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 New advanced nitrogen zoned based scripting from Climate Fieldview

New advanced nitrogen zoned based scripting from Climate Fieldview

Luke Samuel, Climate Product Director at The Climate Corporation tells us about some new advances in precision farming with their 2017 updates to the Climate Fieldview program including zone based nitrogen scripting and coming soon zone scripting for phosphorous and potassium.... More


Alan Gerber, ESN Marketing Representative for Agrium Wholesale tells us about the technology and benefits of the ESN Smart Nitrogen polymer membrane that gives crops all the nitrogen they need, when they need it.... More
Canola Crop Update

Canola Crop Update

SUNUP gets an update from Josh Lofton on the canola crop and how much of it was impacted by winterkill.... More
Tech-Tips - Brad Ruden March 2017

Tech-Tips - Brad Ruden March 2017

Liquid Starter Fertilizer... More
Arysta Intoduces Tepera Plus fungicide and insecticide

Arysta Intoduces Tepera Plus fungicide and insecticide

Lynn Justesen, Technical Sales Specialist at Arysta LIfeScience tell us about their new in-furrow fungicide and insecticide Tepera Plus premix with a full-rate fungicide reulting in exceptional yields and plant health.... More
 The Importance of managing plant health for higher yields

The Importance of managing plant health for higher yields

Megan Andriankaja, Product Manager for BASF gives us tips on how to maintain excellent plant health during the growing season that will result in higher yields at harvest.... More
New 3RIVE 3D Crop Protection Delivery System.

New 3RIVE 3D Crop Protection Delivery System.

Matt Hancock, Regional Business Manager at FMC, tells us about their 3RIVE 3D application technology that integrates formulation technology, application technology and active ingredient to efficiently cover more ground in less time.... More

 Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new prodcuts for 2018

Wyffels Hybrids introduces 16 new prodcuts for 2018

Jeff Hartz, Marketing Manager for Wyffels Hybrids tells us about thier 16 new products including 9 new genetic families and 4 new trait platforms for the 2018 growing season.... More
Durum/Malting Barley Situation And Outlook With Ward Weisensel - CTV Farmgate

Durum/Malting Barley Situation And Outlook With Ward Weisensel - CTV Farmgate

Ward Weisensel, Senior VP Trading, Procurement & Risk, G3 Canada Limited, Winnipeg MB, discusses movement, price and expected ending stocks for durum and malting barley for the rest of the current crop year and provides his forecasts for acreage, production and price (in terms of probabilities) ... More
CU Organic Farm Crimping Cover Crop Study

CU Organic Farm Crimping Cover Crop Study

A group of Clemson students is determining how to use shredded leaves to help increase the value of roller-crimped cover crops. Roller-crimping involves attaching roller-crimpers to tractors, rolling over cover crops to flatten and damage them, leaving behind a thick mulch.... More
Non Bt Corn Pest Management Tips.

Non Bt Corn Pest Management Tips.

Bob Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist, talks about pest management for corn growers using non Bt corn varieties this growing season.... More
SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity Classic

SD Soybean Farmers Attend Commodity Classic

South Dakota soybean farmers set policy on areas such as the new farm bill, regulations and trade at this year's Commodity Classic.... More
Pests In Crops Update

Pests In Crops Update

Tom Royer shows producers insects to look for in wheat and canola fields.... More
Fertilizing Pastures - Jerry Volesky

Fertilizing Pastures - Jerry Volesky

Jerry Volesky, Nebraska Extension range and forage specialist, gives an update on moisture conditions in central and western Nebraska. Jerry also previews the grazing season and explains when fertilizing pastures or hayland might be beneficial.... More
What Cover Crops Mean For You

What Cover Crops Mean For You

Farmweek discusses cover crops. It's time for many farmers to begin planting and cover crops are one thing that may not get a lot of press but are crucial to a healthy field.... More
Farm Basics - Neonicotinoids

Farm Basics - Neonicotinoids

In this Farm Basics segment, Darren and Brian Hefty talk about how neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticides are safe when used properly.... More
Ag Minute - Fertilizer Timing

Ag Minute - Fertilizer Timing

In this Ag Minute, Darren Hefty talks about the ideal time to fertilize your lawn.... More
Weed Of The Week - Canada Thistle

Weed Of The Week - Canada Thistle

Canada thistle can be a challenge to eliminate from your farmland. Darren and Brian have some tips in this Weed of the Week segment.... More
AgriLife Research Cotton Pathologist Pursues A Mystery

AgriLife Research Cotton Pathologist Pursues A Mystery

Dr. Terry Wheeler, a Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant pathologist at Lubbock, and her cohorts Dr. Jason Woodward, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service plant pathologist at Lubbock, and Dr. Tom Isakeit, AgriLife Extension plant pathologist, College Station, have been getting calls from cotton gr... More
The Future Of Soybeans Is Bright

The Future Of Soybeans Is Bright

The soy checkoff is regularly anticipating the needs of more and more end-users seeking higher-performing soybeans from sustainable sources. The United Soybean Board’s long-range strategic plan is the roadmap to do just that. Because a better future starts with better soybeans. Visit www.uniteds... More
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