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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Sheep Farming: Feeding Bottle Lambs

Sheep Farming: Feeding Bottle Lambs

We don't have very many bottle lambs each year so it just isn't practical for us to invest time and thousands of dollars on a milk machine. We have to do it the old fashioned way - by hand. It is not a huge job. We currently have 13 bottle lambs that at the moment are being fed twice a day.... More
Calving Heifers

Calving Heifers

Alberta Ranch - Calving season in Alberta, Canada. Prepare for cuteness.... More
The Critical Points of Compensatory Growth in Pigs - Dr. Mariana Menegat

The Critical Points of Compensatory Growth in Pigs - Dr. Mariana Menegat

The critical points of compensatory growth in pigs - Dr. Mariana Menegat... More
What Does Sustainability Mean to Beef Producers

What Does Sustainability Mean to Beef Producers

It's important to remember that we never really reach the end of the path to sustainability - it's a continuous journey being carried out every day by farmers and ranchers across the U.S.... More
Ranch of the Future

Ranch of the Future

Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory is on the cutting edge of efficient ranch management.... More


After MANY requests from YOU, this community... I FINALLY BOUGHT THIS SHEEP MILK MACHINE! A handy, dandy little hand pump that gently milks those ewes that may have just a bit too much milk right off the start.... More
Egg Farm Virtual Tour - Durham Farm Connections

Egg Farm Virtual Tour - Durham Farm Connections

Join Durham Farm Connections and explore an egg farm with some very informative tour guides in Durham Region, Ontario, Canada. Learn about farm biosecurity, how chicks grow into chickens, the difference between white and brown eggs and more.... More

Cross-protection Vaccine Protocols Key to Limiting DMV/1639 Spread in US Flocks

Cross-protection Vaccine Protocols Key to Limiting DMV/1639 Spread in US Flocks

Thorough vaccination programs and bird surveillance are critical to giving US flocks the best possible chance of protection against evolving strains of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).... More
Calf Shelter

Calf Shelter

Alberta Ranch - We get into an elk fight and bring home some giant calf shelters.... More
Managing Equine Obesity

Managing Equine Obesity

Kris Hiney explains why green forages can contribute to equine obesity.... More
Packer Purchasing Under Scrutiny

Packer Purchasing Under Scrutiny

The price for lean hogs topped live cattle for a time this week as the two similar but different markets worked through higher grain prices and strong demand.... More
Keeping Beef Top of Mind with Consumers

Keeping Beef Top of Mind with Consumers

NCBA and the Beef Checkoff work hard to ensure that when consumers hit the meat case, they choose beef.... More
How will technology change pig production? - Tork Whisler

How will technology change pig production? - Tork Whisler

How will technology change pig production? - Tork Whisler | Swine it... More
How to deal with wean-to-finish mortality - Dr. Larry Rueff

How to deal with wean-to-finish mortality - Dr. Larry Rueff

How to deal with wean-to-finish mortality - Dr. Larry Rueff | Swine it... More
The Golden View Hog Barn - Farrowing Room Tour

The Golden View Hog Barn - Farrowing Room Tour

The farrowing room as Golden View, is almost complete. Turn around farrowing crates (same as Grand River - Golden View). Stainless steel crates made at Golden View Colony. Nooyan flooring is awesome.... More
Weaning Day!

Weaning Day!

We had a busy day in the sow barn. Weaning pigs, moving sows, and washing crates. Now we're ready for the next batch to farrow.... More
Feedyard Friday Manure Sampling

Feedyard Friday Manure Sampling

This is part of the #FeedyardFriday​ series created by the Iowa Beef Center.ISU extension ag engineer Shawn Shouse describes basic manure sampling approaches and reminds producers of the economic importance of knowing your manure values.... More
Vet Scripts - Barber Pole Worm

Vet Scripts - Barber Pole Worm

Dr. Barry Whitworth says new solutions could be on the way soon for treating the barber pole worm that impacts sheep and goats.... More
EASY PEASY, SHEEPY SQUEEZY? | Does this thing really work?

EASY PEASY, SHEEPY SQUEEZY? | Does this thing really work?

Although the day was full of challenges... we worked through them quite well I thought! Finally testing my Lakeland EZ Clamp system with some ewe lambs due for their pre-lambing vaccination and lice treatment!... More
Should I worry about antibiotics and artificial growth hormones in Canadian milk? No!

Should I worry about antibiotics and artificial growth hormones in Canadian milk? No!

All Canadian milk is tested to ensure there is no antibiotics in your dairy products. And… Artificial growth hormones have never been allowed for dairy cows in Canada. After studying the issue during a few years, Health Canada made public their decision to not allow them in January 1999.... More
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