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Horticulture Videos

Explore our collection of horticulture videos, including videos on sustainable farming practices, Manitoba Horticulture School, small farms, community gardens, horticulture management and more
Every Bushel Counts

Every Bushel Counts

Join the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute to explore research on low ground pressure traffic systems (tracks vs. tires), grain dry management strategies to improve efficiency, and minimizing combine header loss in sunflowers. This important MCA funded research provides farmers with insig... More
From Seed to Harvest: The Sustainable Journey Inside Our Greenhouse

From Seed to Harvest: The Sustainable Journey Inside Our Greenhouse

Topline Farms is a grower, packer, shipper of greenhouse grown vegetables based in Leamington, ON.... More
Fredericton Research and Development Centre

Fredericton Research and Development Centre

Fredericton Research and Development Centre | | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada... More
Fredericton Research and Development Centre

Fredericton Research and Development Centre

Fredericton Research and Development Centre | | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada... More
This is Way Better than I Thought it Would Be!

This is Way Better than I Thought it Would Be!

This is Way Better than I Thought it Would Be! | | Little Mountain Ranch... More
I Wasn

I Wasn't Expecting This | Not so Good and Really Great!

I Wasn't Expecting This | Not so Good and Really Great! | | Little Mountain Ranch... More
Strategies to Grow Potatoes

Strategies to Grow Potatoes

Canadian farmers grow some of the best in the world... Today, farmers have access to more tools to optimize the quality and quantity of their harvest than ever before. From planting, to pest control, to harvesting, greater access to technology and plant science tools have helped farmers grow... More

K-State Garden Hour: Holiday Horticulture

K-State Garden Hour: Holiday Horticulture

Poinsettias are America's top-selling potted plant and there is no surprise why! They are the perfect Christmas gift and add beauty to any home. Cassie will cover tips on how to care for this festive plant. Join us for Holiday Horticulture to understand how to select and care for the most popula... More
Saving Soils Potato Research -

Saving Soils Potato Research - '24 Plot Shot 07

Lewis Baarda is out with the new two-row potato planter to get spuds in the ground at Farming Smarter! This was the last push to wrap up seeding for our one of our first potato research trials. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project!... More
Follow the Farmers - Potatoes

Follow the Farmers - Potatoes

We are taking students out to southern Manitoba to Hespler Farms! Farmer Wayne will teach students how he plants and cares for his potato crop and why potatoes are such a unique crop to grow! This livestream was made with support from our partners Peak of the Market and Penner Farm Services.... More
Follow the Potato Farmer

Follow the Potato Farmer

We are taking students out to southern Manitoba to Hespler Farms! Farmer Wayne will teach students how he plants and cares for his potato crop and why potatoes are such a unique crop to grow. Teachers, check out your AITC Dashboard for Math'd Potatoes, a potato-themed classroom resource to pa... More
New Research Potato Planter -

New Research Potato Planter - '24 Plot Shots 04

Lewis Baarda and the Field Operations crew took our new research potato planter into the field to work out the kinks and get it ready for our upcoming potato trials. After a morning of tweaks, it's ready to go - stay tuned for more potato content!... More

Solynta's True-Seed Breakthrough revolutionizing potatoes

Seed World U.S. editor Aimee Nielson interviewed Solynta's director of strategic alliances and business development Charles Miller at the American Seed Trade Assocation's Vegetable and Flower Conference in Monterey, California. Miller highlighted how Solynta is leading the charge in agricultural... More
Moving Ag Research Forward Through Collaboration

Moving Ag Research Forward Through Collaboration

Private and public researchers are working together to leverage their expertise to push forward agricultural research.... More
Aprovia in Vegetables

Aprovia in Vegetables

Dave Jefferson, Horticulture Specialist with Syngenta, talks about how Aprovia can fit on your vegetable crop.... More
Predicting Weather with the Farmer’s Almanac

Predicting Weather with the Farmer’s Almanac

The Farmers’ Almanac and Old Farmer’s Almanac have been around for centuries. The two journals use secret formulas using climatology, solar science and meteorology to make long-range weather forecasts. For years those working agriculture have turned to the almanacs for answers for insight into u... More
Using Weather Forecasts to Grow a Crop

Using Weather Forecasts to Grow a Crop

Growing a crop isn’t easy. There’s a lot of variables involved, a major one being weather. And while you can’t control weather, you can use weather forecasts to help you make informed decisions regarding your crop. This could include application of insecticide, herbicide or fungicide treatments,... More
Sugar Beet Inter-row Seeding Part 2 - 14

Sugar Beet Inter-row Seeding Part 2 - 14

In this follow-up on our inter-row cropped sugar beets trial, it's a race for sunlight between the sugar beets and our inter-row crops! As the beets grow, their canopies are closing and our inter-row crops have just began to sprout. Will the inter-row crops survive until harvest or will they ... More
Beautiful Garden Harvest and High-tunnel Jungle | Broccoli Salad | Garlic- Carrot Sauerkraut

Beautiful Garden Harvest and High-tunnel Jungle | Broccoli Salad | Garlic- Carrot Sauerkraut

Today I got to spend some time in the garden harvesting and enjoying the beauty of it. After I was done with that, I made some amazing Sauerkraut and my favourite broccoli salad. I hope you enjoy coming along with me. Thanks for watching!... More
BIGGEST Harvest of the Year! | A Year

BIGGEST Harvest of the Year! | A Year's Worth of Onions, Best I've Ever Grown

Today, I harvested a year's worth of onions and celery and some tomatoes and apples for good measure. It was my biggest harvest so far this year, and even though I was feeling a bit under the weather, I loved every minute of it. I hope you enjoy coming along with me.... More
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