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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Getting ready for the chicks

Getting ready for the chicks

Getting the chicken barns ready! The Ag Bros are Jim, Tom and Eric Schuurmans. We are a dairy, poultry and grain farm in Ontario, Canada... More
Sheep Farming: Suffolk Rams - What We Look For

Sheep Farming: Suffolk Rams - What We Look For

This is just a quick glimpse of some of our Suffolk rams that we randomly catch to show you some of the traits to look for in an adult Suffolk ram. This just touches on a few conformation points many of which apply to all breeds of sheep and others which have to do with Suffolk type.... More
Hog Market Analysis

Hog Market Analysis

Iowa State Extension Livestock Economist, dissects the USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report. Lee also talks about how volatility in the grain markets is impacting producer feeding decisions.... More
Managing Cattle in Summer

Managing Cattle in Summer

Nebraska Extension Educator Erin Laborie explains how hot temperatures, high humidity and light winds can cause problems for cattle.... More
Breeding Sows

Breeding Sows

Farmer Dan farms pigs and cash crops with his wife Janet, kids Hannah, Dominic, Aaron, Anthony, Jordan and Kate, and parents Matt and Fran in southwestern Ontario Canada.... More
Selling The First Cut Of Pigs At The New Hog Barn

Selling The First Cut Of Pigs At The New Hog Barn

Loading The First Cut Of Pigs At The New Hog Barn- In this one the boys start off the day loading out first cuts at Sawyer’s new hog barn. Then it’s on to selling a load of beans for some cash.... More
Pace of innovation in the swine industry - Dr. Amy Maschhoff

Pace of innovation in the swine industry - Dr. Amy Maschhoff

Pace of innovation in the swine industry - Dr. Amy Maschhoff | Swine it... More

Piglet management – indoor breeding

Piglet management – indoor breeding

Piglet management – indoor breeding | AHDB Pork... More
Header Swap And Cutting Hay!

Header Swap And Cutting Hay!

SaskDutch Kid - Header Swap And Cutting Hay!... More
Lambing Update And The Organic Farmers Battle With Weeds!

Lambing Update And The Organic Farmers Battle With Weeds!

We are at the end of our spring lambing and are learning what may be the cause of some of our lambing problems! We have a couple ewes to go and then we can focus on growing these lambs to market weight!... More
Silaging First Cut Alfalfa!

Silaging First Cut Alfalfa!

SaskDutch Kid - Silaging First Cut Alfalfa!... More
Meet the Wollmann Family One of Our Hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers Farm Families

Meet the Wollmann Family One of Our Hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers Farm Families

We're very pleased to share a day in a life of the Wollmann family, one of our hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers farm families. Watch and learn how they take pride in providing fellow Manitobans with a nutritious source of local protein year-round.... More
Thank you, NEXT.?? | LAMBS EVERYWHERE!!!?? | Summer Lambing 2021

Thank you, NEXT.?? | LAMBS EVERYWHERE!!!?? | Summer Lambing 2021

On to the 'official' day two of lambing... AND WE ARE HALF DONE!!!... More
A cost-effective alternative to treat and control a broad range of diseases in swine

A cost-effective alternative to treat and control a broad range of diseases in swine

Megan Schnur, Swine Technical Services Veterinarian at Norbrook, tells how Norbrook's research based solutions to generic pharmaceuticals makes their products more convenient and cost effective.... More
New technology in blend and phase feeding to accomplish nutritionals goals of pigs

New technology in blend and phase feeding to accomplish nutritionals goals of pigs

Dr. Hyatt Frobose, USA Commercial Director at Jyga Technologies tell us about their Gestal Evo System which combines feed intake and blended feed to optimize nutritional goals. Dr. Frobose shows us how their unique feeding system for sows that manages the individual animals diet and streamline l... More
Leading the way in sustainability through innovative feeding

Leading the way in sustainability through innovative feeding

Todd Heisterkamp, Executive Director at Crystal Spring Hog Equipment tells us how their patented system improves daily gain while decreasing feed and water waste.... More
Improving your Herd’s Health and Profitability

Improving your Herd’s Health and Profitability

Meet an Elanco veterinarian who not only helps others improve their herd health but also puts many of those techniques to work on his own operation in Indiana.... More
Controlling Horn Flies

Controlling Horn Flies

Nebraska Extension Educator Dave Boxler discusses methods of controlling horn flies in cattle, from pesticides to traps.... More
Sundberg: Ramping up African swine fever preparedness and prevention

Sundberg: Ramping up African swine fever preparedness and prevention

The Swine Health Information Center is trying to close the window on African swine fever (ASF) so the virus doesn’t get into North America, said Paul Sundberg, DVM, executive director of the organization.... More
Measuring temperature of birds’ faces could help identify heat stress in flocks

Measuring temperature of birds’ faces could help identify heat stress in flocks

Use of thermal imaging cameras to measure facial temperatures may offer a non-invasive option for assessing heat stress in commercial broilers, according to research from the University of Arkansas.... More
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