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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (72) ›Canola (364) ›
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 Dual Inoculation On Soybeans

Dual Inoculation On Soybeans

Double inoculate your soil for maximum yield potential.Land that has been through less than ideal growing conditions, or has not had soybeans for a few years, requires special attention when it comes to inoculation. Double inoculation can help quickly establish high populations of rhizobia bacte... More
 Agriculture Canada Market Opportunity India

Agriculture Canada Market Opportunity India

Canadian companies have tremendous opportunity in India to export pulses, canola, malting barley, mustard, flax, and oats. They can also look for opportunities in animal genetics, agriculture machinery, and technology transfer.... More
Canola Update & 2017 Tour Information

Canola Update & 2017 Tour Information

SUNUP starts with a canola crop update from Josh Lofton and information about the upcoming field tours.... More
Fire Ants: Are They As Bad As You Think?

Fire Ants: Are They As Bad As You Think?

Tom Royer explains how fire ants can move to new ecosystems and what it takes for them to stay in that area.... More
Planting A Seed For Growth

Planting A Seed For Growth

SUNUP heads to Pushmataha County to see how 4-Hers are helping folks make reentry into society a little easier.... More
 World Oilseed Situation And Outlook - Daniel Basse

World Oilseed Situation And Outlook - Daniel Basse

Daniel Basse, President, AgResource Company, Chicago IL, discusses the current situation and outlook for world oilseed supplies, movement and prices through the end of the 2016-17 crop year and the outlook for acreage, production and prices in the upcoming 2017-18 crop year.... More
Ephemeral Erosion - Craig Derickson

Ephemeral Erosion - Craig Derickson

Craig Derickson, Nebraska Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist, explains how the NRCS will conduct conservation compliance reviews and assist producers in controlling ephemeral erosion.... More

Growing Season Forecast - Elwynn Taylor

Growing Season Forecast - Elwynn Taylor

Elwynn Taylor, Iowa State University professor of ag meteorology, describes current conditions across the Corn Belt and previews potential weather scenarios for the 2017 growing season.... More
Winter Wheat Scouting - Stephen Wegulo

Winter Wheat Scouting - Stephen Wegulo

Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, says wheat growers can be scouting their fields for stripe rust, fungal leaf spot diseases and powdery mildew.... More

Canada's Hopper Car Fleet - The Situation in 5 Minutes

What is the future of Canada's publicly-owned hopper car fleet? What strategic considerations should we be taking and who will be responsible for replacing the cars? CCGA's Steve Pratte explored these questions in his presentation at FarmTech 2017.... More
 Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Marc Hutlet Seeds Update

Planter maintenance tips to prepare for spring 2017.... More
 Farmers Carbon Tax Meeting

Farmers Carbon Tax Meeting

Farmers Carbon Tax Meeting - Altona, MB.... More
 How Budget 2017 Proposes To Punish Farmers

How Budget 2017 Proposes To Punish Farmers

You know this is a budget with record spending, with limited potential. In fact we're going to spend some hundred and forty billion dollars over the next ten years and have our GDP actually decline. This is very very concerning because actually what we're seeing happening here in Canada is we're... More
Farmers Learn How To Build Consumer Trust

Farmers Learn How To Build Consumer Trust

Research conducted by the Center for Food Integrity shows more than 80-percent of consumers want to know more about where their food comes from.... More
 Seat At Our Table

Seat At Our Table's "Meet in the Middle"

On Canadian Agriculture Day, 150 millenials from urban and rural backgrounds across Alberta met up at the Willow Lane Barn in Olds, Alberta for a long table dinner and to enjoy conversations about Alberta's food, our craft beverage business, farmers and producers and changing consumer behaviours... More
Sharing On-Farm Success: John Mooney

Sharing On-Farm Success: John Mooney

John Mooney and his family milk 70 cows at their dairy farm near Massey, Ontario. For Mooney, future growth in dairy production will require a continued focus on animal welfare and improving cow comfort. See how GF2 cost-share funding helped him to accomplish this.... More
Ag Minute - Plant Food

Ag Minute - Plant Food

On this week's Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about the best plant food for your crops, garden, and lawn.... More
Farm Basics - Pesticide Safety

Farm Basics - Pesticide Safety

During this week's Farm Basics, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about pesticide safety. They detail the importance of pesticides and how pesticides get labeled.... More
In-Furrow Applications And Seed Treatments

In-Furrow Applications And Seed Treatments

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the different options for in-furrow applications and seed treatments on your farm.... More
Nitrogen Stabilizers

Nitrogen Stabilizers

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the importance of using nitrogen stabilizers and the different options for your farm.... More
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