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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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U.S. Meat Export Federation at Work Overseas and U.S. Beef Export Outlook

U.S. Meat Export Federation at Work Overseas and U.S. Beef Export Outlook

The Beef Checkoff helps to increase consumer demand for beef not only here in the U.S. but in countries around the globe.... More
Weekly Market Analysis

Weekly Market Analysis

Scott Brown, University of Missouri Ag Economist, explains the issues producers are facing with poor pasture conditions and higher feed costs. Scott also analyzes how beef demand is looking heading into summer grilling season.... More
Talking Horn Flies

Talking Horn Flies

Justin Talley says horn fly populations are increasing and tells us how we can manage them to limit stress in cattle herds.... More
Grazing Cover Crops

Grazing Cover Crops

On-Farm research participant Ken Herz discusses the impacts and economics of grazing cover crops in a three year non-irrigated rotation.... More
5 Ways to Engage with Pork Checkoff at World Pork Expo

5 Ways to Engage with Pork Checkoff at World Pork Expo

The Pork Checkoff is proud to be a gold sponsor for the 2021 World Pork Expo.... More
Bull Problems

Bull Problems

Alberta Ranch - A little spring snow and a stubborn bull. Bull Problems... More
The importance of biosecurity programs on pig farms - Dr. Larry Rueff

The importance of biosecurity programs on pig farms - Dr. Larry Rueff

The importance of biosecurity programs on pig farms - Dr. Larry Rueff | Swine it... More

How Farmers Use Antibiotics..

How Farmers Use Antibiotics..

Antibiotics In Agriculture - In this one the boys break down how they use antibiotics on the farm. You’ll learn why farmers use antibiotics, how farmers use antibiotics, what type of pigs they treat, and what it means for the meat you eat as the consumer.... More


When we have to round up all the pigs in a group somebody has to go around behind them and get them up and moving into our holding and sorting pens. This has become Carol’s job to do.... More
Keeping pig care simple - Simon Grey

Keeping pig care simple - Simon Grey

Keeping pig care simple - Simon Grey | Swine it... More
Why Do We Have Black Beef Calves On Our Dairy Farm?

Why Do We Have Black Beef Calves On Our Dairy Farm?

My name is Sander van Stee and I am a dairy farmer in Ontario, Canada. I make videos on what I do around the farm and my thoughts on animal welfare. Subscribe to fallow my journey as I try to find ways to improve animal welfare.... More
Getting Switched To Day Time PickUp And Merch!

Getting Switched To Day Time PickUp And Merch!

SaskDutch Kid - Getting Switched To Day Time PickUp And Merch!... More
Inflation Pressures - Pork Supply Chain Disrupters in a Post-COVID World

Inflation Pressures - Pork Supply Chain Disrupters in a Post-COVID World

Dr. Jayson Lusk, Purdue University, was the featured speaker during the May webinar for pork producers. According to Lusk, inflation pressures could impact the pork industry in the next three to five years.... More
BQA Certification

BQA Certification

Jesse Fulton, Extension Educator and Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance, explains the benefits of BQA certification and its place in the beef industry.... More
Building a heated room in the barn and prepping for calving!

Building a heated room in the barn and prepping for calving!

South Sask Farmer - Building a heated room in the barn and prepping for calving!... More
Why it Pays to Conduct Regular Water-Quality Checkups

Why it Pays to Conduct Regular Water-Quality Checkups

Water is as important for the growth and health of pigs as feed. As such, it makes sense to test a hog unit’s water just as frequently as the feed, according to Jim Kober, DVM, water quality-consultant, Holland, Michigan.... More
Congress Looking at Meatpacker Concentration

Congress Looking at Meatpacker Concentration

Congress looking at meatpacker concentration... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Estrus Synchronization

Cow-Calf Corner - Estrus Synchronization

Mark Johnson talks with Dan Stein about the benefits of estrus synchronization.... More
Sheep Farming: Shearing Pregnant Suffolk Sheep

Sheep Farming: Shearing Pregnant Suffolk Sheep

These Suffolk ewes are due to lamb in April. This shows what is involved on shearing day here.... More
This Caused Us To Much Down Time

This Caused Us To Much Down Time

SaskDutch Kid - This Caused Us To Much Down Time... More
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