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Watch videos on everything to do with crops. Learn more about planting, growing, irrigation, harvesting, pests, diseases, pesticides, GMOs, markets, crop rotation, equipment, and more. See farmers and agribusiness experts discuss a variety of topics related to crops. Also see crop machinery demonstrations and footage right from the fields.
Barley (67) ›Canola (352) ›
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Serfas Farms Harvest 2014 - 15 Combines In Action.

Serfas Farms Harvest 2014 - 15 Combines In Action.

Stunning grain and corn harvest video... More
2014 Milling Report By Steve Nicholson

2014 Milling Report By Steve Nicholson

(FAR) and Advisory Group Analyst Steve Nicholson Summarizes 2014 Milling Report. Report explores impact of significant mergers and acquisitions on milling industry.... More
Deep Tillage

Deep Tillage

Brian & Darren explore the topic of deep tillage.... More
Downed Corn

Downed Corn

Darren goes over what to do after you have downed corn in a field.... More
Researching To Produce New Wheat Varieties

Researching To Produce New Wheat Varieties

Canadian Wheat Alliance Researching To Produce New Wheat... More


harvest of potatoes in Colorado... More
Wheat Harvest In Idaho.

Wheat Harvest In Idaho.

Harvesting wheat near Nezperce & Craigmont, Idaho with Riggers Clearwater Farms... More

Nebraska 2014 Dryland Corn Harvest

Nebraska 2014 Dryland Corn Harvest

Two John Deere 9670 STS Combines with 1293 Corn Head... More
Continuous Soybeans

Continuous Soybeans

Feasibility of raising continuous soybeans... More
Grain Marketing & Price Outlook

Grain Marketing & Price Outlook

Charlie Pearson On Grain Marketing & Price Outlook.... More
Fall Lawn Weed Control

Fall Lawn Weed Control

Brian & darren discuss what to use on your lawn this fall for weeds.... More
IPTV Market To Market

IPTV Market To Market

Voters in Colorado and Oregon consider mandatory labeling of GMO Foods. ... More
2014 Nebraska Corn and Soybean

2014 Nebraska Corn and Soybean

Nebraska Corn and Soybean Harvest ... More
The best time for soil sampling

The best time for soil sampling

How to get most accurate results.... More
Comedy Host Helps With Harvest.

Comedy Host Helps With Harvest.

Rick Mercer, host of the comedy show ... More
BASF Farm Perspectives Study Results

BASF Farm Perspectives Study Results

BASF describes some of the results from the Farm Perspectives Study which asked farmers and consumers about agriculture.... More
Eight-Way Cover Crop Mix

Eight-Way Cover Crop Mix

eight-way cover crop mix no-till drilled after wheat harvest ... More
Soybean Harvest 2014

Soybean Harvest 2014

Thumb of Michigan Soybean Harvest 2014 - Shaw Farms... More
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