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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: Pink Lambs!

Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: Pink Lambs!

Yes, we had pink lambs at Ewetopia Farms today! Not only that, we got little Peanut, our 1 pound lamb, a nice outfit to keep her warm. As we go through the barns, I explain why you want your ewes to have feminine heads. In the next barn, we discuss how sheep mimicking each other contributes to ... More
Avian Influenza Expands Its Reach

Avian Influenza Expands Its Reach

This week, the number of cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza accelerated in commercial flocks, impacting several Midwestern states.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, continues his modern genetic prediction series.... More
HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) in Kansas

HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) in Kansas

Dr. Justin Smith, Animal Health Commissioner for the Kansas Department of Agriculture, discusses the confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Kansas.... More
How-To: Foot Scoring Cattle

How-To: Foot Scoring Cattle

Guidelines and examples explaining how to foot score your cattle to improve the accuracy of your genetic evaluation.... More
Using The Available Data To Predict Transmission Routes Of Pathogens In Pig Farms, With Dr. Machado

Using The Available Data To Predict Transmission Routes Of Pathogens In Pig Farms, With Dr. Machado

Understanding how animals get infected and the main routes of some diseases is essential to prevent and combat some of those diseases. Dr. Machado talked about how he works to try to figure out some disease routes. Interesting, right?... More
Unloading Baby Pigs & Loading Out Feeder

Unloading Baby Pigs & Loading Out Feeder's

Unloading Baby Pigs & Loading Out Feeder Pigs: In this one the boys start it off by unloading 1,100 weaner pigs off the truck into Site 3. Next the boys count up and sort all the fresh bacon seeds, then it’s time to hang a barn heater to warm up the pigs. Finally the boys load out 3 loads of fee... More

The use of different types of fiber in pig nutrition, with Dr. Kathryn Price

The use of different types of fiber in pig nutrition, with Dr. Kathryn Price

Do you know which type of fiber can help and stimulate the pig’s gut? Watch this video and get an explanation from Dr. Price of the different types of fiber in pigs’ diets. And then let us know your thoughts on it!... More
How can vets and producers facilitate the disease modeling in pigs? with Dr. Gustavo Machado

How can vets and producers facilitate the disease modeling in pigs? with Dr. Gustavo Machado

Dr. Machado talks about the pieces that are still missing and that could help them discover the diseases’ routes. How do you think we could improve this data?... More
How to identify Canadian eggs

How to identify Canadian eggs

Our farmers are proud to provide Canadians with access to fresh, local, high-quality eggs that are produced to world-class food safety and animal welfare standards. Discover three ways to identify Canadian eggs at your local grocery store and on your favourite restaurant menus.... More
A Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer

A Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer

We made a fun little video for Canada Agriculture Day, to show kids what goes on in a dairy farm. I had fun interviewing Erik Leach and Chantelle Leslie- Leach, owners of Alluviellea Farm in Micksburg, Cobden, Ontario.... More
EWE make me smile | a new lamb, a sheep milking machine, and ONE shepherd in LOVE

EWE make me smile | a new lamb, a sheep milking machine, and ONE shepherd in LOVE

We had our FIRST OFFICIAL LAMB!! A perfect mama, except she should have had two lambs with how much milk she's carrying... I thought I'd give her a hand and pump off some excess with my Udderly EZ milk machine I bought last year and completely forgot about!!... More
Wild Pig Impacts on Agriculture

Wild Pig Impacts on Agriculture

Wild pigs cause tremendous damage within many agricultural sectors including row crops, pastures, and livestock production. Check out our video for more on this topic!... More
Dealing with Wild Pig Pests on the Farm

Dealing with Wild Pig Pests on the Farm

Farmers are used to dealing with insect pest and small furry rodents, but how about wild pigs? Now, this is a more common issue in some areas more than others; nonetheless, pigs can wreak a lot of havoc in vineyards, orchards and field crops, so exploring your management options is key. Watch t... More
Livestock Markets | Elliott Dennis

Livestock Markets | Elliott Dennis

UNL livestock economist Elliott Dennis gives us his insights on the potential problems posed with Avian Flu. Plus hear Elliott’s take on the recent cattle on feed report.... More
Chaos In The Barn!!!

Chaos In The Barn!!!

You never know what you are going to find when you get to the barn in the morning! Join Jeff as he arrives at the barn to find sheep loose and making a mess everywhere! Watch as he deals with the mayhem and tries to get things back in order!... More
Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: New Creep Pen For Lambs

Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: New Creep Pen For Lambs

Today was the day we took down the dividing wall between the first two groups of Suffolk lambs. We reconfigured their half of the barn so that there is now on large creep area at the front of the barn.... More
Automation in Dairy Farming - Virtual Dairy Barn Tour

Automation in Dairy Farming - Virtual Dairy Barn Tour

In this video Dustin Kunkel gives us a tour of his newly built dairy barn. This video was originally presented as part of the 2022 Northern Ontario Ag Conference.... More
Wild Boar Control

Wild Boar Control

Nicholas Fevelo - Here are a few non lethal methods for controlling wild boar from electric fencing to scent based deterrents to permanent fencing. More
Avian Influenza | Dr. Roger Dudley

Avian Influenza | Dr. Roger Dudley

Nebraska State Veterinarian Dr. Roger Dudley Stopped by this week to discuss the recent confirmation of HPAI in Nebraska and what to do if you suspect contact.... More
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