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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Small Farms Introduction to Pasture Pork Part 4

Small Farms Introduction to Pasture Pork Part 4

Tony Nye, Clinton County Ag & Natural Resources Educator, gives a comprehensive overview of how to get started with a small scale pasture pork operation.... More
Raising Low Stress Stocker Cattle

Raising Low Stress Stocker Cattle

Every segment of the beef industry works hard to maintain a healthy herd but the stocker segment is known specifically for its ability to manage stressed cattle. We’ve got a look at the steps one Texas operator takes to set his cattle up for success.... More
Saskatchewan Snow Beef

Saskatchewan Snow Beef

A tender cut of local pride. Ian Crosbie from Benbie Holsteins shares his innovative story of how Saskatchewan Snow Beef was created on his family farm. Unique to Saskatchewan, Ian describes Saskatchewan snow beef being the result of crossbreeding full blood wagyu genetics with the Holstein gene... More
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Awareness

Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Awareness

There have been reported cases of Venezuelan equine encephalitis in Mexico recently. Kris Hiney says though this virus could make its way to Oklahoma, there is a vaccine available to keep your horses safe.... More
First Time Out To Pasture

First Time Out To Pasture

We are moving our angus holstein crosses outside on pasture for the first time. I set up temporary electric fencing to allow for daily moves. The managed grazing regenerates the soil and improves the environment. I plan to raise the bulls as grass fed beef instead of selling the calves for veal.... More
200+ Lambs. Sheep Farm Vlog # 7

200+ Lambs. Sheep Farm Vlog # 7

This video shows the inside of our sheep coverall where we have just lambed 200 baby lambs. It's Spring here in Ontario, Canada and the temperature is suitable for lambing to take place inside the two coverall barns.... More
Value of Data and Planning to a Cattle Operation

Value of Data and Planning to a Cattle Operation

Cattle producers need to constantly evaluate every aspect of their business to ensure they are profitable and sustainable. We show you how McGinn Angus in East Tennessee is using careful research, planning, and data plus New Holland equipment to reach its goals.... More

Hoof Trimming, Dirt Work, and Rehabbing a Cow!

Hoof Trimming, Dirt Work, and Rehabbing a Cow!

SaskDutch Kid - Hoof Trimming, Dirt Work, and Rehabbing a Cow!... More
Why it Pays to Conduct Regular Water-quality Checkups

Why it Pays to Conduct Regular Water-quality Checkups

Water is as important for the growth and health of pigs as feed. As such, it makes sense to test a hog unit’s water just as frequently as the feed, according to Jim Kober, DVM, water quality-consultant, Holland, Michigan.... More
World Pork Expo 2021 - Pork Industry Trends Interview with Britt Roman of Munters

World Pork Expo 2021 - Pork Industry Trends Interview with Britt Roman of Munters

World Pork 2021 was the first year back after a two-year hiatus. 2019 was canceled due to the prevalent ASF or African Swine Fever, and 2020 was canceled due to the pandemic.... More
Gilt selection – indoor breeding

Gilt selection – indoor breeding

Gilt selection – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
"Progrow - taking pork production to the next level" - Hans Ulrik Jensen

"Progrow - taking pork production to the next level" - Hans Ulrik Jensen

At this FREE Web Conference by Swine it, we bring together the smart-farming suppliers that are transforming the swine industry with the 5.0 revolution. Meet the cutting-edge technologies that are a part of the future of our industry.... More
Ottawa Egg Grading Station

Ottawa Egg Grading Station

Learn about how your eggs get from farm to grocery store with this tour of a local Ottawa egg grading station!... More
Sheep Farming: Setting Up Breeding Groups

Sheep Farming: Setting Up Breeding Groups

Getting the barn setup for our first two breeding groups of Canadian Suffolk Sheep. Shows how we arrange the pens, bringing the rams over, and introducing the rams to the ewes.... More
Dairy Farming Forward - High Canadian Standards

Dairy Farming Forward - High Canadian Standards

Canadian dairy farmers proudly meet some of the most stringent standards in the world, including the 42 food safety requirements set by our national quality program.... More
Sheep Farming: Moving June Group...Again!

Sheep Farming: Moving June Group...Again!

Had to move the June group of ewes and lambs today in preparation for Suffolk breeding groups which will be starting soon!... More
How important is farm drainage in Ontario?

How important is farm drainage in Ontario?

In this video, we reveal the importance of tile drainage in Ontario. This tomato field has been significantly damaged from too much rainfall. 8 to 10 inches of rain fell in early July on this farm over a period of 10 days. This farm does not have sufficient drainage and it is not.... More
Periodic IBV PCR Testing is Key to Ensuring Vaccination Efficacy

Periodic IBV PCR Testing is Key to Ensuring Vaccination Efficacy

Complexes should regularly evaluate the infectious bronchitis viruses (IBV) prevalent on their farms to help determine which vaccines can provide the best protection possible.... More
Baxter Black

Baxter Black

Baxter has a poem for those praying for rain.... More
SCOTUS declines challenge to Prop 12

SCOTUS declines challenge to Prop 12

Those pushing back against Proposition 12, the California law which requires more living space for food animals, were given another sign that the law is still on track to go into effect on January 1, 2022.... More
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