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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, has an overview of the markets and how the current situation affects both producers and consumers.... More
 Value of Producer Education

Value of Producer Education

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association takes pride in being a leading source of producer education - and Cattlemen's College is famous for its stimulating and thought-provoking sessions that always draw a crowd.... More
How Can We Build Better Cattle

How Can We Build Better Cattle

Bob Weaber discusses how genetic improvement and top-notch management can combine to create long term success on your beef cattle operation.... More
The importance of pigs getting the diet, with Dr. Dean Boyd

The importance of pigs getting the diet, with Dr. Dean Boyd

Dr. Boyd talks about the pigs’ diet and the importance of guaranteeing they get what they need to maintain their requirements. Watch this video and comment: what's the most important diet for the pigs?... More
Bo Williams: How well are you balancing your branched chain amino acids in the pigs

Bo Williams: How well are you balancing your branched chain amino acids in the pigs' diet?

The NRC has recommended amino acid requirements that help us balance our diets accordingly, but we must also pay attention to not only which nutrients are deficient, but also which nutrients are in excess. In today's talk with Clayton Chastain, Bo Williams discusses his study where he increased ... More
The Cost of farm direct meat. Pork edition

The Cost of farm direct meat. Pork edition

We got out pork back and crunched the numbers.... More
National Pork Board 2022 Priorities | Bill Even, CEO

National Pork Board 2022 Priorities | Bill Even, CEO

The National Pork Board is focused on five goals in 2022, which are all based on strengthening collaboration with partners across the industry.... More

2022 REGIONAL MANAGER INTERNSHIP - with the American Angus Association

2022 REGIONAL MANAGER INTERNSHIP - with the American Angus Association

The American Angus Association’s field services team is offering a fall internship designed to enhance a student’s abilities to build effective relationships, craft a promotional strategy, and learn about the Angus business and cattle industry as a whole.... More
Bull Breeding Soundness Exams

Bull Breeding Soundness Exams

K-State beef specialist Sandy Johnson explains what to look for in your next bull breeding soundness exam (BSE).... More


Alberta Ranch - We find a little surprise in the heifer pen, cut some wood, and prepare for war with the elk once again.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, has advice on weighing genetics options when selecting a bull.... More
Turkey-farm study finds Salmonella Infantis prevalent

Turkey-farm study finds Salmonella Infantis prevalent

Research studying Salmonella in turkey production found Salmonella Infantis to be by far the dominant serotype — recorded in over a quarter of positive results.... More
Livestock Markets | Brad Kooima

Livestock Markets | Brad Kooima

Commodities Broker, Kooima Kooima Varilek Trading Inc., Brad Koomia joins us to talk about the short and long term factors of the Livestock Trades.... More
Escapey on straw day!

Escapey on straw day!

Sask dairy Life - Escapey on straw day!... More
Emerging Disease: Congestive Heart Failure In Fed Cattle

Emerging Disease: Congestive Heart Failure In Fed Cattle

Warren Rusche, SDSU Extension Feedlot Specialist, interviewed Brian Vander Ley, University of Nebraska, at the 2021 Range Beef Cow Symposium in Rapid City, SD, on November 16, 2021.... More
Everything Equine

Everything Equine

Kris Hiney, OSU Extension equine specialist, compares snaffle bits to curb bits.... More
Biden Gives First State of the Union Amid Crisis in Ukraine

Biden Gives First State of the Union Amid Crisis in Ukraine

After a week and a half of fighting, the Russian military continues to capture ground. Ukrainian forces - including civilians - are pushing back but it appears to be just delaying the inevitable. There were 44 million people living in this agricultural superpower but some have fled. President Bi... More
Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: It

Sheep Farming At Ewetopia Farms: It's A Lamb Storm!

Sheep farming at Ewetopia Farms has become extremely busy over the last 48 hours. It seems all our sheep have decided to have their lambs at the same time. Just when we think "that was the last one", another one goes into labour.... More
Find out how cattle are raised in Ontario

Find out how cattle are raised in Ontario

Emma Butler is a full-time wife, mother, farmer and entrepreneur from Croton, Ontario. She and her husband Josh raise beef, lamb, chicken, and crops as well as own and operate their on-farm retail store, J&E Meats.... More
Growing out our chickens in the greenhouse over the winter

Growing out our chickens in the greenhouse over the winter

When our brooder room gets full, we need somewhere to put the chickens to grow out, so this year, since we got our greenhouse house up, we figured this would be a great place for them.... More
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