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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Communication between the pork industry and consumers

Communication between the pork industry and consumers

Communication between the pork industry and consumers | Swine it... More
Benchmarking helps to improve pig business performance - Dr. Steve Pollmann

Benchmarking helps to improve pig business performance - Dr. Steve Pollmann

Benchmarking helps to improve pig business performance - Dr. Steve Pollmann | Swine it... More
Finishing Up Concrete For Our New Hog Barn

Finishing Up Concrete For Our New Hog Barn

Finishing Up Pouring Concrete For Our New Hog Barn- In this one the building package shows up for the carpenters, while the dirt work crew finishes up backfilling around the hog barn. Finally the concrete crew shows up and pours the last few things for the barn.... More
This Cow Had Twins / PULLING OFF CALF!

This Cow Had Twins / PULLING OFF CALF!

SaskDutch Kid - This Cow Had Twins / PULLING OFF CALF!... More
When to Put Cattle on Wheat

When to Put Cattle on Wheat

Ryan Reuter explains why producers should ease cattle onto wheat pasture and how to tell when to do it.... More
Foot Score Partnership with Angus Australia and the Canadian Angus Association

Foot Score Partnership with Angus Australia and the Canadian Angus Association

The American Angus Association® introduces the first ever partnership with Angus Australia and the Canadian Angus Association to combine foot score phenotypes from all three databases.... More
Manitoba Pork Chair George Matheson discusses the 2020 fall producer meetings

Manitoba Pork Chair George Matheson discusses the 2020 fall producer meetings

MBPorkfan - Manitoba Pork Chair George Matheson discusses the 2020 fall producer meetings... More

DMC Signup Under Way

DMC Signup Under Way

NMPF Senior Vice President of Communications Alan Bjerga discusses the benefits of the Dairy Margin Coverage program and its importance in what's expected to be a volatile dairy economy, on RFD-TV.... More
Cattle & Oak Trees

Cattle & Oak Trees

Dave Lalman explains why tannic acid in oak leaves and acorns can be toxic in cattle. He also has a reminder for producers about the Rancher’s Thursday Lunchtime Series.... More
Fighting Lice with Clean Up II

Fighting Lice with Clean Up II

As the cooler weather starts to set in, cattlemen and women should begin planning their treatment programs for external parasites. We'll take a look at a great product that can help you manage lice on your operation.... More
Vet Scripts - Toxic Forages

Vet Scripts - Toxic Forages

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about possible toxic reactions for livestock who may digest downed trees and limbs from the ice storm.... More
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Livestock Producers

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for Livestock Producers

If you commercially raise animals for food, fur, fiber or feathers, you may be eligible for assistance through USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2.... More
Consider Predominance of AL-2 Variants when Planning IBDV Vaccination Program

Consider Predominance of AL-2 Variants when Planning IBDV Vaccination Program

The AL-2 family of variants is the predominant strain of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) circulating among US broiler flocks, according to a recent survey — a finding that should be considered when planning IBDV vaccination programs, Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM, director of clinical research,... More
Ontario Dairy Research Centre 360º Tour: Lactating Cow Housing

Ontario Dairy Research Centre 360º Tour: Lactating Cow Housing

See how automated Insentec feeders help researchers design powerful and complex research programs on topics like feed efficiency and its relationship to milk production. Take an interactive 360º tour of the lactating cow housing area at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre in Elora, Ontario.... More
Cattle Temperament | Jamie Parham

Cattle Temperament | Jamie Parham

Neogen Corporation Beef Product Manager Jamie Parham explains the six-point chute scoring system and why it’s useful in assessing cattle temperament.... More
Washington Dairy Workers to Earn Overtime Pay

Washington Dairy Workers to Earn Overtime Pay

Last week, workers and how much they get paid after 40 hours in a week were at the center of a court ruling in Washington State.... More
Leadership Amid Change

Leadership Amid Change

John Grimes reflects on his tenure as the 2020 Certified Angus Beef brand’s board chairman. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
Why should we care about pig health? - Bradley Eckberg

Why should we care about pig health? - Bradley Eckberg

Why should we care about pig health? - Bradley Eckberg | Swine it... More
How USDA and NCBA Work Together on Behalf of the Beef Industry

How USDA and NCBA Work Together on Behalf of the Beef Industry

Greg Ibach, USDA's Undersecretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, explains some of the ways the Department of Agriculture has worked with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association to support farmers and ranchers all across the country.... More
Changes to Transport Regulations

Changes to Transport Regulations

Swine transport regulations have changed. This update, presented by Manitoba Pork, will explain those changes, including record keeping, transport durations and requirements for ‘compromised’ and ‘unfit’ pigs.... More
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