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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
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Ag Minute - Spring Rain & Planting

Ag Minute - Spring Rain & Planting

Darren Hefty talks about how farmers need some rain, but not too much, to get their crops off to a good start.... More
Reviewing Corn Planting Depth And Tips.

Reviewing Corn Planting Depth And Tips.

Find out why you should use today's planting technology to get your corn seeds at a precise depth.... More
Iron Talk - Split-Applying Liquid Nitrogen

Iron Talk - Split-Applying Liquid Nitrogen

In this Iron Talk segment, Darren Hefty gives pointers on finding the right machine for you to properly apply nitrogen in-season.... More
Pasture Management

Pasture Management

The Hefty brothers talk about getting the most "yield" in your pasture - how you can manage your pasture like a crop field - in order to maximize grass production.... More
Hay Producers Should Consider Quality Over Quantity

Hay Producers Should Consider Quality Over Quantity

Dr. Jason Baqnta, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service beef cattle specialist, Overton, and Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson AgriLife Extension forage specialist, Overton, discuss the advantages of producing quality hay rather than focusing on quantity. Quality hay can eliminate the need for protein a... More
 Swede Midge And Canola

Swede Midge And Canola

Swede midge is a tiny fly that has the potential to do serious harm to canola production in Canada. Watch this video to learn more about this pest.... More
 Yield robbing issues occurring now in winter wheat

Yield robbing issues occurring now in winter wheat

Rob Miller, Technical Development Manager at BASF tells how to manage leaf disease and increased weed pressure in our wheat fields due to this year’s unseasonably warmer winter.... More

A new effective tool for integrated pest management

A new effective tool for integrated pest management

Paul Foran, Market Develoment Specialist at Dow AgroSciences introduces us to Delegate an new insecticide Delegate that provides outstanding broad-spectrum control of damaging insects in field corn.... More
Grower Don Nott says Switchgrass Offers Opportunity as a Cover Crop

Grower Don Nott says Switchgrass Offers Opportunity as a Cover Crop

Clinton, Ontario farmer Don Nott says switchgrass offers a huge opportunity for Ontario farmers as a cover crop. Not is a member of the Ontario Biomass Producers Co-operative which is aiming to build membership with grower participation.... More
Climate Changing Crops

Climate Changing Crops

As climate change is affecting weather patterns, The Agenda examines how it is also affecting crop agriculture in Ontario. How are our farmers adapting to changing growing seasons and how is innovation and research helping protect food sources?... More
High Glucosinolate Mustard As A Biofumigant In Vegetable Systems- Part 2

High Glucosinolate Mustard As A Biofumigant In Vegetable Systems- Part 2

In 2015, the Northwest Crops and Soils program of the University of Vermont Extension began studying high glucosinolate mustard as a biofumigant and cover crop in vegetable cropping systems to see its effect on weeds, disease, and yield.... More
 Dori Gingera Beauchemin - Deputy Ag Minister - Manitoba Agriculture

Dori Gingera Beauchemin - Deputy Ag Minister - Manitoba Agriculture

Manitoba Deputy Ag Minister Dori Gingera-Beauchemin talks about the importance of the Ag industry asking the right questions to build public trust.... More
Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update featuring Charles Atkinson - March 21, 2017

Farm Factor - Kansas Soybean Update featuring Charles Atkinson - March 21, 2017

Kansas Soybean Update featuring Charles Atkinson - March 21, 2017... More
A Season Of Canola

A Season Of Canola

Stages involved in Farming Canola in Saskatchewan! ... More
 Seeding In Saskatchewan

Seeding In Saskatchewan

TOPCON Seeding in Saskatchewan.... More
 A Season Of Canola

A Season Of Canola

Stages involved in Farming Canola in Saskatchewan!... More
Clean Base & Residual Can Lead To Increased Yields Of 20-30 Bushels

Clean Base & Residual Can Lead To Increased Yields Of 20-30 Bushels

Minnesota grower Travis Buchholz explains why starting with a clean base is essential to your final number.... More
How To Graft Tomatoes

How To Graft Tomatoes

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to graft tomato plants.... More
Tornado Damage Still Hampers South Georgia Farmers

Tornado Damage Still Hampers South Georgia Farmers

Many South Georgia farmers are still working hard to recover from the devastating damage left behind by recent tornados and other severe storms. Overturned and twisted irrigation pivots have farmers and repair crews scrambling,... More
 Life Of A Manitoba Farmer

Life Of A Manitoba Farmer

What does it means to be A Farmer in Manitoba.... More
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