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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Grazing Supplementation | Karla Wilke

Grazing Supplementation | Karla Wilke

Different cattle have different nutritional needs. Nebraska Extension Range Management Cow/Calf Specialist Karla Wilke discusses the supplementation needs in different classes of grazing cattle.... More
Managing Horses in Winter

Managing Horses in Winter

This week on SUNUP, Kris Hiney offers recommendations for helping horses weather the winter.... More
All About Nutrition in Beef Cattle

All About Nutrition in Beef Cattle

On most Canadian beef farms, beef cows and their calves live on pasture during the spring, summer and fall, eating mostly a grass diet. Then, they generally move into feedlots where they grow until they are ready to go to market.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says trade data indicates a continuing rebound on U.S. exports.... More
Hawaii Cattle Ranchers Are Environmental Stewards of the Islands

Hawaii Cattle Ranchers Are Environmental Stewards of the Islands

For the men and women who lead Hawaii's cattle ranches, the land provides their livelihood. We look at how these stewards of the land work to sustainably raise cattle in order to pass on their ranches to another generation.... More
Serotype, Presentation of IBH Differ in Large and Small Birds

Serotype, Presentation of IBH Differ in Large and Small Birds

More than one serotype has been the cause of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in broilers, which has presented differently in large- and small-bird complexes, Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, of Pilgrim’s, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Dealing with economic risks in pig farming

Dealing with economic risks in pig farming

Dealing with economic risks in pig farming | Swine it... More

The most relevant parameter when analyzing sow productivity

The most relevant parameter when analyzing sow productivity

The most relevant parameter when analyzing sow productivity | Swine it... More
Why Farmers Raise Pigs Inside

Why Farmers Raise Pigs Inside

Why Farmers Raise Animals Inside: In this one the boys move pigs around and get into detail why farmers raise pigs inside vs. raising them outside. Then it’s time to unload the new feeders that are going into the new hog barn.... More
Feeding Cattle

Feeding Cattle

Alberta Ranch - Feeding cows and a fireside chat in Alberta, Canada.... More
Alberta Milk 2019 20 Annual Report

Alberta Milk 2019 20 Annual Report

Alberta Milk - Alberta Milk 2019 20 Annual Report Video... More
Not Making Biosecurity Improvements Can Cost More Than Making Them

Not Making Biosecurity Improvements Can Cost More Than Making Them

Biosecurity ranks high on the list of concerns for swine veterinarians who want hog units tightened up to reduce disease.... More
Facial Cattle Recognition App Research

Facial Cattle Recognition App Research

K-State animal science, KC Olson explains his new cattle facial recognition app research project for cattle traceability.... More
A Case for Batch Farrowing

A Case for Batch Farrowing

It appears batch farrowing is making a comeback, according to John Deen, DVM, PhD, distinguished global professor at the University of Minnesota.... More

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! (Sheep improving after LISTERIOSIS!!)

As the saying goes, you win some... you lose some. It's been a challenging week trying to save two ewes that went down with listeriosis... And on day 6, we finally see some hope!!... More
Life of a Beef Farm Family

Life of a Beef Farm Family

In this video, you’re going to meet beef farmers Trevor and Lorraine, their son Ryan, daughter-in-law Allison and granddaughters Anna and Paige. This cow/calf farm in Ontario has been in this family (which also includes brother Scott and his family) for six generations – since 1840.... More
Better Focus, Better Future

Better Focus, Better Future

CattleFax CEO Randy Blach shares where the industry has been and where it’s going in remarks at the 2020 Feeding Quality Forum. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association. Visit or for more information.... More
Harvesting a Market Cow

Harvesting a Market Cow

Nebraska Youth Meats Extension Educator Brianna Buseman shares five things people should consider before harvesting a market animal at home.... More
Regenerative Dairy Highlight

Regenerative Dairy Highlight

Highlights from the Fall Field Day with Upper Canada Creamery, a certified organic dairy farm that uses their milk to produce top quality grass-fed dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese. Located in Iroquois, Ontario, this dairy farm takes unique approaches to production and management... More
Pressure Canning Fish

Pressure Canning Fish

Manitoba Agriculture - Pressure Canning Fish... More
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