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ILeVO Seed Treatment: Protection Against Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome

ILeVO Seed Treatment: Protection Against Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome

Kevin Adam of Seed Growth Products, talks about ILeVo`s seed treatment for soybeans which protects the yield from various diseases & can provide strong results in crop yields with comparatively minimum costs. ... More
Scouting Corn - Bob Wright

Scouting Corn - Bob Wright

Bob Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist, describes how corn growers can scout their fields for cutworms, wireworms and white grubs. ... More
Wet Conditions May Affect Soybean Yield

Wet Conditions May Affect Soybean Yield

Planting soybeans in Louisiana has come to a standstill because of wet field conditions, and if the beans are not planted soon, farmers may see their yields go down at harvest. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story. ... More
Small Wheat Crop For Louisiana

Small Wheat Crop For Louisiana

Last year’s disappointing wheat harvest in Louisiana has led to a dramatic reduction in acres for this year’s crop. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story. ... More
Ag Minute - Seed Emergence

Ag Minute - Seed Emergence

Darren Hefty explains the importance of "growing degree days" on corn as it relates to emergence. ... More
New sprayer nozzle control technology for wider travel speeds

New sprayer nozzle control technology for wider travel speeds

Tom Wolf, Spray Technology Specialist at Agrimetrix Research and Training tells about some new sprayer nozzle control systems that allow producers a wider travel speed range without comprising performance.... More
Farm Basics - Herbicide Residual

Farm Basics - Herbicide Residual

In this Farm Basics segment, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss herbicide residuals in soils, for farming as well as gardening, and explain misconceptions. ... More

Iron Talk - Planting Population

Iron Talk - Planting Population

Darren Hefty explains how to use the Ag PhD Planting Population App to assist you in figuring your seed counts per acre and stand population. ... More
Soybean Seedling Diseases - Loren Giesler

Soybean Seedling Diseases - Loren Giesler

Loren Giesler, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, describes soybean seedling diseases farmers might notice after plants emerge. ... More
5 Key Factors at planting that will maximize yields at harvest

5 Key Factors at planting that will maximize yields at harvest

Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Agro Sciences gives us 5 key factors at soybean planting time that will help maximize your yields at harvest.... More
Winter Wheat: In-Season Disease Management

Winter Wheat: In-Season Disease Management

Damon Smith, Wisconsin Extension Field Crops Plant Pathologist, talks about in-season fungicide use on winter wheat. He also talks about the three key crop development stages for scouting wheat fields. ... More
Growing Pulse Crops in 2016 with Dr. Tom Warkentin - CTV Farmgate

Growing Pulse Crops in 2016 with Dr. Tom Warkentin - CTV Farmgate

Dr. Tom Warkentin, pulse breeder with the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK discusses market and agronomic opportunities and some possible constraints for prairie farmers to consider when including pulse crops in their cropping rotations in 2016. ... More
Soybean Seed Treatments

Soybean Seed Treatments

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about various soybean seed treatments, and explain which ones may be cut from your soybean planting program. ... More
In-Furrow Corn

In-Furrow Corn

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss what products, such as pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers, can be placed in-furrow when planting corn. ... More
Farm Basics - Insect Thresholds

Farm Basics - Insect Thresholds

Brian and Darren Hefty explain economic thresholds for spraying insects in your fields. ... More
Iron Talk - Variable Rate Micronutrients

Iron Talk - Variable Rate Micronutrients

Darren Hefty talks about variable rate micronutrients. ... More
AgPhD: Herbicide Carryover Issues

AgPhD: Herbicide Carryover Issues

Brian and Darren Hefty talk about herbicide carryover. ... More
The benefits of the Clearfield Canola production system

The benefits of the Clearfield Canola production system

Andrew Reid, Technical Service Specialist at BASF Canada tells us about the benefits of the Clearfield Canola production system, a non GMO Canola seeds offering higher returns on investment. Combined with Ares herbicide for control of lamb’s quarters, wild buckwheat, cleavers and volunteer canol... More
Wet Weather Affects Louisiana Rice Planting

Wet Weather Affects Louisiana Rice Planting

It’s a sharp contrast for Louisiana rice farmers. Farmers in the southern part of the state have completed their planting for the most part, while those in the northern part of the state haven’t started. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report. ... More
Ag Research Funding Is Vital

Ag Research Funding Is Vital

Farmers are encouraging Congress to continue to fund public agricultural research, after several years of cuts. Michelle Rook looks at why public research is needed to improve farm productivity and provide food for a growing population. ... More
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