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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
Beef Cattle Videos (1189) ›Dairy Cattle Videos (407) ›
Poultry Farming Videos (293) ›Sheep Farming Videos (179) ›
Swine Videos (1182) ›
FarmFood360° Virtual Reality Beef Farm Tour

FarmFood360° Virtual Reality Beef Farm Tour

In this 360° video tour, you’ll get to tour a working Ontario beef feedlot and learn all about how cattle are cared for, what they eat, where they live, and how beef farmers care for their animals.... More
Cleaning Up Piles Of Solid Manure

Cleaning Up Piles Of Solid Manure

SaskDutch Kid - Cleaning Up Piles Of Solid Manure... More
Vet Scripts

Vet Scripts

In Vet Scripts, Dr. Barry Whitworth explains why this is a good time to talk about prevention and control of anaplasmosis.... More
 Ontario’s Feedlot Cattle Behavioral and Feed Bunk Management Study

Ontario’s Feedlot Cattle Behavioral and Feed Bunk Management Study

Ontario’s Feedlot Cattle Behavioral and Feed Bunk Management Study | Ontario Corn Fed Beef... More
FarmFood360° – Virtual Reality Turkey Farm Tour

FarmFood360° – Virtual Reality Turkey Farm Tour

In this 360° video tour, you’ll get to see inside a working Canadian turkey farm and learn all about how turkeys are cared for, what they eat, where they live, and how Canadian turkey farmers care for their birds. You’ll see birds of different ages in two different types of barns and learn about... More
Are there antibiotics in Alberta milk?

Are there antibiotics in Alberta milk?

With all the uncertainty in the world today, be assured that our commitment to world-class standards has not wavered. Thank you for your continued confidence in our in our local dairy farmers in their dedication to produce some of the highest quality milk in the world. Cheers to you, Alberta.... More

Hawaii's Cattle Production Cycle

We examine the cattle production cycle for producers in Hawaii and how it differs from operations on the mainland.... More

How Can the Pig Industry Work Better with Statisticians?

How Can the Pig Industry Work Better with Statisticians?

Imagine if with a few key concepts you could have the potential to create a massive positive impact for swine producers?... More
My sheep barn got a CHRISTMAS makeover!

My sheep barn got a CHRISTMAS makeover!

THE LAST CLEANOUT BEFORE LAMBING BEGINS!! And this one has some extra Christmas flavour to it.... More


On the road again! In this video, I do a little better job of showing you how I set up my handling system for loading sheep onto the trailer.... More
Life of a Turkey Farm Family

Life of a Turkey Farm Family

Meet Kathryn, Clair and their four daughters Carmyn, Sophia, Charlotte and Adele and hear about their farm family, life on their Canadian turkey farm, and the ways that the girls help their parents with chores.... More
How to Estimate and Adjust Feedstock Moisture for Making Pellets?

How to Estimate and Adjust Feedstock Moisture for Making Pellets?

How to Estimate and Adjust Feedstock Moisture for Making Pellets?... More
Predation Compensation Program

Predation Compensation Program

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation - Report damage to livestock as soon as it occurs, and we'll be there to start your claim.... More
Demand Drivers Bring Opportunity

Demand Drivers Bring Opportunity

Dan Basse, AgResource Company, says agriculture needs to focus on building demand drivers in his global market update at the August 2020 Feeding Quality Forum.... More
Antibiotics and Canadian Chicken: A Whiteboard Video

Antibiotics and Canadian Chicken: A Whiteboard Video

Concerned about antibiotic resistance and use? We are too. Check out this short video we’ve put together to talk about the issue and what chicken farmers are doing about it. And what you can do as well!... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

In Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk explains the science behind flying reindeer.... More
Tyson Managers Fired; Water Lawsuit Challenged

Tyson Managers Fired; Water Lawsuit Challenged

Tyson Foods announced the firing of seven managers at its Waterloo, Iowa plant.... More
Outlook for Cattle | Elliott Dennis

Outlook for Cattle | Elliott Dennis

UNL Livestock Analyst Elliott Dennis looks at the recent movements in the cattle market. Elliott also talks about beef consumption and the USDA’s Cattle on Feed Report.... More
Best of 2020 - Dairy Farming in Saskatchewan

Best of 2020 - Dairy Farming in Saskatchewan

We strive to grow good quality feed for our cows, and provide an excellent environment for all of our cattle to thrive and stay healthy through the changing seasons. We enjoy producing the best kind of milk (real from a cow) and overcoming the challenges faced milking and feeding cows every day ... More

Hawaii's Cattle Ranchers: Producing Local Beef

Just as the Hawaiian landscape is ever-changing, the beef industry is also evolving. We examine the growing focus on raising cattle and producing beef to serve the needs of the people who live in, and those who visit, the islands.... More
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