: Ag Minute - Super Weeds

On this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about what super weeds are, and how to stop them on your farm.... More
Video: Farm Basics - Grain Handling Safety

Video: Farm Basics - Grain Handling Safety

Grain handling safety is incredibly important for any farmer. Brian and Darren Hefty discuss the safety and precautions to use when handling grain.... More
Video: Weed Of The Week - Giant Foxtail

Video: Weed Of The Week - Giant Foxtail

This week's weed of the week is giant foxtail. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to identify and control it on your farm.... More
Video: 2017 Cotton Outlook

Video: 2017 Cotton Outlook

Nathan Smith, Clemson Extension professor and economist at Clemson’s Sandhill Research and Education Center in Columbia who spoke at the South Carolina Cotton Growers’ Annual Meeting on Jan. 24, said cotton acreage in South Carolina is expected to increase in 2017.... More
Video: Falling Waters Is New Bald Cypress

Video: Falling Waters Is New Bald Cypress

Stately bald cypress trees, with their green needles and unique trunks, are a familiar sight in Louisiana. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to a new cultivar of bald cypress that resembles a weeping willow.... More
Video: Kill Spider Mites Before They Destroy Your Plants

Video: Kill Spider Mites Before They Destroy Your Plants

Tiny pests can deceptively harm your plant while you’re unaware of the problem. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to detect and combat the destructive spider mite.... More
Video: Discovering Cover Crops Impact On Soybean Cyst Nematodes

Video: Discovering Cover Crops Impact On Soybean Cyst Nematodes

Discovering Cover Crops Impact On Soybean Cyst Nematodes... More
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